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A Dialog with myself regarding Roulette

Started by RouletteExplorer, Aug 26, 09:14 AM 2011

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Me and my Experience talking:

Me: Ok let s think of ways to make a winning system.
What about Sleepers ?

Expirience: Sleepers can t provide any advantage.

Me:Ok then what about repeaters? Roulette is showing so many repeaters .

Expirience: You can t take any advantage of the repeaters because you never know if and when and which of them are going to repeat.

Me: Ok what about patterns? Oh okok! I don t want any answer in this...I know patterns is the most silly thing ever.
What about finding IF Randomness has a habit of doing something more frequent or less frequent?

Expirience: If Randomness was doing doing something more or less frequent , then it wouldn t have the name RANDOMNESS.Over the years pleanty roulette explorers search for this task and noone was able to find anything....even w.i.n.3.m.i.l.l.i.o.n in the end proved to be a scam.

Me:Ok what about Money Managment?

Expirience: If there is no way of a better hit rate on the bets than the ultimate -2.7 then any money managment can t work .

Me: Ok you are right in everything ...but I run out of ideas.  :(

What we need is new thinking...


You know what COMEDY is all about...............don't U?
[reveal][reveal][reveal][reveal][reveal]Next one![reveal]Timing.[/reveal][/reveal][/reveal][/reveal][/reveal][/reveal]

So what Do U think Roulette is all about!?
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Yes but my friend we also don t know when it s the Right and the Wrong time  :)

if you have something in mind   just shoot it !
I have always an open mind.
What we need is new thinking...


Quote from: RouletteExplorer on Aug 26, 09:14 AM 2011
Me and my Experience talking:

Me: Ok let s think of ways to make a winning system.
What about Sleepers ?

experience: Sleepers can t provide any advantage.

Me:Ok then what about repeaters? Roulette is showing so many repeaters .

experience: You can t take any advantage of the repeaters because you never know if and when and which of them are going to repeat.

Me: Ok what about patterns? Oh okok! I don't want any answer in this...I know patterns is the most silly thing ever.
What about finding IF Randomness has a habit of doing something more frequent or less frequent?

experience: If Randomness was doing doing something more or less frequent , then it wouldn t have the name RANDOMNESS.Over the years plenty roulette explorers search for this task and no one was able to find anything....even w.i.n.3.m.i.l.l.i.o.n in the end proved to be a scam.

Me:Ok what about Money management?

experience: If there is no way of a better hit rate on the bets than the ultimate -2.7 then any money management can t work .

Me: Ok you are right in everything ...but I run out of ideas.  :(


Hi V.....r

What about :
1. Hot numbers
2. Hot numbers and their neighbors
3. Hot sectors
4. Dealer signature
5. Neighbors in general
6. HOT,Hot,Hot......go with the trend 


I already posted my opinion on this.... LOOK :

"""""Me:Ok then what about repeaters? Roulette is showing so many repeaters .

experience: You can t take any advantage of the repeaters because you never know if and when and which of them are going to repeat.

But I will explain everything to you :

1. Hot numbers
We do not know how much longer they are gonna remain hot.So no advantage here. everything random again

2. Hot numbers and their neighbors The neibours can t make any deference.

3. Hot sectors   The same fallacy like hot numbers.

4. Dealer signature  Can work only if
a)The wheel is Tilted
b)The scatter of the ball is managable and has an average.
c)The dealer is our friend and : Spin the ball with the exact same speed in each spin and spin the wheel with exactly the same speed in each spin.
Can you find all those paramiters? LoL  . If yes then please invite me there and I will fly to come.  :D

5. Neighbors in general Just a fallacy , no real reason why to work...so again random

6. HOT,Hot,Hot......go with the trend  . Why go with the trend? is there any rule that the trend will not change as soon as we will start placing our bets? Fallacy of the uneducated people.


Ps. IF something in Roulette will be a winner, it will have REASONS !!! Math reasons or physics reasons.....there is no  Magic.
What we need is new thinking...


Quote from: RouletteExplorer on Aug 26, 03:36 PM 2011
I already posted my opinion on this.... LOOK :

"""""Me:Ok then what about repeaters? Roulette is showing so many repeaters .

experience: You can t take any advantage of the repeaters because you never know if and when and which of them are going to repeat.

But I will explain everything to you :

1. Hot numbers
We do not know how much longer they are gonna remain hot.So no advantage here. everything random again

2. Hot numbers and their neighbors The neibours can t make any deference.

3. Hot sectors The same fallacy like hot numbers.

4. Dealer signature  Can work only if
a)The wheel is Tilted
b)The scatter of the ball is managable and has an average.
c)The dealer is our friend and : Spin the ball with the exact same speed in each spin and spin the wheel with exactly the same speed in each spin.
Can you find all those paramiters? LoL  . If yes then please invite me there and I will fly to come.  :D

5. Neighbors in general Just a fallacy , no real reason why to work...so again random

6. HOT,Hot,Hot......go with the trend  . Why go with the trend? is there any rule that the trend will not change as soon as we will start placing our bets? Fallacy of the uneducated people.


Then go and play another game Viper.


I didn t attack you. And I am not here for fights.
Act the same......
What we need is new thinking...


Quote from: RouletteExplorer on Aug 26, 04:28 PM 2011
I didn t attack you. And I am not here for fights.
Act the same......

Well you sort of did attack by insinuating Kattila is an uneducated person. here â€"

Quote from: RouletteExplorer on Aug 26, 03:36 PM 2011
6. HOT,Hot,Hot......go with the trend  . Why go with the trend? is there any rule that the trend will not change as soon as we will start placing our bets? Fallacy of the uneducated people.
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Very true, but this is well known from his part,always  same history.....
disappears or is banned  but reappear after a few months with other name/nick
and attack if someone have another opinion different from its.

Do not worry i let you dialoque with your self...



and attack if someone have another opinion different from its.

Its not another opinion of mine.....its a deferent opinion of the true logic and Maths.

Anyway I will not continue this.....
I am here to give and to get help on ideas and in exploring the game.....
Same old losing ideas aren t leading to any new descovery....it is only leading to losing cycles

Thanks....can we move on?
What we need is new thinking...


Quote from: Skakus on Aug 26, 06:02 PM 2011

Well you sort of did attack by insinuating Kattila is an uneducated person. here â€"

I think, on Balance.....that is not an attack, but pointing out the Necessary Obsticules to achieving stability, on the Knowledge of how to track trends.
Lets agree more, than disagree!
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


I know somebody that got scammed by Win3million.

Hot numbers would provide an edge, IF you knew when the numbers were going to "heat up".

There was an old system called by Roy Ward Dickenson that was supposed to win long term, but I believe it was a failure in tests.

I do not have enough real spins to test it accurately.  I mostly use RNG spins.



Correct, talking purely about RNG, you need 2 things

1) a selection that has small runs of losses, grouped preferably
2) MM to see you through those patches

It all depends on your winning streaks, if they are long and often enough, work out a recovery plan to suit MOST of those bad streaks. It always amazes me even in this day and age, the amount of people who still try to recover at the next possible chance, ie the next win will put you ahead, doomed for failure because after time they start waiting for virtual losses then play, this is just to cover up the shortfalls in the method, any method will work if the MM is built around it, rather than the other way around, chicken/egg
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Chrisbis Thanks and you are right.

LuckoftheIrish I agree. Do you remember what was the rules of the system exactly? If yes please post it and we can all get some ideas from it, or even try to improve it.

supermanI agree with you superman that all  depends on the winning streaks and that a safe MM plan is the best way to go.  ;)
What we need is new thinking...


Quote from: superman on Aug 27, 05:41 AM 2011

Correct, talking purely about RNG, you need 2 things

1) a selection that has small runs of losses, grouped preferably

Relatively speaking, what is a small run of losses, and how could they be grouped preferably?

2) MM to see you through those patches

It all depends on your winning streaks, if they are long and often enough, work out a recovery plan to suit MOST of those bad streaks.

I don’t understand this. Are you saying we should change our MM between good streaks and bad streaks? Isn’t that back to the start of the argument, which is you don’t know when the good & bad streaks will manifest? And couldn't virtual betting be part of a recovery plan?

It always amazes me even in this day and age, the amount of people who still try to recover at the next possible chance, ie the next win will put you ahead,

Who does this? No one I know does this. The only way to do this is with an endless progression. Even those who use a hefty negative progression will start again and grind back to profit after any bust.

doomed for failure because after time they start waiting for virtual losses then play, this is just to cover up the shortfalls in the method, any method will work if the MM is built around it, rather than the other way around, chicken/egg

Why can’t virtual betting be engineered into a system? For instance, if your system is strong and hovering around the house edge then a clever virtual betting plan only needs to eliminate just a few more losers than winners to put the system into plus territory.

A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.
