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Progressions 401 for Atlantis

Started by GLC, Sep 13, 03:58 PM 2011

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I'm almost afraid to try to present this new and improved bet progression.

I must warn you that it is a tad bit involved.  The best thing about it is that it keeps your bets very low compared to my other progressions.

What I am going to present is just a pattern.  You can adjust the numbers to suit yourself.

Here's the basic progression:

4   My usual 3 step marty to start with
2 with a parlay
3 with a parlay
4  ditto
5  ditto
6  ditto
7  ditto
8  ditto
9  ditto
10 ditto

Now comes the fun part.  I will use a 1 unit bet to demonstrate.

We bet 1 unit.  If we win we let-it-ride for 1 more bet.  That means we will win a unit plus the unit we bet will give us 2 units for our parlay.  If we win we will be up 3 units.  The 4 units on the table minus the 1 unit we bet.  That's the definition of a basic parlay.

So we've won 3 units.  Now we take each of those 3 units and we bet them the same way.  We play for a win and then a parlay.  We have 3 won units and we bet 1 of them.  If we win the bet and the parlay we will have 6 units.  These 6 units will be used to off-set any losses we have.

We have 3 chances to win a bet plus a parlay.  If we lose the 1st attempt, we still have 2 more units to invest.

If we lose the 3 attempts, we do not go to the next level, we still have our original 1 unit that we used to win our base attempt.  Bet it again and if we win the 1st attempt and the parlay, we will have 3 more units to try the win a second round.

If we lose our 1st bet at a level, we just move to the next level.

Bet    If win  Parlay bet   If win Parlay   Next bet  If win   If win Parlay       If lose very 1st bet
1         2          2            4-1=3               1         2          4-1=3+3=+6         -1

2         4          4            8-2=6               2         4          8-2=6+6-1=+11    -3

3         6          6            12-3=9             3          6         12-3=9+9-3=+15   -6

The above represents 1 bet made with the wins off the 1st parlay bet.  We have 2 additional attempts to win and still come out ahead.

This progression can be extended forever.

If you're interested at all in it, please study it thoroughly before asking for clarifications. 

Tonight, if I have time, I will create a hand written example that will be much more clear.  It's very difficult to explain verbally.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


WOW---this is a super thing!!!
"No Whining, just Winning"


GLC, I admire all your work, but this one.... that's a diamond you got there!  ;D

I'll take some time to experiment and make sure I get all the whys, pros, and cons of the system before I do anything else Roulette-related. Simply because I have a lot to learn from this system. Nice work man.

I can assure you whatever are the results, that's the closest I've never seen to a profit maker.

As in, really winning, and safely.


Guys,  let's hope it lives up to it's complexity.  I've been testing it and it's hanging in there pretty solid.

I'm still working on the progression trying to get a perfect ::)  balance between risk and safety.

The main thing that we have to remember is that we don't move to the next level unless we either lose the very first bet, the very first parlay or if we win both of those bets and we also lose the next 3 attempts to get another win and parlay.  If that happens we repeat that level from the beginning.  If we again, lose the 1st bet or parlay we move to the next level.

This actually has so many options, that I don't really know the best way to play it.  I've reworked the progression to give 29 steps.  We need 363 units if we lost 29 times on the 1st or 2nd attempt at each level.  An impossible event.  I'm thinking that the most we will need is about 200-250.

If lose           bet         1st parlay bet            2nd bet         2nd parlay         If win
-1                   1                     NB                      NB                    NB                  +1
-2                   1                     2                         NB                   NB                  +2
-3                   1                     2                         NB                   NB                  +1
-4                   1                     2                         1                     2                     +3
-5                   1                     2                         1                     2                     +2
-7                   2                     4                         NB                   NB                   +1
-9                   2                     4                          2                     4                     +5
-11                 2                     4                          2                     4                     +3
-14                 3                     6                          3                     6                     +7
-17                 3                     6                          3                     6                     +4
-20                 3                     6                          3                     6                     +1
-24                 4                     8                          4                     8                     +4
-28                 4                     8                          4                     8                      0
-33                 5                     10                        5                     10                    +2
-39                 6                     12                        6                     12                    +3
-46                 7                     14                        7                     14                    +3
-54                 8                     16                        8                     16                    +2
-63                 9                     18                        9                     18                      0
-74                 11                   22                        11                   22                    +3
-87                 13                   26                        13                   26                    +5
-102               15                   30                        15                   30                    +3
-363               52

Ran out of patience toward the end, but you can fill in the blanks.

Also I didn't deal at all with the 2nd and 3rd attempt at a double win after the initial win.  If you lose the 1st attempt after an initial win, and you win the 2nd attempt, you can still drop back a couple of levels.  There are so many options that you'll have to decide for yourself how you want to play it.

I've been playing my bet selection method titled "Find the dominant even chance".  I've tweaked it so that I change colors if I lose 5 more than I win or I lose 3 in a row.  Mostly, I just use the lose 3 in a row trigger.  It's easy to play and it  definitely keeps you on the dominant side.

I'm sorry that this is so scattered.  I know that I'm not doing a very good job explaining it, but if you read the posts a few times while looking at the progressions, you'll soon understand what I'm trying to communicate and I think you'll agree that it has some serious potential.

I'm toast for now.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


One more thought for you to consider when you wake up in the morning.

If we win the 1st double bet and the 2nd double bet of a level, we will have fully recovered and we can reset to 1.

If we win the 1st double bet and lose the 2nd double bet, and then win the 3rd double bet or 4th double bet, we can still move back toward the beginning, just not all the way.

Here's how a level goes.  Let's use 3 units.

We move to the 3 unit level.  We bet 3 units and it wins.  We leave the 6 units for the next bet and it wins.  We now have 12 units less the 3 units we bet = +9 units.  We take 3 of those 9 units and bet again.  If we win, we leave the 6 units on the table and we wind up with 12 units.  Return the 3 units we used from the 9 units previously won and we wind up with +18 units.  Subtract previously lost units and we should be plus.  Reset.  If we lose this 2nd attempt at a double win, we will still have +6 units.  We take 3 of those units and try for a double win again.  If we do get a double win, we will have 9 new units plus the 6 previously won for +15 units.  Subtract the amount previously lost and we should be close to the beginning of our progression line. etc...

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Thank you very much!!!

I think that this is probably the best progression I have ever seen.




Hmmmmmmm... :question: ...how the hell i attach this monster to the Double shotgun of yours now????


Quote from: xxlakis on Sep 15, 06:32 AM 2011
Hmmmmmmm... :question: ...how the hell i attach this monster to the Double shotgun of yours now? ???

I have the code in my mind 8) ....let's see what comes out of this... ::)


hi GLC
i am holydaying now....on the mountain. but one of my eye always looking for alien contribution. it seems to me you are the one .....third kind .......an extra terrestrial intelligence. ;D :smile:


Ok based to my calculations for a bankrol of 1057 units and maximub bet 151 we have 36 steps of progression not counting the regressions from the partial wins on a step.Well the stiff part is the 4 consecutive wins for reset but we can't have it all i guess.I'll test it with your "Double shot" GLC to see if it does better than your original progression.


Martingale + Parlay + A d'alambert progression on a loss + a reset to level 1 when new higher bankroll. How can you have safer ahah :)

Nah the thing here is that you can play differently for different situations and not everyone is gonna get the same results. (ie: your game progression goes like this i think: 1-1-2-2-3-3-...). Which i didnt think of in the first place.

I got the main idea how it should be played.
I'll try to code a simulation and tweak it as it becomes clearer to me.


Another great progression from George.  :)

I'm not sure I completely understand it yet, but it seems to me that success hinges on getting 4 consecutive wins (in order to clear all debt). Also, you don't necessarily need to get at least 2 consecutive wins within the length of the progression, because you're bound to get some single wins along the way which hopefully will keep you from busting out. The question is, will you stay within the progression length for long enough to get those 4 wins? Only a simulation will give the answer.

Some pertinent stats:  max number of spins without a run of 4 consecutive wins can go to 200 spins (ish). Also, maximum number of spins without a double win can be 50+ (the longest I've personally seen is 59  :o )

If a progression can be engineered to cope with both eventualities, it will be a winner.
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


Quote from: Bayes on Sep 15, 12:35 PM 2011
Another great progression from George.  :)

I'm not sure I completely understand it yet, but it seems to me that success hinges on getting 4 consecutive wins (in order to clear all debt). Also, you don't necessarily need to get at least 2 consecutive wins within the length of the progression, because you're bound to get some single wins along the way which hopefully will keep you from busting out. The question is, will you stay within the progression length for long enough to get those 4 wins? Only a simulation will give the answer.

Some pertinent stats:  max number of spins without a run of 4 consecutive wins can go to 200 spins (ish). Also, maximum number of spins without a double win can be 50+ (the longest I've personally seen is 59  :o )

If a progression can be engineered to cope with both eventualities, it will be a winner.

Bayes,  You're absolutely correct.  At any time this progression can lose and I expect it to.  I'm hoping wins will stay ahead of losses and for some who decide to play this, they will.  For others they won't.

The jury's still out on whether this is better than the progression that is based on winning 4 let-it-ride bets in a row.  We get a lot more shots with the 4 parlays.  The other factor with this one, is we could take 2 more attempts to win 2 in a row to move us back a few steps.  This can be very useful toward the outer limits of the progression.

We have other options like playing this with 3 in a row wins instead of 2 in a row. 

I noticed that Ego's "." had quite a few 2, 3 and 4 wins in a row.  That would be a good bet selection method, maybe.

This is just an idea I had.  I don't know if it will prove better than some of the other progression in the long run.

Time will tell.  Let's hope so. 

I'm thinking our baccarat players will be able to use this.  It should do pretty good without that zero.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: xxlakis on Sep 15, 10:35 AM 2011
Ok based to my calculations for a bankrol of 1057 units and maximub bet 151 we have 36 steps of progression not counting the regressions from the partial wins on a step.Well the stiff part is the 4 consecutive wins for reset but we can't have it all i guess.I'll test it with your "Double shot" GLC to see if it does better than your original progression.

We're indebted to you XXlakis.  This saves a ton of time testing by hand.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Here's another way of looking at the progression.

Our visual is as follows based on betting 1 unit in 1st attempt:

1st attempt             2nd attempt                            3rd attempt                       
1W=2W=4-1=+3     1W=2W=4-1=+3+3=+6 (+2)  1W=2W=4-1-1=+2+3=+5 (+1)

4th attempt
1W=2W=4-1-1-1=+1+3=+4 (0)

These 4 attempts are all on the same level.

The number in the () is how much you are up if you lose.

Each attempt is 2 bets.  A base bet (1W) followed by a parlay (2W). 

If we lose either bet on the 1st attempt, we move to the next level.

By the same token, if we win the 1st attempt, this gives us the seed money for the next 3 attempts.  If we lose the next 3 attempts, we are back to using our own unit which we haven't lost yet to fund the 1st attempt again.

We don't really have to win 4 times in a row, we need to win 2 times in a row, twice in these 4 attempts. 

If we win the 1st and 2nd attempt, we will be fully recovered.  If we win the 1st attempt, lose the 2nd attempt and win the 3rd attempt, we will be almost fully recovered.  If we win the 1st and 4th attempts, we will be able to either move back a couple of steps or we will have just won 3 more units as seed money and can start over on our attempts at the same level. 

Anytime we win the 1st attempt plus one of the 2nd, 3rd or 4th attempts, we can either use the wins to recover some of the previous lost units or we can use the newly won units to try to win again at the same level and fully recover.

As you can see, the options go on and on. 

I must admit that I have no idea what is the best way to utilize this concept.  I for sure need all the help I can get on this one.


P.S.   I will analyze the 2nd and the 4th attempts.

2nd attempt analyzed
1  Ist bet
W  I won
=2 Number of units on the table after my win and next bet
W  I won again
=4 Number of units on the table after my win
-1  The unit I invested for the 1st bet of 2nd attempt
=3  The number of units I'm up on this attempt
+3  The number of units I won on 1st attempt
=+6  Total number of units won on 1st and 2nd attempts
(2)  The number of units I would have been up if I lost this 2nd attempt +3-1=2.  This 2 is the seed money for attempts 3 and 4.

4th attempt analyzed
1W  see above
=2   see above
2W  see above
=4   see above
-1   The unit invested for 1st bet of 2nd attempt and lost
-1  The unit invested for 1st bet of 3rd attempt and lost
-1  The unit invested for 1st bet of this attempt
=+1 The unit not lost from the 3 won on the 1st attempt
+3  The units won on this attempt.
=+4  The total number of units up after this win
(0)  My status had I lost this attempt also.
Had I lost this attempt also, I am even, but remember, I still have the 1 unit I didn't lose on my 1st bet of 1st attempt and I can play this level again as if I hadn't played it at all.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!
