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David and Goliath: Acts of Moderators

Started by catalyst, Nov 17, 05:21 AM 2011

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Dear Moderators

Forum is becoming the battle field for David and Goliath. If you examine few threads, you will be noticing that Goliaths are becoming stronger day by day and we â€"Davidsâ€"are at bay with the presence of  ‘stronger’ Moderators. Recently I have received an email from one of the few best posters explaining his discontinuation with this forum. Here is the excerpt:

I just want to tell all of you that I've enjoyed interacting with you for the last few years.  You're a great bunch of people.  I feel that the moderators allow too much negative attacks by some of the posters, specifically GARNabby.  He is allowed to belittle members in a really obnoxious way and I think I'll take my ball and go home.

The need for enforcing ethics and standard by Moderators should  be continuous and bottom line. Now I find in another thread that the great Tomla021 is discontinuing post. Winkel is already gone. If it becomes sensitive to other great members such as Ego, Chrisbis, F_LAT_INO, Hermes, Fripper,  etc and the cessation from the forum continues, then the forum will be left to a bunch of mud-slinging low-moral Goliaths.



Well, like the man said don't feed who you don't like, I ignore many replies, posts and threads from certain members, and theres a lot of them, most comments are totally useless other than to get their post count up. Just read past it, if it's your thread, delete the response without telling them why, there are many ways to mindf$%^ them.

Most gambling forums are the same, there's plenty of pi$$ed off gamblers in the world.

EDIT: I don't think its fair to blame the mods, most of them anyway, they do a good job, let's take our indian friends a few days ago, total BS and totally believed by a few, mods stepped up and banned the lot, excellent work, they saved some members a lot of money.
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Noting the more productive members are leaving could be due to casino agents acting as disruptors.


Hi catalyst,

Don't worry, the mods are on the case.  :thumbsup:

I know from experience that if certain members are allowed to belittle and intimidate, it's the beginning of the end for that forum. As far as I'm concerned, spammers, trolls and other forum 'low life' can expect zero tolerance from the mods from now on. Steve has made that perfectly clear.

Actually, your post is a little confusing:

QuoteGoliaths are becoming stronger day by day and we â€"Davidsâ€"are at bay with the presence of  ‘stronger’ Moderators.

Well, you can't have it both ways. Either you have more and better moderation to 'take out the trash' or you have more trash!

Sometimes it's a fine line and a matter of judgement as to whether a member is overstepping the mark; it would be just as bad if the mods were too draconian and deleted threads and members for no apparent reason, but usually it's fairly clear to distinguish between an honest disagreement or difference of opinion, and behaviour which goes beyond it.

We can only do our best.
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


Quote from: superman on Nov 17, 05:33 AM 2011
Most gambling forums are the same, there's plenty of pi$$ed off gamblers in the world.

Yep.  ;D

The problem is that for many, roulette isn't just a hobby like playing the banjo or basket-weaving, (you don't see many negative vibes on forums for musicians or basket weavers!) it's a desperate search for the 'holy grail' or 'free money'. Money is an emotive issue, so you tend to get a lot of bickering, and all the other less desirable characteristics of human nature.

As Ego said in another thread, it would be much better for all if people DID consider roulette to be 'merely' a hobby.
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


May I add a personal caveat here.

Some members may not be aware, I was asked if I would like to join the Staff here at Roulette Forum.cc, and become a global Moderator.

I have accepted, so with effect as of last night, You have addition weight behind the existing Staff Moderators.
Chrisbis is a Mod.  :thumbsup:

I will be assisting the likes of:-
Bayes- UK/Europe time Zone
Iggiv-   Euro time Zone
Thomas Grant- Australia/NZ time Zone
MrJ-     U.S.A time Zone
VLS-    U.S.A./SouthAmerica time Zone
Steve- In a time warp of his own, encased in a computer program somewhere in the Universe.

So...............if U need help, advice or want to alert any of the Mods for ANYTHING, U now have an addition face/avatar to pester.

Just shout.

by the way, my posts on systems, play, techniques will stay exactly the same!

Cheers all.
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Actors may come and go but the show must go on.


congrats chris this should be intersting   8)


Hold on to Ur chicks, chips and betting slips!! :)
Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Quote from: 6th-sense on Nov 17, 03:26 PM 2011
congrats chris this should be interesting   8)

wish you mud-slinging from Goliaths!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :twisted: :twisted:


Chris welcome aboard bud

guys, i think some people are oversensitive. my opinion is that mods should not take sides taking one member as good and other as bad, based on their opinions. Direct insult is not allowed, calling names not allowed. but i think it is ok to express opinion that your opponent is not good at roulette. even that it can be wrong.

i admit i may be a reason why GLC left. well, i do respect him. but sorry, i can't take sides when he is arguing to someone who thinks that he loses in casino. i can't see this as an insult. even that this someone may be wrong, and GLC is very good at roulette. I am really sorry GLC left, but i can't forbid anyone's opinion if this is not a direct insult with calling names and stuff like that. I would love to see George back, and i know that he is a good man, but i can't take sides just because he is a good man and thinks that his opponent is bad. His opponent DID NOT INSULT him, what can i do?
if we mods are taking sides in those arguments then it is not fair. We are here not to take sides, but prevent attacking personalities. But we can't and shouldn't prevent attacking each other views on roulette. this is what this forum is about, isn't it?

i was attacked personally myself, i warned the guy which attacked me, and that's how it was over. we (me and him) still exchange opinions on roulette, and i do not try to "settle an account" or commit some kind of vendettas just because i am mod. even that i think it was not fair.

we mods should be able to take personal likes or dislikes apart. we should prevent personal fights but we should not interfere on opinions on success of these or those methods of roulette.

that's my opinion


if my opponent thinks that i lose at roulette with my methods, this is his right. this is a freedom of speech, as simple as that.

we are not a mutual admiration society here.  criticizing methods of roulette is normal.

But for example if someone calls his opponent just a loser (with no regard to winning roulette) i do find this as a personal attack. some things depend on context. I found Garnabby criticizing George on his handling roulette in casino and expressing belief that George consistently loses this game.

i can't call this a personal attack. i just CAN'T, i am being honest


I would like to apologize to Bayes...........

It seems that I can no longer pm you.............

Sorry if I have been a burden with my questions from time to time. You have the best mathematical insight of all and value your insights............

If I may discuss your very observant comment concerning the pursuit  of the Holy Grail I agree. I don't believe there is a Holy Grail as people define it to be. I do believe there are methods of winning with roulette but they demand a lot of time and work, perhaps if you have a bot you maybe lucky :)

Personally I really like thinking about roulette and coming up with methods. I am realistic though and only try to generate enough funds to help with the bills and perhaps a vacation here and there :)


Quote from: amk
........ but they demand a lot of time and work,......
your not wrong here amk...! ;)

Can be very hard work.

Amk- if You have a look at this link, it might help answer your "Blocked Pm" question.

Hope that helps U.

Physical in Nature, Random in Opportunity                                                    The Reveal Originator!


Quote from: iggiv on Nov 18, 09:18 PM 2011

But for example if someone calls his opponent just a loser (with no regard to winning roulette) i do find this as a personal attack. some things depend on context. I found Garnabby criticizing George on his handling roulette in casino and expressing belief that George consistently loses this game.

hope Garnabby come forward and further support his acts of innocence.
