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The Missing Pattern EC System Put To Inside Music!

Started by Chrisbis, Aug 20, 01:40 PM 2011

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Keep on fire Chris.Just a question.How many games and how many units gained so far? :question:


prob 110 games or so now.
Profit is at +7300 units
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!



QuoteDo You have one for 4 inside numbers @0.02?
Someone else just asked me.

You can tell him to use the progression calculator at link:://:.loothog.com/Systems/prog.html. Just entering 2$ starting bet and turn the decimal point on the results 2 steps to the left (pe a 2 becomes a 0,02 so). So you can calculate every progression you want.
Hope, that helps.
Btw, very impressive results! :o


Latest 12 game results- full card of WINNERS!!

An interesting twist to these results that I know will please some ppl.
The (24)** in the Notation card/file is the Item in question.
I'm not going to say what the interest was, but U can PM me if U really want to know, and are following this interesting story!
Here's the Results of the UK VOTING PANEL for Monday 05 September @21.00 GMT.

Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


New results with 4 inside numbers played at Double the original rate. 12 games
0.02 unit bet rate on those marked with a *
(apologies for the two missing Groups on the Top set of game results, I only just noticed they have scrolled off the Notepad page. I have corrected the 'Saved' file now!
Normal service will be resumed after these few short messages!! lol
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


First Major loss in many many games.
This game is NOT Bullet Proof, but we all knew that anyways! LoL
[reveal]I'm not crying- NO![reveal]Boo, Hoo!!!  :'([/reveal][/reveal]

I would not go beyond a certain point with the 5 inside number Group sequence, and hence "Stopped" betting with the progression.

I halted the progression at level 25, tho because I carried on playing the same set of inside numbers, they actually went on to win only a couple of levels later, @ level 27, but as we all know, Hind-sight is a wonderful thing!

I re-grouped, continued on with the same EC Group (5 inside numbers), but at the level 1 restart position, and regained some of the loss.
I also have to point out, that I have not quite finished working out an extended 5 inside number group progression list, so i was in a sense, playing BLIND.
At the mo, my 5 number bet progression, only goes to my max - 25 levels deep.

In my opinion, its always going to be the 5 number sequence, that will claw back some of your profit...
If U let it!!

Here's the game session.
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!




Full "Vehicle" recovery operation in progress!

12 new games, all winners. Half the loss recovery is now complete.

Oh, and for a certain Young Man, who wears his pants on the OUTSIDE of his inside numbers.....
[reveal]Was 200 spins for 12 games, earning 5.44 Euro.[reveal]Hi Superman![/reveal][/reveal]

Crash barriers now being rebuilt as we speak (U read! LoL )
Here is the Betting "Slip". (note the LOW progression values (Relatively)!) Nice work if You can get it!)
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


2Nd half of Recovery Now complete.

12 more games, 175 spins, producing 3.74  Euro Profit
I am now ahead of my previous Peak Cash.
That Whole recovery, of something like 9.00 Euros, took me 2 hours.

I think the strength of any system, must be measured by several criteria, and ONE of those,
is the ability to recover well, wen your "stop-loss" limits have been reached.
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Slight change to proceedings for this next test results (although, just so U the reader know, I am playing with REAL money!)

I know, that the future of any RNG bet will be how it sustains its self, in continuous play.
That is, not HIT & RUN.
RNG continuous play, can in my own opinion, be quite a devil to beat, in that I believe, the results/spins start to change MATHEMATICALLY in favour of the CASINO, as U play longer and longer in ONE CONTINUOUS session.

That said, all the other results have been, (with the above in mind), from short runs of games, where-after I have closed the RNG program, posted my results/screen shots etc, and then gone back into the Casino program, and continue with FRESH number crunching.

I'm under no illusions, that, that's what I am doing, when "Playing" Roulette at an RNG suite-
just number crunching.
What we/I have to find, is HOW to crunch those number very effectively, to get the H Gof results...
which is more wins than loses.
And I think of H Gthat way now-a-days.....................Win More/Lose Less.
As against True H Gwhich would be the Nirvana of all play..... WIN ALWAYS!

So, the next two screen shots, is my first attempt, at a little continuous play.
Part 1 is upto 183 spins and is 12 games, achieving Euro 4.79 clear profit.
Part 2 is spin 184 to spin 359, but due to a mis-calculation on my part (I was playing double upon base unit chip value, and the progression got the better of it, and the payback did not compute well at all. Need design new progression list/array, for more aggressive profit taking.)..anyway, it only mad an additional Euro 1.17 after recouping the mis-calc loses.

But it did show me, in some small measure, that continuous play is possible, if not a little arduous on the elbows, wrists, and eye strain! LoL
Here's the 2 game sessions. at the end of Part 2, I did manage to squeeze a 13th game onto the Notepad file, since I thought Group BOL was just starting to warm up from a late summer solstice, but in the end it didn't, and I had to go to level 15 to get my final win.
Lesson learn on chasing the Buxom women there......................Don't........../..........Do it.
(I'll let U read that how ever U want to !! LoL)
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Well, we all knew what was coming didn't we!

Super horrendous loses starting to invade the betting arena!!

Bets now going off the scale, as the progression list won't cope with the volume of Mis Hits.

Even when I tried to estimate the +52 levels, its looks like RNG can, and will take U all the way.
If tracking is long/lengthy, before the Betting Point, then there's a chance of a decent win, but if the betting opportunity comes within say 8/9/10 start up spins, then You are going to be in for a tough ride.
Longest progression I have had since last night is level 63.

That is unsustainable.

Sorry folks, testing over.

But the ride was excellent.
I have done a video, if anyone is interested, in how to play this game.
Its is a game though. Please, everyone, don't put your shirt on it...............it was just an idea.
The time line says it all.  :wink:

PM me anyone who wants more info on this 'Game'. be glad to help anyone with all questions.
or email chrisbis36@yahoo.com

Need a new project now.
Apart from the Obvious Morphing that goes on, I think teasing testing, is now over.

Cheers all.
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Can't get why you have stopped playing it if the games were so good and profitable?
By the way,would like to get more results of your "Game".


Hi chrisbis,
I've been following with interest... Sorry to hear of the collapse!
Maybe can still work with the EC betting way; small stakes; new progression?
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


hi there chris, sorry to hear about your loss. Mm maybe 1 possible tweak would be to play the bet selection for 4 numbers for about 9 spins b4 looking for a new trigger?? . And maybe 5 numbers for say 7 spins?

