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The Star System (in a nutshell)

Started by Bayes, Oct 13, 05:03 AM 2011

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The system document is posted in the download section I believe, but there are 89 pages and it can be explained much more briefly, which is the purpose of this post.

It's strictly a MM plan played on any even chance bet, although it was originally designed for blackjack. The goal is to get 2 wins in a row. 2 wins in a row will clear all debts and make a profit, except if you're in a "recovery set", then you may need multiple double wins.

The basic structure of the progression is the first 6 terms of a Fibonacci:


The first term is the BASE bet and is further divided into smaller units which are played in a different way than the remainder of the progression. This is called the PRE-PROGRESSION stage.

So we have {1},1,2,3,5,8

Let's keep it simple and use $5 as the base bet, but of course you can use whatever you like.
The actual stakes placed are multiples of the terms in the progression:


The $5 base bet is split into 4 separate stakes of 1,1,1,2 (=5).
So the progression consists of 9 bets, the pre-progression stage followed by the progression.


The pre-progression stage is a pure parlay. That means you go up one after a loss, and after a win you double the stake.

Suppose you lose the first 4 bets, that means your next stake is $5. After entering this stage you don't parlay, but after a win bet the SAME stake. You only ever move up the progression after 2 losses in a row. After 2 wins in a row, you've recovered your losses and made a profit.

If you lose the entire progression, you divide the losses by ten and this is the new figure for the base bet. So if you lose the entire progression without having made ANY profit you would divide $100 (the total value of the progression) by ten, giving $10 as your next base bet. The new progression would then be:


But if before the progression loss you had made $50, then your total LOSSES would only be $50. Thus the base bet in this case would be $50/10 = $5, so you would simply repeat the first progression of {1,1,1,2},5,10,15,25,40.

Rinse and repeat.


In the document the author recommends that after a progression loss, you should skip the pre-progression stage and bet the whole amount in 1 bet. So after the loss of {1,1,1,2},5,10,15,25,40  (assuming you had not made any profit before the loss) you would not parlay the {2,2,2,4} but intead bet the whole $10 and proceed as per the rules for the main part of the progression. This is ONLY for the first bet after a progression loss. If you need to play the progression multiple times to recoup then you should revert to playing the pre-progression stage.
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


Thanks Bayes, crystal clear now
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Looking good so far, running a test, haven't coded for the eventuality of a full loss of progression yet though

[reveal]204 L  Prog 1 Cash 23 Peak 24 Ticker 2 Seq 8 (30)
205 L  Prog 1 Cash 22 Peak 24 Ticker 3 Seq 8 (30)
206 L  Prog 1 Cash 21 Peak 24 Ticker 4 Seq 8 (30)
207 L  Prog 2 Cash 19 Peak 24 Ticker 0 Seq 8 (39)
208 L  Prog 5 Cash 14 Peak 24 Ticker 1 Seq 8 (39)
209 W  Prog 10 Cash 24 Peak 24 Ticker 2 Seq 8 (39)
213 L  Prog 10 Cash 14 Peak 24 Ticker 0 Seq 8 (21)
214 W  Prog 25 Cash 39 Peak 24 Ticker 1 Seq 8 (21)
225 W  Prog 1 Cash 40 Peak 39 Ticker 1 Seq 6 (21)
230 L  Prog 1 Cash 39 Peak 40 Ticker 0 Seq 1 (21)
231 L  Prog 1 Cash 38 Peak 40 Ticker 1 Seq 1 (21)
232 L  Prog 1 Cash 37 Peak 40 Ticker 2 Seq 1 (21)
233 W  Prog 2 Cash 39 Peak 40 Ticker 3 Seq 1 (21)
235 L  Prog 2 Cash 37 Peak 40 Ticker 4 Seq 1 (33)
236 L  Prog 10 Cash 27 Peak 40 Ticker 0 Seq 17 (33)
237 W  Prog 15 Cash 42 Peak 40 Ticker 1 Seq 17 (33) [/reveal]

Does the routine look correct?
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Nope.  ;D

bet 214 should have been 10 units, but you jumped to 25? remember that in the main progression stage you only advance after TWO losses in a row. Also bet 235 should have been a parlay - you were betting 2 units and it won on bet 233, so bet 235 should have been 4 units.
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


An example sequence from the system doc.


By the way, just because I posted this doesn't mean I recommend it. If you play the way the author recommends, then any sequence in which you don't win 2 in row in 9 + 6 + 6 = 21 spins means you have lost your total bankroll of 900 units.

21 spins without 2 wins in a row is not uncommon. It can go to 50+ on occasion. On the other hand, if you have a method which wins 2-in-a-row fairly often, then it's good.
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


Thanks for the clear explanation Bayes.

I have tested this off and on and never been able to feel comfortable that it's a winning system in the long run.

Our friend Tomla021 says that he has a friend who wins consistently with this playing Blackjack.  As the author states, this works best with Blackjack because a natural BJ and double downs and splits, if they win recover previous losses and you can reset to 1.

I have had better luck with an expanded sequence as follows:

Pre-progression stage
As you can see we have gone from 4 to 7 parlay bets

We still have 5 double bets.

Any win recovers all and shows a profit.

You need 149 units for the progression.

This expanded Star system has performed better in my testing than the original, but it too will lose in the long run.  With enough bankroll for multiple recovery levels and a some luck, you might be able to keep ahead of the tax collector for quite a while.

I have also worked it out for dozens if anyone is interested.  I can't say dozens play improves on even chances but some people like playing dozens.

Like the author says, it works much better on Blackjack than roulette.  I don't doubt that it would work better on baccarat and craps because they have no zeros to contend with.

Hope this doesn't muddy the waters, but it does give some info that people don't have to learn on their own.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: Bayes on Oct 13, 05:03 AM 2011

The pre-progression stage is a pure parlay. That means you go up one after a loss, and after a win you double the stake.

Suppose you lose the first 4 bets, that means your next stake is $5. After entering this stage you don't parlay, but after a win bet the SAME stake. You only ever move up the progression after 2 losses in a row. After 2 wins in a row, you've recovered your losses and made a profit.

I dont think so. In the case you lose first bet  of $5 you dont bet $5 again, but $10. Only if you win at first $5 you must then lose it twice in row again to go to $10 bet. Am I right?


Quote from: marivo on Oct 22, 03:50 PM 2011

I don't think so. In the case you lose first bet  of $5 you don't bet $5 again, but $10. Only if you win at first $5 you must then lose it twice in row again to go to $10 bet. Am I right?


Right Marivo. Bayes just made a misstatement.  Thanks for catching it so nobody's confused.

Although, I have tested it the way Bayes stated it and it works very well, it just takes a much larger bankroll.  In the long run it may actually be a better way to play it.  Let me elaborate.

Let's say we lost our 1st 4 parlay bets and are -5 units.
Next we bet $5 and we bet it twice whether we win or lose.

If we Win 2 in a row, we are +$5
If we Win the first and lose the second, we are even so we bet $5 again
If we Lose the first and win the second, same as above.
If we lose both, we are now down -5+-10 = -15

Our next bet is 10 and we play it the same way.  As long as we win 1 and lose 1 of the 1st 2 bets, we just repeat.  If we win 2 in a row, we are +$5 and start  over.  If we lose 2 in a row we add twice our bet amount to the previous losses and go up the progression  5-10-20-40-60.  If you have the bank you can go beyond 60 if you want.

The whole progression would be [1-1-1-2]-5-10-20-40-60.  The 1st 4 bets are parlays and the next 5 bets are either win 2 in a row or lose 2 in a row.

Try this tweak.  You might like it.


P.S.  By the way, it's a -235 unit loss if you lose the whole progression.  More investment, but you don't lose the whole progression as often with this progression as with the original.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: GLC on Oct 22, 06:09 PM 2011

The whole progression would be [1-1-1-2]-5-10-20-40-60.  The 1st 4 bets are parlays and the next 5 bets are either win 2 in a row or lose 2 in a row.

This progression should be [1-1-1-2] 5-10-20-40-80  and -315 on a full line loss.

Sorry for the mis-step.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Thanks GLC.

Quote from: GLC on Oct 22, 06:09 PM 2011
If we Win 2 in a row, we are  $5
If we Win the first and lose the second, we are even so we bet $5 again
If we Lose the first and win the second, same as above.
If we lose both, we are now down -5 -10 = -15

We are -5, so (in this case) we have to win first progression bet 3 times to be  +5 (if I am not wrong  ??? ).

Anyway how is this performing with this bet selection:
link:://rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=6106.msg58462#msg58462 ?
Anybody (still) testing this?


Quote from: marivo on Oct 22, 03:50 PM 2011

I don't think so. In the case you lose first bet  of $5 you don't bet $5 again, but $10. Only if you win at first $5 you must then lose it twice in row again to go to $10 bet. Am I right?

Hi marivo,

Yes, that's correct and I should have been clearer on this. Any series of WLWLWL will keep you at the same step. The first bet in the main progression is an exception, although you wouldn't be betting it if you hadn't lost the last step in the pre-progression, so in case of the $5 loss you HAVE lost 2 in a row, although in respect of the progression as a whole (pre-progression + main progression).
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain
