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Progression bets are nothing more than different size bets on different spins. You could get lucky and win big, or unlucky and lose even more.

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Double Dozen Parlay

Started by GLC, Sep 24, 05:08 PM 2011

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Quote from: GLC on Sep 25, 12:08 PM 2011

I think Jeromin's suggestion about comparing different methods of bet selection would be interesting.  My fear is that there wouldn't be any difference in accuracy between the three.

I'm assumig there will be no difference. But what if there is? Wouldn't that be a shocker? Even if they all end up losing the same amount, the behaviour of the system might offer betting opportunities, who knows.

The better the gambler, the worse the man.  Publilius Syrus


I have been playing using my suggestion regarding L's and W's.  It slows progress down quite a bit, but it has stabilized the system considerably.

I have played to +50 and didn't have to bet above the 10-10 level.  And that was only 1 time.

This can be played with any of the bet progressions I posted above.  I have been using the 2 in a row progression.

I wait until I have 2 of a dozen and 1 of a dozen in the last 3 spins.  I virtual bet on the 2 dozens other than the one that showed twice.  If my virtual bet wins then I am ready to bet for real unless the last spin caused me to have 1 of each dozen in the last 3 spins or 3 of a single dozen. I never bet for real unless I have 2 and 1 in the last 3 spins.

After a virtual win, I start betting for real.  As soon as I lose or have a dozen hit 3 times or not have a repeat dozen in the last 3 spins I stop betting.  If I quit because I lost, I don't start betting again until I have a bet situation that results in a virtual win and then I start betting for real.  If I stop betting because I had say 1-3-2 dozens in the last 3 spins or 3-3-3 dozen in the last 3 spins as soon as I have a valid trigger ( 2 & 1 ) I start betting.  I only have to wait for a virtual win to resume betting if I had a Loss or Losses that caused me to stop betting.

This new method has cut my betting opportunities by 2/3, but I feel that it has increased my win percentage quite a bit.  I know that one session to +50 is nothing and it could just be a fortunate sequence.

I'm not so naive as to think this will never lose, but I am naive enough to hope it can win enough to make it a playable system.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


For those of you who want what I think is a very solid bet progression method, I will suggest the Hollandish method for double dozens.

The Hollandish method for double dozens is a little complicated to explain, but in fact it is very simple to play.

As soon as we lose a bet at 1-1, we write down 1 1 on our recovery line and we immediately start betting 2-2.  If we win, we cross off the two 1's and we are fully recovered and can re-set to 1-1.

If we lose the 2-2 bet, our line will be 1 1 2 2 and we bet 2-2 again.  As long as there are 1's to be recovered, we only bet 2-2.  As soon as all the 1's are recovered and we only have 2's in our recovery line, we bet 3-3.  If we have 1 1 2 2 and we win our next 2-2 bet our new recovery line will look like this: 1 1 2 2 and we will start betting 3-3 for recovery.  If we win our 3-3 bet, we will cross off one 2 like this: 1 1 2 2.  All odd units become profits.  Our next bet is again 3-3 because we have a 2 still to be recovered and we can't bet more than 3-3 as long as we have any 2's to be recovered.  Let's say we lose our next 3-3 bet, our recovery line will be: 1 1 2 2 3 3 and we will continue to bet 3-3.  If we win our next 3-3 bet, our recovery line will be: 1 1 2 2 3 3.  We will have 2 units in profits and start betting 4-4 to recover our 3's.

We continue to do this until we cross off all numbers in our recovery line or if our profits from this series becomes more than the number of units left in the recovery line, we can zero out that recovery line and reset our bet amount back to 1-1.  This latter method is the conservative method and should be used if our bet sizes start getting too large.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: GLC on Sep 26, 12:22 AM 2011

I wait until I have 2 of a dozen and 1 of a dozen in the last 3 spins.  I virtual bet on the 2 dozens other than the one that showed twice.  If my virtual bet wins then I am ready to bet for real unless the last spin caused me to have 1 of each dozen in the last 3 spins or 3 of a single dozen. I never bet for real unless I have 2 and 1 in the last 3 spins.

After a virtual win, I start betting for real.  As soon as I lose or have a dozen hit 3 times or not have a repeat dozen in the last 3 spins I stop betting.  If I quit because I lost, I don't start betting again until I have a bet situation that results in a virtual win and then I start betting for real.  If I stop betting because I had say 1-3-2 dozens in the last 3 spins or 3-3-3 dozen in the last 3 spins as soon as I have a valid trigger ( 2 & 1 ) I start betting.  I only have to wait for a virtual win to resume betting if I had a Loss or Losses that caused me to stop betting.

Hi George
for the Hollandish progression, do you recommend the above bet selection for double dozens?



The Hollandish bet progression does work fine with this bet selection method.  So far, it is a steady winner. 

The Hollandish is less volatile than the parlays because it would take a really horrendous series of spins to cause an overall loss.  Unlike the parlays which have a definite series that if you lose at all the levels, you just take the loss, with the Hollandish progression, you could continue indefinitely.  With a bad enough losing streak, even with the Hollandish system you can get quite a bit in the hole and a stop-loss is a good idea to guard against the unusual.

In the limited testing I've done with this system, I've only gotten to the level of betting 7-7 to recover 6's.  The most I was down was about 35 units.

The 2 in a row progression is working well also.  But it is a martingale type progression and therefore comes with a pretty good bite every now and then.

The negative with the Hollandish system is if you reach a high bet level, say 10-10 and then you go into another high loss to win period.  This can drive you into the hole, but this is the problem with all progressive type betting systems.  If the loss to win ratio gets too high, you're going to lose no matter what bet system you use.  Even with  a flat bet.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Here's a short session to show how it's played using the 2 in a row progression.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Much more difficult session:

3  NB
2  NB
1  NB
1  NB because no repeat in last 3
1  Virtual loss
3  NB because 1 1 1
1  Virtual loss
2  Virtual win.  Start betting for real
3  NB because no repeat in last 3
3  NB because no repeat in last 3
2  Win 1-1 bet.  1st opportunity to play for real after virtual win.  +1      +1
3  Loss 1-1.  Go virtual                                                          -2
1  Virtual win
2  No bet
2  No bet
2  Lose 2-2.  1st opportunity to play after virtual win                  -6
3  No bet
2  Virtual loss
1  Virtual win
2  No bet
2  Lose 3-3.                                                                        -12
1  Virtual win
2  Lose 6-6.                                                                        -24
2  Virtual loss
1  Virtual win
2  Lose 10-10.                                                                     -44
2  Virtual loss
3  Virtual win
3  Win 18-18.                                                                      -26
1  Win 27-27.                                                                       +1           +2
2  Win 1-1.                                                                          +1           +3
1  No bet
2  Win 1-1.                                                                          +1           +4
1  Win 1-1.                                                                          +1           +5
1  Lose 1-1.                                                                         -2
1  Virtual loss
3  No bet
2  Virtual win
1  No bet
1  No bet
3  Win 2-2.                                                                           0
1  Lose 1-1.                                                                          -2
1  Virtual loss
1  Virtual loss
2  No bet
1  Virtual loss
3  Virtual win
3  No bet
3  Lose 2-2                                                                           -6
1  No bet
1  Virtual win
1  Lose 3-3                                                                           -12
1  No bet
1  No bet
1  No bet
3  No bet
3  Virtual win
3  Lose 6-6                                                                           -24
2  No bet
2  Virtual win
2  Lose 10-10                                                                        -44
0  No bet
1  No bet
2  Virtaul loss
1  Virtual win
1  Lose 18-18                                                                        -80
1  Virtual loss
3  No bet
2  Virtual win
1  No bet
3  No bet
1  No bet
3  Win 33-33                                                                         -47
2  Win 49-49                                                                          +2         +7
2  No bet
1  Win 1-1                                                                              +1         +8

This was the hardest session I've had.  I'm going to play it betting the Hollandish progression and see how it does.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


I think the above playing method is very sound, but it doesn't suit my playing style at present.

Here's my new bet selection methodology.

Our main bet is to wait for a dozen to hit twice and a dozen to hit once in the last 3 spins and bet on the dozen that hit once and the dozen that didn't hit in the last 3 spins.

Previously is had a No Bet situation when I had either no repeats in the last 3 spins or all of the last 3 spins be the same dozen.  Now, if we have no repeats in the last 3 spins, in other words 1-2-3 or 2-1-3 or 3-2-1 or 3-1-2 etc... we bet on the last 2 dozens to hit.  In the above 4 examples we would have bet on the 1-2 on the 1st one, 2-1 on the 2nd one, 3-2 on the 3rd one and 3-1 on the 4th one.

If we get 3 of the same dozen, in other words 1-1-1 or 2-2-2 or 3-3-3 we bet on this dozen and also on the farthest back dozen to hit.  If we have the following spins 1-3-3-2-1-1-1  our next bet would be 1-3.  The 1 dozen is the repeating dozen and the 3 dozens is the farthest back to hit.

If you like the Stop betting after a loss and start betting after a win idea, it's still very strong and I recommend it.

The above change will give us a lot more betting opportunities and so far doesn't appear to water down our wins vs losses ratio.

A different bet progression is posted in Colbster's "Eggleston Betting Method 2" replay #8


Thanks for your patience.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


hi George
i have gone through double dozens before extensively with Hermes leveller progression and martingale and and i had that time concluded that playing double dozens is not economical. but now i find it playable with your progression or hollandish. also i am thinking to employ Victor's famous LW strategy and virtual play.


double dozens are just an illusion thats my conclusion.


Quote from: catalyst on Sep 28, 10:05 AM 2011
hi George
i have gone through double dozens before extensively with Hermes leveller progression and martingale and and i had that time concluded that playing double dozens is not economical. but now i find it playable with your progression or hollandish. also i am thinking to employ Victor's famous LW strategy and virtual play.


I hate to say it, but I can't see any difference in any bet on the table.  Since the math is the same, the only difference I can see is the time it takes for things to level out and the amount of money you need for betting more spots each spin.

If you have a winning method betting a single dozen, why can't you play the flip side and bet the other 2 dozens and win?

The Hollandish progression is a pretty safe, grinder bet method.  The bets can get pretty high at times, but with enough bank and patience, I've never tested a bet with it that I didn't eventually pull out of the hole.

As we know, anything can happen in roulette.  Case in point.  Recently I was returning from a business conference and my plane was delayed for 4 hours.  To pass the time, I thought I would do a test.  Since I had a quarter, I decided to see if I could win $1000 dollars betting a 10 step martingale.  That's a 50/50 bet.  I gave myself a 512 unit bank.  To give myself an advantage, I added a win for my side every 20 bets.  That gave me close to a 5% advantage.  I did well for about 400 bets and then I had 2 losses within 150 spins.  Wiped me out.  There are just no guarantees in this crazy game.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


(Green Meanie, you posted the same thing twice. I removed it for you)

In the past, I found more luck playing the Double Dozens this way

look at the last 4 streets to hit, and play the other 8

So, (last) 2,7,7,1,4,5,2, Here the dozen (in streets) 1,2,4,7 has hit 5 times. This is high SD for a dozen (SD 3.2) so play 3,5,6,8,9,10,11,12

The quickest way to bet this is to look at the marque placing a chip on a number in the streets you see, as a marker. When you have 4 streets marked,  place a chip on the remaining streets. now remove the markers  to leave a 4 street gap.

I got very quick at that. You get some odd looks.

There is always a Dozen (in streets) that has hit 4 times at least (SD 2.9), or 6 ( SD 3.5)

Just a thought
