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Double Dozen Parlay

Started by GLC, Sep 24, 05:08 PM 2011

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It's been way too long since I posted a really fun system that leaves the roulette dealers scratching their heads wondering what hit them as you head up to the cashier window with a bucket of chips.

I've actually been having a lot of luck playing my flat bet parlay bet progression on even chances, so I thought I would see how it worked on a double dozen bet.  After all, we have a really good chance to hit 4 in a row betting 2 dozens or columns.

Just so you'll keep reading, it works GREAT!! :xd:

I play it betting either the last 2 dozens to hit or the last dozen and the farthest back dozen to hit.

So, If I get 1-3-2-2-3-1  playing last 2 dozens, I would bet on 1st and 3rd dozens.
If I get 1-3-2-2-3-1  playing last and farthest, I would bet on the 1st and 2nd dozens.

You can, of course, use any double dozen bet selection method that you like.

This is a parlay system.  If I win, I divide all the units on the table in half and bet my dozens again.

Example:  using 2-2.  I bet 2-2 on my dozens.  If I win I have 6 units on the table.  My original 4 plus the 2 units I just won.  My next bet will be 6 / 2 = 3, so 3 units on each dozen.  If I win this bet, I will have 9 units on the table.  I take 1 back leaving 8 / 2 = 4, so bet 4 units on each dozen.  If I win this bet I will have 12 units on the table and I make my last parlay.  12 / 2 = 6 on each dozen.  If I win, I will be up 14 units.  18 minus my original 4 units leaves me with +14 units.

My progression is:

Level      If lose       Bets                                         If Win
1)             -2            1-1                                           +1
2)             -5*          1-1; 2-2                                    +1
3)             -8            1-1; 2-2; 3-3                             +1
4)             -11          1-1; 2-2; 3-3; 3-3                     +1
5)             -15          2-2; 3-3; 3-3; 4-4                     +1
6)             -19          2-2; 3-3; 4-4; 6-6                       0
7)             -23          2-2; 3-3; 4-4; 6-6                      -4
8 )             -29          3-3; 4-4; 6-6; 9-9                      -1
9)             -35          3-3; 4-4; 6-6; 9-9                      -7
10)           -41          3-3; 4-4; 6-6; 9-9                      -13
11)           -49          4-4; 6-6; 9-9; 13-13                  -9
12)           -57          4-4; 6-6; 9-9; 13-13                  -17
13)           -65          4-4; 6-6; 9-9; 13-13                  -25
14)           -77          6-6; 9-9; 13-13; 19-19              -18
15)           -89          6-6; 9-9; 13-13; 19-19              -30
16)           -101        6-6; 9-9; 13-13; 19-19              -42
17)           -117        8-8; 12-12; 18-18; 27-27          -36
18)           -133        8-8; 12-12; 18-18; 27-27          -52
19)           -149        8-8; 12-12; 18-18; 27-27          -68
20)           -169        10-10; 15-15; 22-22; 33-33      -69
21)           -189        10-10; 15-15; 22-22; 33-33      -89
22)           -209        10-10; 15-15; 22-22; 33-33      -109

* The reason level 2,3 and 5 increase by 3 instead of 2 is because when we bet 1-1 and win, we only have 3 units so we have to add another unit making it 4 / 2 = 2 on each dozen.  Thus when we lose, we will also lose the 3rd unit we contributed.

We're playing this progression until we win all 4 bets on a level or reach a new high bank.

When we win 4 bets on a level, we drop back to the level that if we win we will be fully recovered.  We can determine that by subtracting the units we've just won from the units we were down and we find the appropriate level our new units down falls in and we drop back to that level.  If we win at that level, we will be fully recovered.

You'll notice in the beginning, we don't have to win 4 in a row to reach a new high.  You have the option of playing the way I have presented it in my chart or you can always play for 4 in a row wins on every level, even the 1st level.  It's a little riskier, but the rewards may be worth it.

One last comment.  If you want to play it flat betting, I would suggest that you flat bet at the 2-2 level instead of the 1-1 level.  Refer to my * note for the explanation.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Just in case you like a martingale type progression:

This is based on only winning 3 times in a row.  Very easy to do on double dozens.


If you lose all levels, you will lose 232 units.

This, like all systems, can lose.  Expect it to and don't be disappointed when you have to give back a chunk of your winnings every now and then.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


What would U consider to be the Best bet to Put the Parlay system onto George?

Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Quote from: Chrisbis on Sep 24, 07:22 PM 2011
What would U consider to be the Best bet to Put the Parlay system onto George?


To be honest my friend I don't think one method is necessarily better than another.  I have tried bet the last 2 dozens to hit.  bet the last and farthest dozens to hit.  Bet the 2 farthest dozens to hit.  I have also played R E latest phenomenon.  I think it's a little better than the other 3 methods.  I wait until a dozen has hit 2 or 3 times in the last 3 spins and I bet the 2 other dozens.  This isn't as fast paced, but it does seem to catch 3 in a row a little more steadily.

Granted, I've only tried each of the 4 bet selection methods 2 times each to +50 units.  Hardly enough bets to be making generalizations about which is the better method.

I've never had to bet beyond the 12-12 level with any of them.  That day's coming, believe me.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Oh I believe U George.

I had a few days like that lately!  :'(

Have recovered some now tho.

I have been looking into "Alternative" bets, and arrangements.

Here's a few "Jewels" I have been examining, one of which gives the same cover, as two dozens.

  • Single Line Bet (1 x Double Street)
  • Two Lines Bet (2 x Double Streets)
  • Three Lines Bet (3 x Double Streets)
  • Four Lines Bet (4 x Double Streets)

The 4 Lines bet, covers exactly 24 numbers on the table/wheel (66.666%)
Same as 2 x Dozens.
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


I just played to +50 two more times using R E's idea with a little twist on it for double dozens.

I wait until a dozen has hit 2 or 3 times in the last 3 spins and then I bet on the other 2 dozens. 

If all 3 dozens hit in the last 3 spins, in other words no repeats, I don't bet.

I know, I could play 4 or the 6 lines and I could play 8 of the 12 streets.  I have a feeling it would give me a little more control over zeroing in on the lines or streets that are due.  (Oh no.  Sounds like full blown gambler's fallacy).

I've change the progression by eliminating the 2nd 1-1 and going straight to the 2-2.  That way if I lose at 1-1 and win at 2-2, it's a break even point and I can start over with 1-1.

I know, the most obvious way to lose the progression is to have the same dozen hit 10 times in a row.  An rare event but one that can certainly happen.  I'm considering switching to last 2 dozens to hit if I get a dozen to hit 4 times in a row.

Betting dozens isn't as strong as betting lines or streets, but it takes a smaller bankroll.

I will look into the other options! ;) :thumbsup:
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


"No Whining, just Winning"


If you have 500 units to invest, I think this is worth looking at.

We track until we have a dozen that has hit 2 or 3 times in the last 3 spins.  Then we bet on the other 2 dozens.  If we have a dozen that hits 4 times in a row, we switch our bet to that dozen and the other most recent hit dozen.  We continue to bet on these same 2 dozens until we lose.  If we have no repeats in the last 3 spins, no bet.  If a zero hits, just take the loss and act like the zero never showed.

Those are the bet selection rules.

We will use a 2 step parlay.  That means we make our bet and if it wins, we divide the chips between the next 2 dozens our selection process says to bet on.  If we win 2 in a row, we will be at a new high and can start over with 1-1.

We play our progression until we are even or +1 or more and then we start over at 1-1.

Our progression is:
3-3; 4-4
6-6; 7-7
10-10; 15-15
18-18; 27-27
33-33; 49-49
60-60; 90-90
110-110; 165-165

If we lose all 9 attempts, we will be down 486 units.

This is acting like the strongest march I've tested so far.  I'm up 600 units so far.  Granted  400 were earned playing the above 3 step parlay, but I would have won quicker on every session had I been playing this 2 in a row method.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!



Give it a test drive.  Let me know what you think.  I'm heading for snooze land.  See you tomorrow.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Nice one.Lets test it!!


im spinnin 5000 w my daughter this week--------if it doesnt work ...not me but daughter is coming to desert---beware
"No Whining, just Winning"



This is the type of a system that will work for you if u are patient enough, have a sufficient BR and nerves of steel. ;D

Prepare for some big drawdowns too.

Thanks for posting



try it w gr8 progression it always come back
"No Whining, just Winning"


Another alternative could be playing on the last 24 numbers that hit. Getting long sequences of winners is also easy that way.

Actually, I think it woud be interesting to test with real spins betting on the last 24 against 24 picked randomly and against the 24 sleepers, see what comes out after 100,000 spins.

The better the gambler, the worse the man.  Publilius Syrus


I have a couple observations.  The achilles heel is a long series of repeats by a single dozen.  We could incorporate a new rule.  Instead of waiting for a dozen to show 4 times in a row and then betting for the last 2 dozens to show hoping to catch that repeating dozen continuing to repeat, we could just stop betting when we have a single dozen showing in the last 3 spins.  That would give us a "no bet" situation when we have all 3 dozens showing in the last 3 spins and also only 1 dozen showing in the last 3 spins.  Meaning that we only bet when we have 1 dozen showing twice and another dozen showing once.

I have also been thinking about using  LLL's and WWW's for triggers.  Something like stop betting after an L until the next W and continue to bet until the next L.  Said another way, never bet after a Loss and always bet after a Win.

Observations regarding 2 in a row progression vs 3 or 4 or 5 in a row progressions.  I notice that if we build our progression based on a full recovery with a win at any level, the more times we have to win in a row, we don't get that many more levels in the progression.  That's why I went to 2 in a row.  I think it gives us a better ratio on wins in a row vs levels in progression.

One last thought.  The progression I posted in the initial post does not recover fully after any win.  This type progression can give us more opportunity for a full recovery eventually.  But it may also just be a slower death because it too will eventually lose.  The pure martingale type progression wins a lot quickly, but we are limited by a relatively small number of losses in a row before losing our progression.  With a multiple win for full recovery progression we can have an almost unlimited number of levels, but this curtails units won per spin in direct proportion to the reduction in risk of a total progression loss.

I know the above is obvious to some of us but I wanted to post it so we can start testing different scenarios.  In the end, we will each have to decide which way suits our style.

I think Jeromin's suggestion about comparing different methods of bet selection would be interesting.  My fear is that there wouldn't be any difference in accuracy between the three.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!
