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who's making money out of roulette at the moment?

Started by Amazin, Feb 23, 08:09 AM 2012

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Quote from: MauiSunset on Apr 23, 12:24 AM 2012

There is NO proof that Roulette is beatable - none exists.

Mathematics tells us this in the form of the posted odds available at any Roulette table in the world and the most respected gambling websites have no proof it can be "beaten".

Yet may say it can be beaten - the proof is on them to demonstrate it.

There are NO odds posted anywhere on any website that give the player the edge over the house. 
That does not mean that folks can't win at Roulette on a spin, but the more Roulette is played the more the odds favor the casino.

If just one person can beat Roulette and pass that system/method on to others then Roulette will be thrown out of all casinos and mathematics will be proven wrong.

I put my trust in 200+ years of casinos making billions with their Roulette wheel and not someone who says they can beat Roulette but for a dozen reasons can't and won't prove their claims.....

You are realy TOTALY lost case. I regret my time for explaining you some things...

This thread should be locked from mods if you ask me.

"Yet may say it can be beaten - the proof is on them to demonstrate it."-- who the hell are you and why someone should prove you and show how wheel is beaing beat? ??? ? Dear Jesus....-

"There are NO odds posted anywhere on any website that give the player the edge over the house. " --advantage play gives you these odds

"If just one person can beat Roulette and pass that system/method on to others then Roulette will be thrown out of all casinos and mathematics will be proven wrong"--- wrong. The ones who can beat this game hold that as most secretly secret secret what is realy logical. And dont behave with that power like spoiled kids... And no one will give that just like that or even sold for all money of this world to some idiots like you are...  I don't give a darn for insult, it is a fact. Even if you by some magic could have this power it is obviouslyyou are last person in the world should have it..

Go in the sand and build castles.. That never can fail. Or it can if sand is to dry? Lol?

Case closed. Over and out.




Gizmo, very funny.  ;D

guys like Maui and Garnabby demand that no-one be allowed to claim that they win, but they hope and believe it's possible. They just don't want to do the necessary work.
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


Someone on this forum said that we are all a bunch of nice guys - gentleman...I think we should act like it!

@ MauiSunset - take Gizmo's offer - let him show you what he can do, and you'll realize that you might have saved yourself a 1000 U$ embarrassment. Other than that, you have nothing to lose.

Trust the timing of your life!


i find its only the idiots that say you cant make money, they probably have never taken the time and patience to try and loose their money,
I dont claim to win every spin, but as we all know it cant be beaten 100 %  of the time,  and thats what people try to do,  just try to use alot of strategies when you need to to increase your chances of winning,
so whoever says you cant make money on it,  well go stick to the pokie machines or play ping pong !  cause it can be done !


Quote from: Bayes on Apr 23, 04:06 AM 2012
Gizmo, very funny.  ;D

guys like Maui and Garnabby demand that no-one be allowed to claim that they win, but they hope and believe it's possible. They just don't want to do the necessary work.

Excatly like that. Once again sory for that word but we all know everyone could say that for that situation...

You couldnt say it better Bayes and we know that is like that so now i can't even wonder enough why i go into this...

Realy regret...  :'(

Won't happen again. I am at least above that level.




Drazen, i agree with u that this discussion is fruitless but i am not gonna lock it. Let's everyone speak  his (her) mind, no harm is done. There are many fruitless discussions in forums. There are no rules forbidding it as long as no personal quarrels involved.

Happy talking!



So that’s it?

All the challenger has to do is double a 100 unit bank in a 100 bet session?

What if the bank has doubled in 87 bets but then falls just short of double over the next 13 bets? >> That’s a bit stupid.

Anyway, this is a dangerous poker game you have set yourself MauiSunset, and I’m not surprised you have capped the contest at the pittance of $1000.

I know of a flat betting system that loses long term, but is ideally suited to your challenge. This system consistently doubles the bank within 100 spins on average 6 or 7 out of every 10 attempts, but loses miserably on the other 3 or 4 attempts. So as a poker player I have an edge over your range because there is at least a 60% chance that the bank will double within your 100 spin criteria.

I could take your challenge and in all likelihood be successful, but the system is a long term loser.

You are right about one thing, poker and roulette are worlds apart.

You’re challenge in its current format is flawed, and it is only the lowly $1000 on offer that has saved your bacon to date.
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Like I said, I've heard dozen and dozen of excuses for not taking my challenge; you've read about another dozen more on this thread.

I think what scares the hell out of folks is the fact that their failure would be captured on video and played over and over again for years to come.

Anyway the May 2012 challenge opens in about 3 weeks -  best of luck to anyone who enters - and I do mean that.....


A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Quote from: MauiSunset on Apr 23, 07:01 AM 2012

I think what scares the hell out of folks is the fact that their failure would be captured on video and played over and over again for years to come.

I think what scares the hell out of folks is that they don't trust MauiSunset as far as they can spit into the wind during a squall.

You take the $100 then either do a no show, or just refuse to pay up the grand when you lose.

In fact your website challenge is a classic scam in the making and I would like to know how many victims have already handed over the hundred bucks!

At this point it would probably be prudent for the admin here to take down any of your posts relating to this scam, along with your probably unapproved and rule breaking web links.
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Quote from: Bayes on Apr 23, 04:06 AM 2012
guys like Maui and Garnabby demand that no-one be allowed to claim that they win, but they hope and believe it's possible. They just don't want to do the necessary work.
No, only that they have the decency to post up also their proof/evidence alongside their neverending "hints", scams, and other misinformation.


Quote from: Skakus on Apr 23, 07:15 AM 2012
I think what scares the hell out of folks is that they don't trust MauiSunset as far as they can spit into the wind during a squall.

You take the $100 then either do a no show, or just refuse to pay up the grand when you lose.

In fact your website challenge is a classic scam in the making and I would like to know how many victims have already handed over the hundred bucks!

At this point it would probably be prudent for the admin here to take down any of your posts relating to this scam, along with your probably unapproved and rule breaking web links.

Well, this is not a new excuse - I've heard it before.

I've looked and I'm the only person offering such a contest on the internet - if you guys have a problem with trusting me then create your own contest and do the same thing - in fact, I will be in the audience, rooting for the challenger too.

My whole contention is that the Roulette odds are 200+ years old and have not changed (some have slightly due to wacky casinos offering different versions of Roulette).  These odds favor the casino and not the player and the reason Roulette has been in every casino in the world for 200 years and will be there 200 years from now.

I am constantly amazed how gamblers believe that the laws of mathematics don't pertain to them and that magic actually exists.

It doesn't mean you can't have fun playing Roulette and get paid by the casino in the forms of comps and you try to break even in the process.  Then there is the matter of luck which is random and adds spice to Roulette......


Quote from: GARNabby on Apr 23, 07:37 AM 2012
No, only that they have the decency to post up also their proof/evidence alongside their neverending "hints", scams, and other misinformation.

I've given away every "secret" that I know of in my series of YouTube videos: link:://:.youtube.com/user/RouletteTruth

You simply play the odds and don't use a negative progression - that's how I play Roulette.


Maui, who in his right mind will need to prove you anything? What for? One who wins at roulette is not interested about advertising it. Except the book writers. But they don't need to prove anything as well, they are too well known anyway.

I don't get what u hope for when u r looking for grails here. The same story over and over again.


Quote from: MauiSunset on Apr 23, 08:09 AM 2012

I've given away every "secret" that I know of in my series of YouTube videos: link:://:.youtube.com/user/RouletteTruth

You simply play the odds and don't use a negative progression - that's how I play Roulette.
? PLEASE ENLIGHTEN US, BY THE WAY TAEKWONDO IS NOT A COMPMLETE MARTIAL ARTS,, pay me 100 an hour and will train you in the best mma i dont need to brag about my degrees call me.
