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Another progression needed

Started by Jeromin, Oct 28, 05:16 AM 2011

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I can do this one myself, but to save the time, does anyone know if there is a worked out progression for straight up bet, going over 150 steps?
And yes, I know the sleeper odds for 12 million spins, but I also know what to expect from Wiesbaden and Hamburg, after checking several hundred sessions. The theoretical limits of random are interestsing but not all that practical.

The better the gambler, the worse the man.  Publilius Syrus


It depends on table limits for BV you can get a 350 step progression


Quote from: Juiced91 on Oct 28, 05:22 AM 2011
It depends on table limits for BV you can get a 350 step progression

There's a comprehensive list of live dealers over at live dealer dot org, so yes, there are many length options. Have you got that 350 step progression, Juiced?

The better the gambler, the worse the man.  Publilius Syrus


Is this to cover just 1 number or a few numbers?

Heres a formula you can use on your calculator

$missing = chips placed to date without a win
$thesize = amount of numbers you are betting on
Round(1 + $missing/(36 - $thesize))

The 1 is the minimum unit you want to win at any point, 36 is what you win when you win, obviousley this is code from my bots so it calculates it for me on the fly but you can use it while playing manually, its easier than just writing hundreds of steps out as you may change the amount of numbers you are playing at any point and the formula wil still accuratly provide you with how much to bet on the next bet.

There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Quote from: superman on Oct 28, 06:27 AM 2011
Is this to cover just 1 number or a few numbers?

Heres a formula you can use on your calculator

$missing = chips placed to date without a win
$thesize = amount of numbers you are betting on
Round(1 + $missing/(36 - $thesize))

The 1 is the minimum unit you want to win at any point, 36 is what you win when you win, obviousley this is code from my bots so it calculates it for me on the fly but you can use it while playing manually, its easier than just writing hundreds of steps out as you may change the amount of numbers you are playing at any point and the formula wil still accuratly provide you with how much to bet on the next bet.


Actually, I am thinking of covering a LOT of numbers. Nevertheless, I want to treat then each as an individual progression, and basically bet that after about 200 spins, +/-50, the risk of a sleeper is low enough that I can risk the whole bankroll. I just don't know if at that point it becomes impractically high. So the actual list would be nice.

The better the gambler, the worse the man.  Publilius Syrus



Quote from: 6th-sense on Oct 28, 07:43 AM 2011
hi jeromin hope this helps  link:://:.loothog.com/Systems/prog.html

Yes, that was it. Thanks 6th sense. 200 spins is more expensive than I thought...

The better the gambler, the worse the man.  Publilius Syrus


love that loothog thingy when looking at something
"No Whining, just Winning"



glad you all like it you can play around with the money side of it to produce a longer list of bets
