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Nathan's 0/00 trigger method works! 2nd try

Started by GLC, Oct 02, 10:40 AM 2011

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Thank you Nathan Detroit for giving us this betting method for the 0/00 wheels.

Since you posted it for all to partake of, I have been using it with some other systems and it's been working beautifully.  I am just sorry that it only works on the double zero wheel.  I've looked at the single zero wheel and I agree with you, it just can't be adapted to that wheel.

I have made a couple of minor tweaks that don't seem to harm the overall performance that much, but make it a little easier for me to play it on my airball machine.

For any interested, please follow this link and read the topic.  I am pulling out the information in Reply #1 and #11.


We will use the sections  A,  B,  &  C as our trigger sections just like Nathan presents.  We can use his 2 dozen bets following each section trigger for a very easy system, but I like to use the more detailed bet selections presented in reply #11.

Note:  If you use the double dozens, you will have to bet differential.  Since we will be betting for 2 of his sections, it will include all 3 dozens.  The overlap dozen will be the only one we really bet on.  If we have say A & B to bet on we will be betting for A = doz 1 & 2 and B = doz 2 & 3.  If we are betting 1 unit on each dozen, we will bet 2 units on doz 2 and 1 unit on dozens 1 & 3.  Therefore, we subtract 1 from all three dozens and are left with just 1 unit on dozen 2.  This pays identically but saves 3 units if zero hits.

If we get a trigger to bet the section A locations we bet  the 2nd dozen, 1-6 line and 32,33,35,36 corner.

If we get a trigger to bet the section B locations we bet the 3rd dozen, 16-21 line (unnatural), and 5,6,8,9 corner.  Please note that I added the 16 and deleted the 22 from Nathan's numbers.  I did this for easier betting and it is a minor change in odds.

If we get a trigger to bet the section C locations we bet the 1st dozen, 25-30 line, and 13,14,16,17 corner.

We can either use Nathan's bet sizes for each location of 6 units on the dozen, 3 units on the line and 2 units on the corner or we can use  3 units on the dozen, 1 unit on the line, and 1 unit on the corner.  You can also bet 3-2-1.

I track using Nathan's A, B, C categories.  Instead of listing the dozen a number is in, creating a 1-2-3 tracking line, I convert the number spun to it's corresponding A-B-C. 

If I get ABA, that's a trigger for me to bet on a & B.  So CCA triggers a bet on A and C.  BBC triggers a bet on C and B.  So I bet on the last 2 dozens to show.

If I get 3 of the same letter, I bet double units on the dozen, line and corner triggered by that letter.  So if I get AAA I bet double units on A.

If I get one of each it's a no bet situation.

I can't begin to express how clever this wheel based concept of Nathan's is.  In my opinion, it completely eliminates the additional disadvantage we double zero wheelers have  to suffer compared to single zero wheelers.

I know that I went over the above pretty quickly without a lot of detail.  If you are familiar with Nathan's topic and my double dozen parlay topic, this should be obvious.

I have been testing this with a few different progressions, but as of now I suggest a flat bet.

Good Luck,

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Another progression for this method is gr8player's progression.  You can limit it to 3 or 5 instead of 7 bets at each level.  Then if you are even or up, stay at base level.  If you are minus, multiply bets by 2 and play the next 3 or 5 or 7 bets and re-evaluate.

I always reset any time I reach a new high.

Also, for those who want to really limit your bet sizes, you can bet 2-1-1 or even 1-1-1.

At 2-1-1 you win 2 if the dozen hits; 2 if the line hits; and 5 if the corner hits.

At 1-1-1 you break even if the dozen hits, win 3 if the line hits and win 6 if the corner hits.

Of course when you're betting the corresponding locations for 2 of the letters, you are actually betting twice the number of units, but you have 30 numbers covered.

That's why a flatbet can win 10 or 20 units in a very short time.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!
