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Star System

Started by Robeenhuut, Jan 20, 08:08 PM 2012

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Has anybody here played or tested this system?  Its called  Star system by Dwaine C. Douglas. It was designed for any even chances game. I attached a file in PDF format.




The Star system is a very good system.  If you read some of the baccarat and blackjack forums you will discover that there're fans of this system on all of them.  Our friend Tomla021 has a friend who has tweaked this a little, I don't know how, and claims to be winning with it playing Blackjack.

I've tested it some and have found it to be a solid system, but I don't feel like it works as well in roulette as it might in Blackjack.  The doubles, splits and Blackjacks are a big advantage in BJ.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


I have tried tweaking the progression in the past and have tested this to +25 units 15 times and never lost a progression.  I can tell from playing it that it will definitely lose every now and then.

The first 2 bets are our base bets.

1 - Start by betting 1 unit.  If win repeat.  If lose next.
1 - Bet 1 unit.  If win start over.  If lose next.

These next 6 bets are like the star's pre-progression, let-it-ride bets.

1 - These next 6 bets will be let-it-ride.  If win start over.  If lose, next.
2 - If win let it ride if win again we are +3, start over. If lose, next. (we are now -5 units)
2 - If win let it ride, If win we are +1, start over.  If lose we are now -7, next.

The next 8 bets represent the Star's main progression.  Bet each level 2 times for full recovery.


There are no recovery progressions.
If we lose all 16 bets, we will be down -539 units plus all units won before the progression loss, which could be considerable or it may not be that many at all.  Like I said above, I've won 375 units without losing a progression.  The highest I've had to bet is 80 units.

If I had  shortened my progression to a high bet of 80 units and lost that bet mentioned above, I would have lost 239 units which would still leave me up +136 units.  I just take progressions out to around 500 units as a general rule.  We don't have to go that far.

There's nothing sacred about this progression. You can tweak it however you want.  One way is to make the 2 base bets 1 and then 2.  Since most of our wins will be in these 1st 2 bets, making them both winners is a very good idea.  You would have to adjust the rest of the progression, of course.

Here's another one that's made up of 7 let-it-ride bets and 7 repeat bets.



A total loss is -269 units.

The basic idea behind this system has always intrigued me.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


To save some people some time, here's a progression that starts with 1 then 2.

1  Bet 1X
2  Bet 1X

2  Bet these let-it-ride

10  Bet these repeat

-533 units on a total loss.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


I'm sorry for being so full of it on your topic, but I just want to present a progression developed by our friend Carsch.

Notice that + equals repeat same bet and X equals let 1st bet plus winnings ride for 2nd bet.

1  Bet as long as you win.  When lose next.

1+1  Repeat. Bet 1 if win bet 1 again. A win from here on nets you +1 on every level.
1X1  Here we let-it-ride. 

A total loss is -509.

That's my contribution.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


One last point I want to make about the repeat bets in the above progressions.

When you are going to bet the same amount 2 times to recover, remember that if you win the 1st time and lose the 2nd bet, you have broken even on the bet and can repeat it.  You must lose the 1st bet of the repeat bets to have to move to the next bet in the progression.

If it's a let-it-ride you must win both bets.  If you lose either of them you must move to the next bet in the progression.

For the newbies!

For more info on the Star System, look at the historic posts listed at the bottom pages of this topic, especially the one by Flukey Luke.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Hello GLC

Thanks for your quick feedback. I will go over it and hopefully if i have some questions u will  be able to answer them. I just feel that hitting 2 consecutive wins betting on EC in 5 step progression ladder is not that easy. In fact 5 loses in a row is a very common thing. You need definitely some kind of recovery system. I play something similar that works for me but always look for something new.



Quote from: Robeenhuut on Jan 21, 02:20 AM 2012
Hello GLC

Thanks for your quick feedback. I will go over it and hopefully if i have some questions u will  be able to answer them. I just feel that hitting 2 consecutive wins betting on EC in 5 step progression ladder is not that easy. In fact 5 loses in a row is a very common thing. You need definitely some kind of recovery system. I play something similar that works for me but always look for something new.


Of course the real problem is that we're playing a negative expectation game and manipulating our bet amounts and or timing can never erase that obstacle.  There, I've said it.  Ban me for life.

I understand completely where you're coming from.  Here's my experience.

This system is based on a negative progression.  There are multiple ways of using negative progressions.  The main ones are a single progression that has a large number of levels and, if lost, losses a large number of units.  The other one is a small or short progression that has only a few levels but uses recovery progressions in case of a loss on the base level.

The steep progression wins most of the time with rare losses.  The problem is that the losses are so large that they eat up most or all of our wins.  The shorter progression loses much more often, but it has 1,2 or 3 additional progressions that start with a larger unit size to recover the previous lost units.  In effect they are the same.  The recovery progressions also increase the amount of money you have to spend to recover lost units.  Eventually you will blow out all the recovery levels and have a huge loss that will eat up all your profits.

As a matter of fact, each step in D'Alembert can be thought of as a recovery bet.  If I lose a 1 unit bet and then go to a 2 unit bet to recover the 1 unit lost plus give me a profit, it's not that much different than betting 1-2-4-8 and when I lose I am down 15 units so I increase to 2-4-8-16.  I must win 8 times to recover my 15 unit loss.  I also run the risk of losing at 2-4-8-16 before recovering and then I must go to 4-8-16-32 etc...

I haven't found the perfect bet method that nullifies the inherent risks noted above.  I keep looking with different progressions, as you can tell from the number of progressions I have posted on the forum, but they all have 1 of 2 problems.  Either they are so gradual that it takes a huge number of spins for the above problem to manifest.  Or they are so steep that the problem happens quickly.  But eventually, the problems happens!

Good Luck,

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!



Can I re-awaken this thread?  I have been lurking around these boards for a couple of months now & thought it about time that I joined in.  I have trialled & tweaked a number of the systems I have found here (this place is a goldmine but where on earth is a newbie going to start?) & find myself returning to the star system over & over again.

After running it through a few thousand spins on excel & successfully losing a fat wedge of my bankroll going live, I have found that I actually prefer it with only 8 steps. ie. 1 1 1 2 5 10 15 25

I do not run it this way because my fingers are still smoking from my first live forays but because recovery levels are a bit less necessary.  The author of the system stipulates that the base stake of the recovery level should be ten percent of the loss on that session & if you won a few quid before the losing run then chances are that your new base stake should be the same as it was before.

Of course it is a bit annoying if you win two spins immediately after quitting the progression but that is more than made up for on the occasions when the losing run continues & you have just saved yourself another 40 units.

The thing that improved my results the most was a suggestion by GLC that you should stop playing after 4 losses in a row & resume after a virtual win.  I have sat in front of my laptop silently thanking him so many times for that one.

I am rambling, none of you are interested in being my biographer so I will get to the point.

Has anyone tried reversing the order of the system?  By which I mean that there seem to be more little wins in the pre-progression numbers than there are in the main progression & it seems like it would not hurt to switch it around with 4 repeat bets followed by 4 let it ride bets. eg: 2 3 5 8 6 8 11 15

I am thinking aloud here really but thought I would ask some more experienced heads.  I like this system but I am only really playing around with it until I can find a decent positive progression.



Star is supposed to be an almost perfect EC system

However you need thick blood and a massive bankroll

With proper bankroll its hard to lose
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



I agree.  Don't get me wrong, I am an admirer of the system but it is not quite near enough to perfect for us to give up our day jobs.  My favourite thing about the book is that the guy who wrote it made an allowance of 10% in his calculations for your bankroll so that if you bust then you had enough left in your pocket to get a meal & maybe see a show, "tomorrow is another day".  Proper class.

The worst problem I had is the author's advice is that at the end of a losing progression you start recovery mode by compressing all of your pre-progression bets into just one & then go straight onto the recovery progression.  It is all very logical but it means that I went through the first level of recovery on the first go & bust out of the second before the night was out.  This was a couple of months ago when I was very new to roulette & needed several days of not going near my laptop afterwards.

I have learned a few things since then but you can understand why I do not follow it exactly to the letter anymore.


All thanks goes to GLC ...

Star System Variant

    Here is a little progression that was first introduced by Carsch on GG.

    It is a variant of the original Star System (one of the better public MM systems available on the web), but is better. It requires only about 55% of the original star systems BR and only busts after 30 straight losses...

    Any two wins clear the progression. It allows you to catch streaks, as well as allows you to not go broke with WLWLWL.

    The progression

    Base level:

See how to play below. 

    1 win & parlay (lose and move on to the next bet)
    1 win & parlay (lose and move on to the next bet)
    2 win & repeat the same bet (In here, in order to move on to the next step, you must lose this bet the first time, or win it and then lose it twice in a row)
    2 win & parlay (lose and move on to the next bet)
    4 win & repeat the same bet (In here, in order to move on to the next step, you must lose this bet the first time, or win it and then lose it twice in a row)
    4 win & parlay (lose and move on to the next bet)
    8 win & repeat the same bet (In here, in order to move on to the next step, you must lose this bet the first time, or win it and then lose it twice in a row)
    8 win & parlay (lose and move on to the next bet)
    16 win & repeat the same bet (In here, in order to move on to the next step, you must lose this bet the first time, or win it and then lose it twice in a row)
    16 win & parlay (lose and move on to Recovery 1)

    Recovery 1 (this is played just like above)


    Recovery 2  (This too is played just like above)


As you can see, it requires 558 units to play base level, recovery 1 and recovery 2.

Base level = 62 units
Recovery 1 = 124 units
Recovery 2 = 372 units
Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


As always GLC gives a great contribution

With $5 â,¬5 £5 Â¥5 base units all you need is $3000
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins



Thanks for posting that progression.  I always sit up & take notice whenever GLC's name is mentioned.

The only issue that I might have with that progression is that the return per set on recovery level 1 is quite a low proportion of the amount lost on the base level.  10 stages is a nice buffer but the longer that you are in recovery the more likely you are to go through them all.

I might be inclined to tweak it slightly but it is definitely better suited to roulette than blackjack.

I took the idea of a reverse star system for a run out this weekend with low stakes at one of the online latvian places.  It was only a small sample & it didn't get out of the base level so not much of a test but it went well enough.

I just bet on low & played this progression, repeating the first five bets & letting the other three ride:

2 3 5 8 12 | 10 14 18
4 6 10 16 24 | 20 28 36
8 12 20 32 48 | 40 56 72

I only played two sets per session so I was never at the table very long.  In total I played 126 spins in 8 sessions & came out +81 units.  Felt like a decent weekend to me but much more time needed, it does seem suited to a hit & run approach.

I would appreciate it if people could point out some of the places where I am going wrong & suggest improvements.  Thank you.


How did you play it out? When win 2 in a row reset?
the key to winning with systems : play for a statistically irrelevant number of spins

