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The Harvest Tutorial...

Started by ThomasGrant, Sep 19, 09:55 PM 2011

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These tutorials are based on the work that ombrerico did.


I have invited ombrerico to assist me in these series of tutorials.
I will be asking him questions.
And solving some of his code.
Perhaps together we can improve on his script.
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


Ok, first, we are going to look at two tools,
that we will be using in this tutorial.

1. ComboBoxes
2. PageControl

With a ComboBox we will create a pull down list of casinos.
I will show ways to ADD, Delete, Save and Load.
That way you can have as many casinos as you wish.

I had no idea this even existed.
Shows how much I pay attention.
Or how to even use it.
Or what it did.
Wow... I love it already.
Before I was using forms for config windows.
Now, I can use PageControl to do the same job.
Very, very cool.
So I will be going through PageControl as well.
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


Now... lets start with the ComboBox.
Here is a picture of the form.
It has a ComboBox on it.
4 buttons.(Add,Delete,Save,Load)
1 memo.

I put a memo in there so you can see the results.

If you ever what to find out something.
Send it to the memo.
Or use the watches.

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


Now, the main reason I am going through this.
Is that a few people have asked me how to add a casino to the script.
Most don't know how.
Or where to change the script.
So I will make this as easy as possible.

Once you understand how it works.
You can use the idea in your own scripts.

Lets start with Add...
First we add some variables.

var f,i,s; {These are used for working with documents}
var casino_name; {The variable name that we use for the casinos}

procedure Button_AddClick(Sender: TObject);
  {This is where the script to Add a casino name will go}

There are two ways that you add to ComboBox.
ComboBox1.AddItem('Casino Name 1',1);
ComboBox1.Items.Add('Casino Name 2');

Lets use the first one.
procedure Button_AddClick(Sender: TObject);
     ComboBox1.AddItem('Casino Name 1',1);

Now, every time you press the Add button.
The Casino Name 1 will appear in it.

Now to give the script a bit more interaction.
procedure Button_AddClick(Sender: TObject);
   casino_name:='EuroGrand Casino';{Default Casino Name}
   InputQuery('Casino Name Querey...','Eneter in the Name of your Casino Table',casino_name);{Here we bring up the Query window so you can enter in the Casino Name}
   ComboBox1.AddItem(casino_name,1);{Now the combobox has added in the name of the casino}
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


Ok, now lets finish of the Add button.
procedure Button_AddClick(Sender: TObject);
   casino_name:='EuroGrand Casino';
   InputQuery('Casino Name Querey...','Eneter in the Name of your Casino Table',casino_name)

All I did was add Info that I can see in the Memo.
This prints all the items in the combobox to the memo.
So you can see what Items you have added.
You wont need to do this later on.
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


Now for Delete and Change.

procedure Button_DeleteClick(Sender: TObject);                                   
   if ComboBox1.ItemIndex<>0 then ComboBox1.Items.Delete(ComboBox1.ItemIndex);     

procedure ComboBox1Change(Sender: TObject);
   Memo1.Lines.Add(IntToStr(ComboBox1.ItemIndex)+' '+ComboBox1.Items.Strings[ComboBox1.ItemIndex]);

Here we have a "IF" command.
if ComboBox1.ItemIndex<>0 then ComboBox1.Items.Delete(ComboBox1.ItemIndex);
This just tells it that hey... if the ItemIndex does not equal 0 then delete the item.

I have also added in a count.
So I can keep track of how many items I have added to the combo box.

Most of what I do with memos is just for testing.
And seeing what the results are.

The above delete is not perfect.
But it works.
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


Now for Save and Load.
There are 3 ways you can do this.

1. The simple way.
2. Use InputQuery.
3. Use the Dialogs.

1. Here is the simple way.
procedure Button_SaveClick(Sender: TObject);

All I did here was save the file to C:\casino_name.txt
You can call the file what ever you want.

2. Or you could use InputQuery
First we add in a variable.
var filename;
Then we ask a question.
InputQuery('File Name Querey...','Eneter in the File Name to save your Casino Table list to',filename);

3. Dialogs
I have covered this in a few tutorials.

Note: You have to add the Save and Open Dialogs to the form.
Again, refer to my extensive tutorials on how to do this.

To load the file...
procedure Button_LoadClick(Sender: TObject);

I will use the Save and Open Dialogs later on in this tutorial.

That's about all for ComboBox for now.
You now have a way to Add, Delete, Save and Load.

QuoteHey... you forgot something...
You forgot to show us how to use it with the casino...

Ok, so here we add to the Change.
So when you select name in the combobox it will use that casino.

All we use is set_roulette_window_name

procedure ComboBox1Change(Sender: TObject);
   Memo1.Lines.Add(IntToStr(ComboBox1.ItemIndex)+' '+ComboBox1.Items.Strings[ComboBox1.ItemIndex]);

You could also add in click_spin();
To see if the Casino Roulette table will spin the wheel.
If you don't have a casino open. Or if it cant find the casino.
Then YOU will get an error message.
Check the name of the Roulette Casino Window.
Refer to one of my early tutorials.
To see how to do this.

All fairly simple to do.
That wasn't that hard... now was it?
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


Here is a video of what I have done so far.
RSS Pro and ComboBox
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


Here is a 10minute video I did on PageControl.
RSS Pro and PageControl...

I only scratched the surface of what you can do with it.
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


"The Harvest"
Here is what the harvest will look like in the end.

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


As we progress, some of those pages may change
ombrerico and I will be improving on it as we go along with this tutorial.
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*



The Form

Make a folder to store your project.
Open RSS Pro.
And Save Project. You can save it as My_Harvest if you wish.

Now that you have your basic Form.
We are going to modify it.

First we work on the Properties of Form2.
Or how the form will look like when you open it.

Take a look at the picture prop1.
I have highlighted the areas that I will be changing.

Now before I continue.
Many of the things in Properties can also be coded into the script.
And I will show you.

There are nearly always two ways of doing things.
The easy way. And the not so easy way.
The not so easy way gives you more options.

So lets go through both ways.
And then you can decide what you want to do.

The easy way...
In the picture prop1 are the Properties that I have highlighted.
Align is the first one.
Here we can Align the form to the Left, Right, Top, Bottom etc
Take a look at the Align picture for more details.

Select Align alRight this will align the form to the right hand corner.
And it will also make the form the full length of your screen.
I will show you how to fix this in just a minute.

Now go to Events.
And I will show you the not so easy way.
Double Click on Activate.

procedure Form2Activate(Sender: TObject);

This does the exact same thing.
Only in code form.

Now for the purpose of this tutorial.
Lets stick to the easy way.
For now at least.
Put a // in front of the code we just did.

procedure Form2Activate(Sender: TObject);

Or just remove it.

On BoderIcons, turn Maximize off.
(This is just personal preference of mine)

Change the BoderStyle to Single.
(This is just personal preference of mine)

Change the Form Name.
Caption (Here you enter in the name of the form)
The Harvest...
Is what I put in there.

Constraints is where you can change the height of the form.
Normally you could change the height in height.
But since we are using Align this overrides the standard height.
So we override the Align with the Constraints.
Picture Max_H
MaxHeight = 748

You can change the style to bold.
(This is just personal preference of mine)

Icon (I didn't even notice this before, or how to use it.)
With Icon, you have your very own Form Icon.
Take a look at the Icon picture I did. It has a few arrows pointing to areas of interest.

PS: I have also highlighted the font bold.

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


Now, as I mentioned.
Many of these same properties can also be coded into the script.
For example.


This will constrain the form to the max height of 700.

procedure Form2Activate(Sender: TObject);

So in the code version.
When the form is activated.
As in, it is going to open the window.
It will now make the max height of the form window 700
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


This is what the properties are so far.

object Form2: TScriptForm
  Left = 5
  Top = 5
  BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biMinimize]
  BorderStyle = bsSingle
  Caption = 'The Harvest..'
  ClientHeight = 212
  ClientWidth = 314
  Color = clBtnFace
  Constraints.MaxHeight = 748
  Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  Font.Color = clWindowText
  Font.Height = -11
  Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
  Font.Style = [fsBold]
  Icon.Data = {}OldCreateOrder = False
  Position = poDesigned
  SaveProps.Strings = (
  SaveEvents.Strings = (
  PixelsPerInch = 96
  TextHeight = 13
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*


Here is a longer video on creating the Form window.
RSS Pro -The Harvest- Tutorial 1
"What we do in life, echoes in eternity"

*Link Removed*  The Roulette Professor. *Link Removed*
