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A system based on Kimo Li's European matrix

Started by soggett, Oct 18, 07:08 AM 2011

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Hi everybody
Ok, so I want to share with you this system I have been working on that's giving great results so far.
For this system you need the European Matrix from Kimo Li - for those who don't have it I have attached the one that I use, it's in Excell so You don't need a pen, just use the computer.
Ok, here we go

The system
We track numbers until we get three (3) numbers in a row that all have different columns and rows, for instance 32,16,3 is good, 19,7,23 is good, 36,11,9 is not good because 36 and 11 are in the same row, the row 3.
Ok, now that we have our three numbers that's our trigger, we then cross of the columns and rows ( in excell i color them) and we are left with 9 numbers.
Example of 32,16,3 is:

So the remaining numbers are 17,6,13,11,8,10,31,22,29. We add 0 to the bunch because the zero is not in the table (but is a life saver sometimes) and we get our numbers.
Now all that's left is to bet 0,6,8,10,11,13,17,22,29,31.
On a win we retrack from the last number hit and look for a new trigger and begin from start.


Well I have a lot of ideas about the progression but i tested 4 of them at the same time so I will share all 4 with you.
All progressions went through over 1000 continuos spins - I know it is not much but I am doing this manually and it takes a lot of time

1 progression:
This is the standard progression on 10 numbers: 1,1,1,2,2,3,4,6,8,11,16,22 per number
I took 12 steps because there are 6 columns and 6 rows so it seemed logic to me.
The progression cost 770 units, it should be inside of table limtis of most casinos.
This is the first progression I have used and it went through 200 games
The stats:
played 200 games
lost 1
end balance 2494 units
Win on
step 1  62 (31%)
step 2  38  (19%)
step 3  24  (12%)
step 4  22  (11%)
step 5  17 (8,5%)
step 6  9  (4,5%)
step 7  8  (4%)
step 8  6  (3%)
step 9  4  (2%)
step 10  4  (2%)
step 11  4  (2%)
step 12  1 (0,5%)
Loss  1  (0,5%)

Now in the first 500 spins the percentage for step one was 36% ( mathematically it should be 27) and for the first 4 steps the winning rate was over 77% so I came up with

Progression 2
The same as number one except we bet only for 4 spins, if lost we virtually wait for a hit and then star over looking for trigger and betting from step 5 for another 4 spins. If lose again virtually wait for hit then look for trigger and start bet from step 9.
With this i was trying to avoid a loss but did not go as planned
games played  148
Lost 2
End balance 814 units
Overall ok, not bad

Progression 3
This should be interesting to many of you - Flatbetting
I tryed Fletbetting only the first step, if win +26, if lose -10 and virtually wait for hit then begin again
The result:
end balance 222 units
lowes point -40
highest point 328
Once again this is by flattbetting the first step only
I tryed flatbetting the 2 steps and got
end balance 220
lowes point -118
highest point  452
This is more chaotic so I would not play it with two steps

Then I got the idea of
progression 4
Betting just the first 4 steps with 1,1,1,2. On a loss -50 and virtually wait for a hit then go from start
end balance 148
lowest point  -198
highest point  494

That didn't go as planned also

So I suggest using progression 1 or progression 3 (flatbetting first step) and having at least 2 BR for progression 1 and for progression 3 i think that 500 units should be more then enough.

I don't know if this system is the same as betting randomly 10 numbers, I'm hopeing someone can tell me that.
I also hope that someone can program this and run it through 1 million Live spins (must be live because the matrix is based on the wheel) and see how it does.
If the results ends with anything over 1 loss in 40 games this will end in profit (I am reffering to the progression 1)

Any thoughts, suggestions, critics are welcome as always
To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


What exactly means "we virtually wait for a hit and then star over looking for trigger"?


We wait until one of our numbers hits, then we retract an look for another trigger
we are betting on 0,6,8,10,11,13,17,22,29,31
number come
2 - here we stop
6 - here is our "virtual hit" we now retrack - we see if 13,36 and 6 match our criteria, they don't so we wait for new number and see if it is our trigger
21 comes and we have our three numbers and a new trigger to bet

Is it clear now?
English is not my first language so...
Hope i cleared it up
Ask away if you have more questions

To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


Yes its clear, thank you!
My impression is that this system is better then betting 10 numbers randomly. But my quick test was made on William Hill CASINO CLUB  rng (European), so that doesn't count I guess.


How did the test end anyway?
No, it must be done with live numbers because the matrix is wheel based
I went through some numbers we have here in the spin section and its performing like in my test wich is great.
If I haven't hit the 1000 spins that it's good at we just may have something here
To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


Just tested it on dublinbet's live dealer wheel, play money of course, 96 units in about 15 minutes, never going over step 5
I have some modifications in mind too, but it all depends on the overall stats and how the system performs over a large amount of spins. For now it seems it works like a charm  ;D
To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


Hi Soggett,

I have first time seen such approach (or use) of Kimo Li's matrix.  It is strange for me that you "destroy" pies.
We all know that there can be many systems based on Li's matrix.

I like the other approach. See attached files and there is very nice tracker.




Hi Optimist

I know that system, have it on my computer but thanks for the tracker it's great
Well the matrix is a tool, Kimo said so himself, i just use it this way. Like You said there are many ways to use it, maybe this ends up to be one of them, who knows
If it works for you then by all means go for it  ;)

To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


Just had another session on dublinbet, this time it took me 40 minutes to get 112 units, the highest step of progression was step 4.
It took longer manly because I had a sleeping period - accasionally there will be periods of 10, 20  spins when there is no trigger. Thats when the numbers are repeating in the same columns or rows.
Today I had a sleeping period of 13 spins as soon as I won my first bet so I had to wait a little but thats no problem
To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


Quote from: soggett on Oct 20, 05:45 AM 2011
It took longer manly because I had a sleeping period - accasionally there will be periods of 10, 20  spins when there is no trigger. that's when the numbers are repeating in the same columns or rows.
Today I had a sleeping period of 13 spins as soon as I won my first bet so I had to wait a little but that's no problem
Maybe you should bet those numbers!?


Quote from: marivo on Oct 20, 09:20 AM 2011
Maybe you should bet those numbers!?

Hi Marivo
Nice idea, but it happens rarely, I just checked my test and in 1165 spins it hapened only 10 times.
It is usually under 5, 10 spins but i don't know if we can take advantage of it because ...how should I explain... ok, example of numbers when no trigger is available:
So sometimes the numbers are in the same column and row and sometimes they are a spin apart from being same.
For instance
8 is D3
so if we bet column D and row 3 we would lose when 23 comes
32 is A1
so if we bet column A and row 1 we would win when 21 comes
but more often then not the first example is in play
And when we do have a trigger then the rows are not the same at all
Maybe it can work, its a good idea, needs to be tested
If the hit is not too much spins apart it can work with a progression but i have seen 5 times in a row a win on spin 1 - that means that 8 spins can go without a repeat of coulmn/row
Definitly something to test, nice job Marivo
To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


Quote from: soggett on Oct 18, 07:08 AM 2011
The stats:
played 200 games
lost 1
end balance 2494 units
Win on
step 1  62 (31%)
step 2  38  (19%)
step 3  24  (12%)
step 4  22  (11%)
step 5  17 (8,5%)
step 6  9  (4,5%)
step 7  8  (4%)
step 8  6  (3%)
step 9  4  (2%)
step 10  4  (2%)
step 11  4  (2%)
step 12  1 (0,5%)
Loss  1  (0,5%)
Hi Soggett,

I am now writing a Roulette Extreme script to test this.
If you have the winning numbers for these 200 games (mentioned above), please post them in either text or excel format.



Soggetts last post prior to yours has aged a bit, about 1 year 9 months.


Quote from: ausguy on Jul 24, 04:09 PM 2013
Soggetts last post prior to yours has aged a bit, about 1 year 9 months.

Yes, I am aware of that.
I was hoping that soggett still had those spins in a text file.

If not, then I will just test it with my own records or download from spielbank weisbaden


Quote from: stringbeanpc on Jul 24, 04:29 PM 2013
Yes, I am aware of that.
I was hoping that soggett still had those spins in a text file.

If not, then I will just test it with my own records or download from spielbank weisbaden

seems very interesting...
can't wait for the results.


Whether you think you can or you can't, you're probably right!
