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The mixed bet on even chances

Started by GLC, Feb 06, 08:01 PM 2012

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Whenever we have RR or BB we will bet for more of the same.
Whenever we have RB or BR we will bet for more of the same.
Whenever we have RR or BB we will bet the same size unit until we lose.
Whenever we have RB or BR we will bet a +1/-1 progression.
We continue betting the same pattern as long as we are winning.
We play until reaching a new high bank amount and then reset back to 1 unit bets.

Here's the chart for betting a color to continue:
-1 to -5  = 1 unit
-6 to -12 = 2 units
-13 to -21 = 3 units
-22 to -32 = 4 units
-33 to -45 = 5 units
-46 to -60 = 6 units
-61 to -77 = 7 units
-78 to -96 = 8 units
-97 to -117 = 9 units
-118 to -140 = 10 units

For betting chops to continue we bet +1 on a loss and -1 on a win.  When we start the +1/-1 line for chops we stay with the same line until we reach an overall high bank and then we reset all bets to 1.  Also remember that we stop betting chops and the +1/-1 line anytime we get 2 colors in a row.

R   Bet 1 unit for R to continue
R   Win +1.  Bet 1 unit for R to continue                         +1  Reset
B   Lose -1.  Bet 1 units for chops to continue                   0
R   Win +1.  Bet 1 unit for chops to continue                   +1  Reset
R   Lose -1.  Bet 1 unit for R to continue                          0
B   Lose -1.  Bet 1 unit for chops to continue                   -1
B   Lose -1.  Bet 1 unit for B to continue                         -2  1st loss in +1/-1
R   Lose -1.  Bet 1 unit for chops to continue                   -3 
R   Lose -1.  Bet 1 unit for R to continue                          -4
B   Lose -1.  Bet 2 units for chops to continue                  -5
B   Lose -2.  Bet 1 unit for B to continue                          -7 2nd loss in +1/-1
R   Lose -1.  Bet 3 units for chops to continue                  -8
R   Lose -3.  Bet 2 units for R to continue (-6 to -12)        -11  3rd loss in +1/-1
B   Lose -2.  Bet 4 units for chops to continue                  -13
R   Win +4.  Bet 3 units for chops to continue                   -9  1st win in +1/-1
B   Win +3.  Bet 2 units for chops to continue                   -6  2nd win in +1/-1
R   Win +2.  Bet 1 unit for chops to continue                    -4
R   Lose -1.  Bet 1 unit for R to continue                          -5
R   Win +1.  Bet 1 unit for R to continue                           -4
R   Win +1.  Bet 1 unit for R to continue                           -3
R   Win +1.  Bet 1 unit for R to continue                           -2
B   Lose -1.  Bet 2 units for chops to continue                   -3
R   Win +2.  Bet 1 unit for chops to continue                     -1
B   Win +1.  Bet 1 unit for chops to continue                      0
B   Lose -1.  Bet 1 unit for B to continue                           -1
B   Win +1.  Bet 1 unit for B to continue                            0
B   Win +1.  Bet 1 unit for B to continue                            +1  Reset

That's the basic idea.

Give this a test and you will see that it's a very stable system.

100 unit buy-in should give you more than enough opportunity to get ahead by about 20 units.

It's a little confusing to present, but once you understand how to play, it's very easy with minimal writing.  Just keep track of your high bank amount, how much you are down from the high bank amount so you will know what unit amount to bet on the streaks and your +1/-1 line so you will know what to bet on the chops.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Each attack is limited to +1 and then reset.

When you are betting say 3 units for the color to continue because you were 16 units down, you continue to bet 3 units until you lose even if you bring your total down below -12 which is in the 2 unit area.  Once you lose, the next time you bet for a color to continue, you reset the bet size based on how far you are down.

So far this has been the most stable system I've posted in a very long time, maybe ever.

When I get the time, I will post a spreadsheet with every possible decission to be made on it so you can see clearly exactly how to play this.

Something about combining both bet methods into 1 system seems to give it staying power.

One final thing I want to point out is that the killer to this system is the doublets.  In the example I gave in the 1st post, you can see starting with the 6th spin which is a R we have RBBRRBBRRBB which are all losses.

This is the same sequence that kills the author's system.  It may be necessary to set a maximum number of losses in a row, say 4, and then bet virtual until a win and resume real betting.  This concept may just be pseudo-science because just as easily as having 11 losses in a row is to have 4 losses then after our win which triggers real betting we could have another 4 losses etc...  To each his own!

11 losses with this method doesn't seem to drive us too deep into the hole.  It's definitely recoverable.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: GLC on Feb 06, 08:01 PM 2012
Whenever we have RR or BB we will bet for more of the same.
Whenever we have RB or BR we will bet for more of the same.
Whenever we have RR or BB we will bet the same size unit until we lose.
Whenever we have RB or BR we will bet a +1/-1 progression.
We continue betting the same pattern as long as we are winning.
We play until reaching a new high bank amount and then reset back to 1 unit bets.

Here's the chart for betting a color to continue:
-1 to -5  = 1 unit
-6 to -12 = 2 units
-13 to -21 = 3 units
-22 to -32 = 4 units
-33 to -45 = 5 units
-46 to -60 = 6 units
-61 to -77 = 7 units
-78 to -96 = 8 units
-97 to -117 = 9 units
-118 to -140 = 10 units

For betting chops to continue we bet +1 on a loss and -1 on a win.  When we start the +1/-1 line for chops we stay with the same line until we reach an overall high bank and then we reset all bets to 1.  Also remember that we stop betting chops and the +1/-1 line anytime we get 2 colors in a row.

R   Bet 1 unit for R to continue
R   Win +1.  Bet 1 unit for R to continue                         +1  Reset
B   Lose -1.  Bet 1 units for chops to continue                   0
R   Win +1.  Bet 1 unit for chops to continue                   +1  Reset
R   Lose -1.  Bet 1 unit for R to continue                          0
B   Lose -1.  Bet 1 unit for chops to continue                   -1
B   Lose -1.  Bet 1 unit for B to continue                         -2  1st loss in +1/-1
R   Lose -1.  Bet 1 unit for chops to continue                   -3 
R   Lose -1.  Bet 1 unit for R to continue                          -4
B   Lose -1.  Bet 2 units for chops to continue                  -5
B   Lose -2.  Bet 1 unit for B to continue                          -7 2nd loss in +1/-1
R   Lose -1.  Bet 3 units for chops to continue                  -8
R   Lose -3.  Bet 2 units for R to continue (-6 to -12)        -11  3rd loss in +1/-1
B   Lose -2.  Bet 4 units for chops to continue                  -13
R   Win +4.  Bet 3 units for chops to continue                   -9  1st win in +1/-1
B   Win +3.  Bet 2 units for chops to continue                   -6  2nd win in +1/-1
R   Win +2.  Bet 1 unit for chops to continue                    -4
R   Lose -1.  Bet 1 unit for R to continue                          -5
R   Win +1.  Bet 1 unit for R to continue                           -4
R   Win +1.  Bet 1 unit for R to continue                           -3
R   Win +1.  Bet 1 unit for R to continue                           -2
B   Lose -1.  Bet 2 units for chops to continue                   -3
R   Win +2.  Bet 1 unit for chops to continue                     -1
B   Win +1.  Bet 1 unit for chops to continue                      0
B   Lose -1.  Bet 1 unit for B to continue                           -1
B   Win +1.  Bet 1 unit for B to continue                            0
B   Win +1.  Bet 1 unit for B to continue                            +1  Reset

That's the basic idea.

Give this a test and you will see that it's a very stable system.

100 unit buy-in should give you more than enough opportunity to get ahead by about 20 units.

It's a little confusing to present, but once you understand how to play, it's very easy with minimal writing.  Just keep track of your high bank amount, how much you are down from the high bank amount so you will know what unit amount to bet on the streaks and your +1/-1 line so you will know what to bet on the chops.



Hello GLC

I dont quite understand your example of betting sequence like why it is 1st loss in +1/-1 in bet number 7?  It is bit confusing.




are you using seperate lines for the betting? seems to be a nice way of getting  into streak and chop wins
"No Whining, just Winning"


Quote from: Tomla021 on Feb 07, 12:38 PM 2012
are you using separate lines for the betting? seems to be a nice way of getting  into streak and chop wins

Tom,  You're correct.  Separate bet lines.  For chops just the standard +1 on a loss -1 on a win.  As long as we are down in relation to our previous high bank, we keep the same line.

Anytime we switch over to betting on streaks, we will flatbet and the size of that bet is determined by the number of units we are in the hole.  We will have to have the chart I posted handy. 

So we will be betting chops for  2 or 3 bets then we'll go to streaks betting for a few bets then back to chops continuing the same chops line then when we lose at chops back to streaks etc... until we reach a new high or even.

If we are having a really bad run of luck and our bets are getting very large and we get back close to even, we can adjust our bet sizes downward to guard against another losing streak sending us in the hole at warp speed.

Also, remember that once we start betting an amount on streaks, we continue to bet that same amount until we either lose or reach a new high bank.  So each time we have 2 of the same color in a row, we check to see how deep in the hole we are which will determine our bet size.

This is winning at about 1 unit for every 4-5 bets on average.  That's fairly slow, but it means that it can be pretty stable.  The most I've been down is 80 units and only once.  Other than that time, 40 units down is my highest.  I'm thinking 100 unit buy-in should be a good max.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


When I say that I am winning at about 1 unit every 4-5 bets, that is without any lost buy-ins.  Since this, as with all systems, will have buy-in losses, the true win rate is yet to be determined.

I'm hoping with this moving at as slow a rate as it does, the losses will be few and far between.

If you do any testing on this, let us know what you think.


Tom, if this continues to work as well as it is in the beginning, it should really shine playing baccarat.  It needs to be tweaked to suit playing the 70 or so bets per shoe.  Since I don't play baccarat, I don't know how to think in shoe attacks.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!



With a  certain M.O.  playing EC it is  possible  to win  4  out of 5  bets .



Quote from: GLC on Feb 06, 08:01 PM 2012
Here's the chart for betting a color to continue:
-1 to -5  = 1 unit
-6 to -12 = 2 units
-13 to -21 = 3 units
-22 to -32 = 4 units
-33 to -45 = 5 units
-46 to -60 = 6 units
-61 to -77 = 7 units
-78 to -96 = 8 units
-97 to -117 = 9 units
-118 to -140 = 10 units

These are the exact spins from my example above.  I'll explain what I'm doing in more detail.

R  1st spin, no bet
R  2nd spin, 2 Reds in a row so we bet 1 unit on R to continue.  We always start betting 1 unit.  If we were at -6 we would bet 2 units for R to continue.
R   We got a Red so we win 1 unit.  Running total is +1.  When ever we are at +1, we are at a new high bank amount.  That means our Running total is reset to 0.  We continue to bet 1 unit for Red.
B   Black comes so we lose 1 unit.   Running total is -1 because we just lost  Now that the last 2 spins are a chop, we begin our +1/-1 line.  Our 1st bet in this line is always 1 unit.  Bet 1 unit for Red.
R   We got a Red so we win.  Running total is 0 again.  That means we reset our running total.   Since our last 2 spins are a chop we again bet for a chop.  We won the 1st bet from out chop line, so we start it again betting 1.  Bet 1 for Black. 
R   Red comes so we lose.  Run Tot = -1.  Since our last 2 spins are the same, we bet for Red to continue.  Since we aren't more than -5 we still are betting 1 unit on streaks.  Bet 1 unit for Red.
B   B comes, lose.  Run Tot = -2.  Last 2 spins are chops so we bet for chops to continue and we begin a new +1/-1 line so we bet 1 unit.  Bet 1 unit for R.
B   B comes, lose.  Run tot = -3.  Last 2 spins are the same color so we quit betting from our +1/-1 progression line and check to see how minus we are.  We are between -1 and -5 so we are still betting 1 unit.  Bet 1 unit for B.
R   R comes, lose.  Run tot =-4.  Last 2 spins are chop so we go back to our +1/-1 line.  Since our last bet from our +1/-1 line was a 1 and it was a loss, we add 1 and our next bet is 2 units for B. 
R   R comes, lose.  Run tot =-6.  Last 2 spins are the same so we go back to betting for the color to continue.  Our running total is now -6 so we bet 2 units for R.
B   B comes, lose.  Run tot = -8.  Last 2 spins are chops so we go back to betting from our +1/-1 line.  Our last bet was 2 units and it lost so we add 1 and bet 3 units for R.
B   B comes, lose.  Run tot = -11.  Last 2 spins = BB so we check our betting table for streaks and see that we are still between -6 and -12 so we bet 2 units for B.
R   Lose. Run tot = -13.  Last 2 = BR so we bet for B.  We lost our 3 unit bet and must now add 1 unit and bet 4 for B.
R   Lose.  Run tot = -17.  Last 2 = RR so we bet for R.  We are -17 and our chart tells us that we must bet 3 units for the color streak to continue.
B   Lose.  Run tot = -20.  Last 2 = RB so we bet for R.  We lost our 4 unit bet from our +1/-1 progression and now bet 5 units for R.
R   Win.  Run tot = -15.  Last 2 = BR so we bet for B.  We won our 5 unit bet from our +1/-1 line and now subtract 1 and bet 4 units for B.
B   Win.  Run tot = -11.  Bet 3 units for R.
R   Win.  Run tot = -8.  Bet 2 units for B.
R   Lose.  Run tot = -10.  Chart shows we must bet 2 units for R.
R   Win.  Run tot = -8.  We haven't lost or reached 0 yet so we continue to bet 2 units for R.
R   Win.  Run tot = -6.  Bet 2 units for R.
R   Win.  Run tot = -4.  Bet 2 units for R.  Even though we are between -1 and -5 we don't change our bet to 1 unit because we haven't lost or reached even.
B   Lose.  Run tot = -6.  Last 2 = RB so back to +1/-1 line.  Our last bet was 2 and we lost so we must now bet 3 for R.
R   Win.  Run tot =-3.  3 unit bet won so we bet 2 for B.
B   Win.  Run tot = -1.  2 unit bet won so we bet 1 for R.  Still using our +1/-1 line because we are betting chops.
B   Lose.  Run tot = -3.  Streak so we bet 1 unit for B.
B   Win.  Run tot = -2.  Streak so we bet 1 unit for B.
B   Win.  Run tot = -1.  Streak so we bet 1 unit for B.
B   Win.  Run tot = 0.  Streak so we bet 1 unit for B.  Also we reset our +1/-1 line.
B   Win.  Run tot = +1.  Streak so we bet 1 unit for B.

If we are winning on either a streak or chops, we continue to bet for a continuation until we lose.  In other words, we always look at the last 2 spins and bet accordingly.

I see that I did make a mistake in my 1st presentation of this example.  Sorry about that.  Also, I went a couple spins further to complete the recovery. 

Please note that this was a very bad run and we still recovered.

The potential problem is that this streak could happen when we're betting some much larger units and instead of reaching -20, we could reach -???.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Hello GLC

Thanks for further explanation. Now it is perfectly clear.



I just want to say that the spins in my example were not real spins.  They were manufactured by me to demonstrate how to play the system.  I wanted you to see a losing series followed by a recovery.  I know that often people try to sell their system by showing how it can win after say 16 losses and 13 wins.  Of course they front load the losses and back load the wins.

That is the way it turned out, but it wasn't designed to.  You will notice that we won 14 bets and lost 14 bets.  With a straight flat bet, we would have broken even.  In this case, we won 2 units.

This is what I'm hoping this system will continue to do; win just a little more than flat betting.  I wish it could do it with shallower draw downs, but as long as they don't get too deep it should still be a playable system.

I only have a TINY bit of hope that this will stay as good as it has started. 


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


interesting system ---it is not even that complicated when you wrap your head around it--?Could be a great little baccarat system
"No Whining, just Winning"


Tom, it's a piece of cake.

Here's a quick test I just did on double zero wheel, Betvoyager, demo mode.

B  Next bet is 1 for streak
00  Lose -1 Whenever a zero interupts a streak I count it as a color change and bet for a chop.  Whenever a zero interupts a chop streak I count it as the same color and play for a color streak.  This 00 interupted a color streak so I'm going to play for a chop with +1/-1 bet progression.  Bet 1 for R on next spin.
R  Win +1  That makes me even.  Reset (nothing to reset here).  Bet 1 for chops.
R  Lose -1  Bet 1 for R
R  Win  0   Reset     Bet 1 for R
B  Lose -1  Bet 1 for R   This is an important situation that comes up all the time.  Whenever I lose betting for a color streak to continue, I count that as the 1st bet of the +1/-1 line.  My next bet will be 2 units on the chops to continue.  I only do this when I'm starting fresh with my chop line.  So I bet 2 for R
R  Win  +2  That makes +1  so reset.  Bet 1 on B for chops to continue
B  Win  +1   Reset.  Bet 1 on R
R  Win  +1  Reset.  Bet 1 on B
B  Win  +1  Reset.  Bet 1 on R
R  Win  +1  Reset.  Bet 1 on B
B  Win  +1  Reset.  Bet 1 on R
R  Win  +1  Reset.  Bet 1 on B  We're +8 and haven't broken a sweat yet.
R  Lose -1  Now we will bet 1 for color streak to continue.  Notice that when we go from a chop winning streak to a color winning streak we just bet whatever unit amount our chart tells us to bet, which is 1.
B  Lose -1 total down -2.  Notice that we are going from a color streak to chops and we were betting 1 unit so we count that loss as our 1st bet in our chops +1/-1 line.  Next bet is 2 units for R.
R  Win  +2.  Since we were down 2 we are even so reset.  Bet 1 unit for chops.
B  Win  +1  Reset   We are +9 total.  Bet 1 unit for chops to continue.
R  Win  +1  Reset   We are +10 total.  Stop

I just wanted to show you how quickly you can win sometimes and point out another little twist.

Here's my caveat.  You can make any little changes that you want to this system.  Whatever you like is okay.  If you change it too much, you may lose it's punch, or you may improve it. 

I hope someone can improve it.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: GLC on Feb 07, 10:59 PM 2012
Tom, it's a piece of cake.

Here's a quick test I just did on double zero wheel, Betvoyager, demo mode.

B  Next bet is 1 for streak
00  Lose -1 Whenever a zero interupts a streak I count it as a color change and bet for a chop.  Whenever a zero interupts a chop streak I count it as the same color and play for a color streak.  This 00 interupted a color streak so I'm going to play for a chop with +1/-1 bet progression.  Bet 1 for R on next spin.
R  Win +1  That makes me even.  Reset (nothing to reset here).  Bet 1 for chops.
R  Lose -1  Bet 1 for R
R  Win  0   Reset     Bet 1 for R
B  Lose -1  Bet 1 for R   This is an important situation that comes up all the time.  Whenever I lose betting for a color streak to continue, I count that as the 1st bet of the +1/-1 line.  My next bet will be 2 units on the chops to continue.  I only do this when I'm starting fresh with my chop line.  So I bet 2 for R
R  Win  +2  That makes +1  so reset.  Bet 1 on B for chops to continue
B  Win  +1   Reset.  Bet 1 on R
R  Win  +1  Reset.  Bet 1 on B
B  Win  +1  Reset.  Bet 1 on R
R  Win  +1  Reset.  Bet 1 on B
B  Win  +1  Reset.  Bet 1 on R
R  Win  +1  Reset.  Bet 1 on B  We're +8 and haven't broken a sweat yet.
R  Lose -1  Now we will bet 1 for color streak to continue.  Notice that when we go from a chop winning streak to a color winning streak we just bet whatever unit amount our chart tells us to bet, which is 1.
B  Lose -1 total down -2.  Notice that we are going from a color streak to chops and we were betting 1 unit so we count that loss as our 1st bet in our chops +1/-1 line.  Next bet is 2 units for R.
R  Win  +2.  Since we were down 2 we are even so reset.  Bet 1 unit for chops.
B  Win  +1  Reset   We are +9 total.  Bet 1 unit for chops to continue.
R  Win  +1  Reset   We are +10 total.  Stop

I just wanted to show you how quickly you can win sometimes and point out another little twist.

Here's my caveat.  You can make any little changes that you want to this system.  Whatever you like is okay.  If you change it too much, you may lose it's punch, or you may improve it. 

I hope someone can improve it.


Hello GLC

I would consider reverse it and bet on colors to continue with +1/-1 line.
I did some testing and you can ride some hot streak this way.  I got better
results betting like this.
Just my suggestion.



Thanks for pointing out that tweak.  I'll give it a try and see if I see what you're seeing.  I had considered looking in that direction, but hadn't gotten around to it.  Thanks for your help.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: Robeenhuut on Feb 08, 02:09 AM 2012
Hello GLC

I would consider reverse it and bet on colors to continue with +1/-1 line.
I did some testing and you can ride some hot streak this way.  I got better
results betting like this.
Just my suggestion.


RBH,  I looked at switching bet methods and think I'll stay with my original way.  Your suggestion works fine, but it seems to be a little more volatile.  Betting Red and Black streaks with a moving flat bet ??? seems to keep the draw downs less violent.  The D'Alembert progression is the one I'm trying to keep to a minimum.

I could be wrong.  The few spins I used for a test can just be leaning one way or the other and the next few can move to the other side pretty easily.

I'm looking at a more aggressive progression than D'Alembert which is staying pretty stable.

Maybe something like a stretched Fibonacci or an aggressive D'Almbert of +2/-2 or one of my personal favorites is +3/-2.  When using these more aggressive types, I set my flat bet amount at the previous bet amount of the +/- progression.  So If I'm at a 6 unit bet in my +/- line and my previous bet was 4, I use 4 for my flat bet on a color streak.

If I use the same number as my current +/- bet amount on my streak bets the swings get too violent.

Thanks for any help testing or observations you can give.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!
