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Started by Chrisbis, Aug 20, 01:40 PM 2011

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Well i think i'll let it ride tonight on BV fun mode just to see how it goes.I really don't trust it  :-\  but what the hell maybe if i see something i like i can be tempted ::)


Tempting It may be.
Winning for me, it IS!
More FABULOUS results from the UK!! Highest Prog= level 13
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


The Fight continues against the Machine!!
I will conquer her/him/it.....
More results from BV NZ and the EC v Inside numbers game.
Time for coffee now...... but I won't call it a coffee break...........for obvious reasons!! LoL

Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Well there was just time to get 9 more winning games in before the servers go down for cooling
with a wet fish at Bet Voyager. Maintenance they call it!! huh!
But I know what really goes on in these establishments!!

Anyway, for those who are interested, there's a lesson to be learnt from my latest results.

And that lesson is......................CONCENTRATION!

I was tracking the third game, and missed my bet point, so then, keeping to the same betting EC Group, I had to endure 21 levels of progression, whereas I would have won at Level 1, if i had been concentrating better.
More coffee I think eh chaps!
Still, if the BV servers go down, I will have time to fully wake up, and enjoy plenty of coffee.
Going to have day off work today, and try and ascertain the "Earn Rate" of this game at BV NZ.

I'm guessing 5-8 Euro's per hour dependent on Progressions and how quick tracking is upto the Betting Point.
Here's the last set of results, including my 'c***-up' on the tracking!
Its the 'dot' before the Betting Point Open brackets that shows where I "Over Cooked" the tracking!
Still won tho.
Enjoy.  :wink:
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


New Day, New Dawn.
12 games in 31 minutes.
Profit= 245 units
Highest Progression Used= level 20
Lowest         "              "   = level 1

Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Text file only of 12 games in 31 minutes.
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Another set of results.
I hope someone is keeping a count!
These were "Smashing" results!! lol

Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


The speed test analysis on the 12 games in 31 minutes,
produces an "Earn Rate" of approx Euro 4.75/hour.
All depends of course, on Tracking Time, and how long it takes to get to the Betting Point.

There-after, if u get Low level of Progression 'absorption', then Ur "Earn Rate" will substantially increase.

Need a tracker making.
Any Takers?   ???
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Keep winning Chris ! Wish you luck budy.
when you are ready go to next  * level*
see my progression for 4 numbers.

And for 5 numbers:

1.    0,20 x 5       -1          +6,2
2.    0,20 x 5       -2          +5,2
3.    0,30 x 5       -3,5       +7,3
4.    0,40 x 5       -5,5       +8,9
5.    0,40 x 5       -7,5       +6,9
6.    0,50 x 5       -10        +8
7.    0,50 x 5       -12,5     +5,5
8.    0,60 x 5       -15,5     +6,1
9.    0,70 x 5       -19        +6,2
10.  0,80 x 5       -23        +5,8
11.     1   x 5       -28        +8
12.  1,10 x 5       -33,5     +6,1
13.  1,30 x 5       -40        +6,8
14.  1,50 x 5       -47,5     +6,5
15.  1,70 x 5       -56        +5,2
16.      2  x 5       -66        +6
17.  2,40 x 5       -78        +8,4
18.  2,80 x 5       -92        +8,8
19.  3,20 x 5       -108      +7,2
20.  3,70 x 5       -126,5   +6,7
21.  4,30 x 5       -148      +6,8
22.     5   x 5       -173      +7
23.     6   x 5       -203      +13
24.     7   x 5       -238      +14
25.     8   x 5       -278      +10


Thanks Kat.

Do u have one for 4 inside numbers @0.02?
Someone else just asked me.
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Results just before the server crashed.
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!

Blood Angel


Quote from: Chrisbis on Sep 05, 10:00 AM 2011
Thanks Kat.

Do You have one for 4 inside numbers @0.02?
Someone else just asked me.

No Chris i don t have ( from 0,02).


@Cheers Blood!

Few more results.
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Looking now (after a chat with very good friend of mine!) to play double up on the 4 inside number bet, and single (as is) on the 5 inside numbers group. See how it fairs eh!
I will impose a strict "Stop-Loss" limit on myself tho to test this value change !
I have learnt so much about this amazing game we call RNG.
[reveal]I do nowant upset anyone, therefore I won't call it Roulette![/reveal]
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!
