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hamsup's testing

Started by hamsup_sotong, May 10, 12:29 AM 2010

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Good to see you back dear Hamsup.

The profit with Twocando's method sure looks tasty  :thumbsup:

Keep us posted on your results.
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tcd's linear betting (carpet) session 16

slow session +18

total Tcd's linear betting carpet only (+796.24 units)



Quote from: hamsup_sotong on Sep 13, 08:30 PM 2010
slow session +18

...but a win is a win :)

May the good news continue on this one  :thumbsup:
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Hello Hamsup.
Great results over there :)

Can you please explain me how to play Tcd's linear betting carpet?

Best regards,


Quote from: A3on on Sep 14, 03:42 PM 2010
Hello Hamsup.
Great results over there :)

Can you please explain me how to play Tcd's linear betting carpet?

Best regards,

errr dude i have a thread on it under full systems >.< and u already posted in it T_T



Omg, really sorry my friend.
Now i remember, I was confused and thinking in something else :)

I will make some tests with it, I'm very impressed with the results  :thumbsup:


Hi Chaps

Have not posted in a while as i have been busy. Just to give an update. I'm Still playing the linear way. Doing quite well for now ( lucky i guess) with a little tweak.

The original method I've played was flat betting. Another alternative would be to use Atlantis's leveler progression.

Anyways my +/- for the linear stands at +882

Would update as i play although it may be infrequent.



Hi chaps update for the linear betting stands at stands at +1153

 :P :P :P :P


Hi chaps next update for the linear betting stands at stands at +1273  :twisted: :twisted:



Hello Hamsup! Do you mind revealing what is the linear betting that is doing so well for you?I would love to try it out for myself.


Quote from: Droganson on Nov 16, 08:15 AM 2010
Hello Hamsup! Do you mind revealing what is the linear betting that is doing so well for you?I would love to try it out for myself.

Sup dude heres the link


either play flat betting 100 unit br or 500 units with the leveler progression ( 1,2,4,8)

things to note:

1.   profit target 100 units. However this is not set in stone. IF i hit 100 very quickly i normally play another set of 6 spins and try and push the winnings further.

2. Max spins recommended would be around 100. DO Not exceed it if possible ..... if you're chasing a loss consider closing the session at a small loss or a small win.

I'll add in more as it comes to my head....  But until then have fun with it and see if it works for you :D


Quote from: hamsup_sotong on May 10, 12:29 AM 2010
Oh, the tests are conducted in real money. :D

My goodness, you're a daredevil.     ;D

Now, i have no idea how you play this system, hamsup. I didn't see anything that says how to play it. I haven't read all the other posts, in case it's already explained.


Quote from: Carsch on Nov 17, 02:22 PM 2010
My goodness, you're a daredevil.     ;D

Now, I have no idea how you play this system, hamsup. I didn't see anything that says how to play it. I haven't read all the other posts, in case it's already explained.

I already tested this system some time ago.
It's all explained in the link that hamsup provided you :)

It's indeed a fantastic system, unfortunatly I had to stop my testings as I didn't had any more time for it :(

I hope that maybe in a couple of days I will be able to resume it

Best regards,


Thanks Alfonso; i'll look for the link. I must have missed it. :)


I would like to provide you some of my testing sessions and the playing rules that I had writed

Unfortunatly my pc broked and I lost all my information in it

As soon as I get back to this system I will be very glad to help in what I can :)

Best regards,
