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Hi/Lo Dozen

Started by GLC, Aug 21, 11:31 PM 2011

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Here's a fun system that is very stable and should win almost every time you play.  It's hard to imagine how it could lose if you have enough bankroll.

This is based on the let-it-ride method.  In other words we always start with a 1 unit bet and if it wins and we are still behind and a 1 unit bet win won't put us ahead, then we let our bet plus the winnings ride as long as we win until we are ahead.

We will bet on a Hi/Lo and a dozen.  I have been testing it with follow-the-last.  In other words, if the last number spun was 14 then I would bet 1 unit on Lo and 1 unit on the 2nd dozen.  If the last number spun was 30, I would bet on the Hi and the 3rd dozen.

Any time a dozen repeats, I win on both bets.  If only the Hi/Lo wins, I break even.  If the dozen hits and I'm still in the hole on this attack, I let it ride.  Meaning if I were betting 1 unit on Hi and 1 unit on the 3rd dozen and 33 spins, I win on both bets.  If I'm still behind I let both bets ride meaning that I will bet 2 units on Hi and 3 units on the 3rd dozen.  If 27 spins and I win on both, and I'm still in the hole, I will let the 4 units stay on the Hi and the 9 units stay on the 3rd dozen.

If I only need say 6 units to get ahead, I will not let more than I need ride for the next bet.  So, if I bet 2 units on Hi and 3 units on the 3rd Dozen and 27 spins, I will have 4 units sitting on Hi and 9 units sitting on the 3rd dozen.  If I'm only down 7 units I would leave 2 units on Hi and 3 units on the 3rd dozen because a win will net me 8 units which is enough to put me up.

If I win on the Hi/Lo and lose on the dozen, I let the Hi/Lo ride.  Sometimes I can reach a new high without a dozen hitting at all.  A good run on Hi or Lo can add up to enough units to pull me to a new high bank.

Give it a try.  It's a lot of fun and I haven't been more than 30 units in the hole in 4 games played to +50.  It's a lot of fun and since you always bet 1 unit from your bank on each location unless you have won some money from the casino for a larger bet, you can control how much you are willing to lose if the unthinkable happens.

Keeping the ideas flowing,

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Thanks George. Very interesting. After all, ingenuity is in simplicity.  :thumbsup:




Quote from: GLC on Aug 21, 11:31 PM 2011
If I win on the Hi/Lo and lose on the dozen, I let the Hi/Lo ride.  Sometimes I can reach a new high without a dozen hitting at all.  A good run on Hi or Lo can add up to enough units to pull me to a new high bank.
And if you win on 2. doz and lose on Hi/Lo you let it ride on doz?


Here is my test feedback

What we need is new thinking...


Quote from: RouletteExplorer on Aug 22, 09:44 AM 2011
Here is my test feedback


Thanks for the test.  It's too short.  You should have kept playing.  In the last 10 bets you spiked to plus territory 2 times. 

Never quit playing this system when in the hole.  Keep playing until you have a streak of wins that pulls you to a new high balance.

Forget the follow-the-last bet selection.  That was just to introduce the best bet method ever posted on any of these forums.  With a better bet selection method,



In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Forget the follow-the-last bet selection.  That was just to introduce the best bet method ever posted on any of these forums.  With a better bet selection method,


And if there is indeed a better bet selection, THEN WHY NOT PLAY IT FLAT?

GLC if there was a better betting selection than the -2,7 , then we wouldn t need any types of progressions.
What we need is new thinking...


And try not to make statements like this ---->THIS SYSTEM WILL NEVER LOSE!!

Because the negative members will come to get you ! LoL

If a system can never lose then it means that it always wins ! So is it the holy ??? ;D
What we need is new thinking...


Quote from: RouletteExplorer on Aug 23, 06:37 PM 2011
And try not to make statements like this ---->THIS SYSTEM WILL NEVER LOSE!!

Because the negative members will come to get you ! LoL

If a system can never lose then it means that it always wins ! So is it the holy ??? ;D

Okay, so I got a little carried away.

Thanks for keeping me honest.

It can lose.


Unfortunately, I don't have a better bet selection, thus the progression.

But remember, it's not a pure negative progression.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


I know that your system is a nice idea.
But GENERALY you should have in mind that there are no better bet selections or worst bet selections.
The proof of that is that if there were better bet selections we would be able to win flat with them.

So in any system the bet selection is irrelevant.
The only thing that(maybe) can make a deference is the money managment and this is why your system is a nice idea...
I have alreay made a new topic for all of us to think of a system that will be betting for the recovery with the casino money.
What we need is new thinking...



I saw your topic.  It's a good topic to consider.  I have thought about playing with the parlay system and on the surface it looks like a positive progression, but at heart it's really a negative progression.

The question to be determined is "How often do we get long stretches of choppiness in the win vs loss results?"  The bet method is based on getting streaks of wins of sufficient length to recover all the 2 unit losses, which can be considerable at times I'm sure.

As with any bet method, an unfortunate sequence can wipe us out at any time.  Like I have said before, "If there is a result that will hurt us on each spin, then it's always possible to get enough of those bad results in a row to wipe us out."  I've yet to see a bet that didn't have at least 1 number that will cause us to lose.  And, if it's only 1 number, then we have to bet in such a way that we win so little on our wins the 1 loss wipes out all our winnings.

So, it is always and will be forever a reality that a little luck is required to win long term.

I have been testing this, follow-the-last, by betting on R/B, O/E, H/L, dozen, column.  That's  units bet after each loss or every time I reach a new high.  Any location that hit's, I let-it-ride until I reach a new high overall.  I limit the parlays to 5 on the even chances and 3 on the dozens and columns.  It's just an expansion of the 1 e.c. and 1 dozen.  No improvement necessarily.

Probably just betting on a single even chance with a 5 parlay limit is as good as any.  I've been having good results playing that way using my bet selection method titled "Find the dominant even chance".  It seems to find winning streaks often enough to keep us from going too deep in the hole.  The drawback is choppiness.  I'm looking into how to deal with RBRBRBR.

My thought is to find the bet selection method that finds steaks of 5 wins where ever possible.

Any thoughts on that?

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


The question to be determined is "How often do we get long stretches of choppiness in the win vs loss results?

I agree

So, it is always and will be forever a reality that a little luck is required to win long term.

Unfortunately  ONLY in the SHORT TERM  lady LUCK is playing a role.
In the LONG TERM the Maths are always comming to the undesirable -2.7!
So the luck can not play any role in the LONG TERM.

What i was testing yesterday (and of cource I have test this a lot of times is the past) is that on the most of the spins betting the 2 last hit dozens is showing a great hit rate...but ofcource flat betting can t overcome the house edge.
  My opinion is that the nature of randomness loves the repeaters(numbers , dozens , etc.)
So any system should have bets on the repeating bets(numbers , dozens , etc.)

I played around 400 spins and with just betting the last hit dozens I was up and more up, with some small downs ofcource.(I know that if i had continue betting on 1000 more spins i would have lost)....I know that true maths say that betting the repeaters or the sleepers its exactly the same thing and I don't agrue with that....
But maybe the habit of randomness that is making all the time the things to repeat ccould give us an edge with the correct Money management....(its a dream of cource but we can try)

Maybe the WINNER3 math progression can make nice results with the last hit dozens.
What we need is new thinking...


Been testing this for a while but with little difference than GLC. Rules are same but progression little different. On every loss i add + 2 units on BOTH bets and on win i reduce -3 also on BOTH bets. This thing ALWAYS diggs up from hole. Unbelivable. With good bank i think this looks infalible. I forgot to say that whenever I am in new plus i restart from 1 unit. And when on higher chip but after win or two still not in new plus, dividing difference to next new plus and start from unit size that would on  next win be in new min plus. This is beside Flatinos latest mod for pcwb (4 latest and 4 furthest sectors) one of the more interesting methods lately.




Quote from: drazen_cro on Sep 02, 06:35 AM 2011
Been testing this for a while but with little difference than GLC. Rules are same but progression little different. On every loss i add + 2 units on BOTH bets and on win i reduce -3 also on BOTH bets. This thing ALWAYS diggs up from hole. Unbelivable. With good bank i think this looks infalible. I forgot to say that whenever I am in new plus i restart from 1 unit. And when on higher chip but after win or two still not in new plus, dividing difference to next new plus and start from unit size that would on  next win be in new min plus. This is beside Flatinos latest mod for pcwb (4 latest and 4 furthest sectors) one of the more interesting methods lately.





what BR would you recommend? This is indeed a great tweek!



Quote from: vundarosa on Sep 02, 07:53 AM 2011



what BR would you recommend? This is indeed a great tweek!


Well didnt bothered with that part yet. But if you take that here is 5-10 chips min then you definitely need good bank.

Another idea i came from tests is to wait 4 virtual losses then start.

Well this still should be tested extensivly to find best way and limits of using this bet.




I can't believe i've not seen this topic before.  This is amazing. 
