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The topic to learn from The Hotspot posting World History in the making

Started by Hotspot, Aug 20, 05:42 PM 2011

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QuoteI won't get them if the topic is full of things that don't mean anything

That's quite rich coming from you.

Can you please post your method in one post?
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Hi superman
I will do that I'm on coffee break right now. But will open a new topic area for steve ruin this one and a few others.

Thank you for asking about the system it's free. It will win you money every day. I sold it many years ago but I win the bigger games now so I don't need it any more. I sold if for more money then most people see in a life time. I have two systems one that beat's the table gsames the orther beats all betting events.

The Hotspot


Also Superman

The M.I.T. Kids and I say kids only beat 21. The people that have the computer setup that is beating the Stock Market they are only kids. The reason I call them kids I can beat every event ,even spots games Stock Market ,E T.C.
Steve calls me out to post my system yet he posted that people should keep it low when they have something that really works.
$5,000.00 a day that isn't for me any more , when I can bet at home and make ten times that amount. So I gave here for free.

To spent 4 hours in a casino for $ 5,000.00 a day is a waste of your life away. The time in the casino and the drive to the casino will dain your life away.I won't stay in their cheap hotel.

The Hotspot


All these years you claim that you beat every game and every event and that you will post your system but we have never seen any winning system... LoL
The privious with the so called "dimensions" was a big joke...
What we need is new thinking...


 @ RouletteExplorer

Hi my friend . prove it was a joke anyone can say it was a joke show me right here in a sample. I poce iut worked right here . It's your turn to pove it's a joke. Remember the Rules + 4 you stop.

The Hotspot


Roulette still exist so it was a joke...
Anyway Me and everybody here are waiting for your new system to be posted.
What we need is new thinking...


QuoteSo I gave here for free

Still yet to be seen, you can't post your system as you are on a coffee break but you can post 3 replies why not just "IN 1 POST" post this mystical method you keep saying you are going to post (for the last how many months/years)

There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


He has had done the same thing before.
He didn t had the time to post the method but he was posting 10+ posts of anything else exept his method.
What we need is new thinking...


QuoteAll these years you claim that you beat every game and every event and that you will post your system but we have never seen any winning system... LoL
The previous with the so called "dimensions" was a big joke...

RouletteExplorer said it in a nutshell.

Wendell, understand I'm not here to ruin any thread. I'm protecting forum integrity, and you are notorious for publishing rubbish. It is not personal.

Understand over the years on various forums we've seen numerous people like you, and the result is always the same - the system creator leads people on, misleading them, and they telle veryone they have the holy grail blah blah. But the systems they publish are very poor. It wastes everyone's time and reduces forum integrity.

But in the interests of giving you a fair go, by all means, prove everyone wrong - prove all the experienced forum members that you arent what we believe you to be.

Just a warning to new forum members though, hotspot (wendell) is notorious for publishing utter nonsense. Treat his knowledge and methods with skepticsim, but by all means do whatever testing you need. Expect to waste your time though.

So there you have it Wendell. Keep in mind you have been banned numerous times for justified reasons and keep coming back. It has nothing to do with me. Other admins have banned you too. So dont make me out to be the bad guy here.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


I think You have everyone's* Full Support on this one Steve. (*well, almost everyone's by interpretation)

I would like to see this Newly Created Chararcter, Hotspot, post up something in here, that everyone can read, everyone can understand, and more importantly, everyone can test/try.

We have had the tease.
We have had the coffee.
We just need the Biscuit barrel, and a full one at that.

Brew anyone?

Come on Wendell, give the Forum, something we can all be proud of, and share.

After all, there's only a few of us actually reading this thread, so U will not be giving it away to thousands now will U?

Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


"Come on Wendell, give the Forum, something we can all be proud of, and share" >>> I agree. Walk it like you talk it. ANYONE can log on and post......'roulette sucks, dont play it'.

Big deal.

Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.


To all

Okay I'm really Very busy BUT I will start posting. Most of all I will also answer all question's.

If someone can't understand what I post I will give them more help then some if needed.
I will also try the hardest that I ever did to show why it really works.

My programmer comes here also so he will know I am here on my coffee breaks as he works on my program I own him to work as hard as I can on my Part . But I all readly told him I only spend time here on a 15 minute coffee break as not to let him down that I'm putting the long hours in to do my part.

You people have to understand he's the BEST programmer in the world and helping me to program something that only the very best in the world could do all for free . But if he would ask for money it would cost in many of  $100,000.00. 's . This program is for my family to use to have a good life. So I hope you understand.

@ Steve and Mr. J

You Mr. J know in real truth That I did a show Live on the G.G and did beat all three table games Baccarat, Dice and  Roulette using the numbers that were posted that I never seem before by a person the had it in for me. I didn't pick a friend to post those numbers . I then beat all three games and live and flat betting only and in front of everyone.

I made World History that day all over the World. I will even do it live with Steve to give what ever he want's live here.

Yes I can make World History for this forum to be proud of that someone can beat ALL three of those table games and flat betting I would love that.

Next it has been tested on the old VLS 3,000 shoes of Baccarat already ,it won $ 300,000.00 flat betting. I avg a win of $100.00 a shoe. This test was also done by a person that had it in for me.But he posted I can only post the truth.

Even people here or I should say SOME people said is was a good system and I even made a few friends here.

You Chrisbis have it out for me yet we were on Skype . Why are you mad is it because I won't help you on Skype.

Now Steve
You and me we can get alone but I onbly tell the truh here and people don't like that but I won't tell lies I will back up everything I post  and keep backing it up into you understand what I post.

The M.I.T. people that beat 21 know a little.The people that beat the Stock Market know a little.

I know everything that you need to know to beat every event.

I warn you all right now . All I can teach here will save you allot of work . I won't ever give out my system that helps my family no one here would do that I'm sure.But I can post great stuff and help the forum in views.Will I get 20,0000 to 40,000 views I should.WhY? Because I have something new and they all come running when I post.  I already posted only a little and they came running over 422 and counting just to see what or if I posted something.

Last time I was posting I close in over 10,000 with the total just in a few months.I Will try and start tomorrow to help this place get a kick start.

The Hotspot    AKA many Names

P.S. I like that name because this WILL be the HOT SPOT to learn and that it's making World History Live every day I post.

Steve hang lose you will enjoy the post's and the new people tha It will bring. Thank You


Wendell, you have to know that although it is not personal, I see red flags everywhere. I mean for example, $100,000 for programming is basically YEARS of programming. I have spent well over that on programmers, and they programmer much more than a roulette system with step by step rules / algorithms.

Your claims of beating this and that game mean nothing to me but mere claims. Just because you can win on a set of spins does not mean a system or method is effective in the long term.

But by all means, proceed to dazzle us. Just make it simple and post ONE roulette system here that you claim beats roulette in the long term.

Then we will dessect it like we did with Alabalah's method and see if it really works.

But if you are going to parade around claiming to have the SUPER-DOOPER HG.... but it's not for sale or will neve be released.... then you will be removed because from what I know, that's about all you do, perhaps for ego.

Remember, please keep it simple. Nobody wants to hear what you claim to earn or whatever. We just want the meat.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose



Pleeeeeeease, put this nit wit on a permanent coffee break and get rid of him !!!!!!!!


Hi Steve.

Remember this I will post the only real Roulette system that really works Long term. But let me make this VERY,VERY, VERY Clear it beats ALL the table games Baccarat, Dice and Roulette E.T.C.

@ Steve.This programmer I think it been about 7 years on it because it does Millions of things Most of it other programmers could nnever do. Enough said about my friends . One even few over from oversea  just to meet me because he thought I taught him things that could never be taught by anyone in the world but me.Not in any books or any schools.

But that is the system I keep.

The one I will post will teach you to win on even the losing bet's. Yoy won't win on every session but you will win every day. Is that the best system you can have. A paycheck every day the rest of your life.

Yes I will get people to say it won't work. I had one person post about 1 minute after I posted my method That was a record. I posted back fool. You will enjoy so of the read I'm sure of that.

Time is real short for the table games it's over because it's to easy to beat I say in a few years it will be the end of most all kinds of betting because of computer's. Yes I may be the best now, but someone will take my place I took first over everyone but it won't last forever.

But I say this to all here there is nothing more out there who ever best be will only have what I have nothing more.But I can say this I had this 40 years ago and beat every event even sports.

But now most of it is in a computer forever.

The Hotspot
