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who's making money out of roulette at the moment?

Started by Amazin, Feb 23, 08:09 AM 2012

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I am very new what is RNG? I lost a lot money I want it back could any one teach me.
many thanks


Quote from: Skakus on Apr 24, 05:39 PM 2012
The odds are against you.
My quick-mental estimate would have the bettor five times more likely to loss all than to double up.


Quote from: Skakus on Apr 24, 05:39 PM 2012

It's only $900 after costs.

You will lose your money eventually, and probably well before you collect $1000 in entry fees.

The odds are against you.

Are you kidding me?

If someone does have some super-secret system/program/method that should actually work I will offer the person $1,000 immediately and not hold the Webinar - unless they have a burning desire to take a huge risk and have lady luck possibly kick them in the guts in front of an audience.

My desire is to pay $1,000 for any system that should actually work and give the person credit on the website.  My other desire is to have some loudmouth fail in front of the world and I get to run it over and over again for decades.

I win either way.

However I'm putting the odds of an actual winning system at 1 in 1,000 but I won't know until I hold the competition.....

Big EZ

Why does the contestant have to double their bank and have to bet every spin, with these rules it seems as if you are setting people up to fail so you can just collect $100 from each dummy that enters your competition
Quitting while your ahead is not the same as quitting


Quote from: Big EZ on Apr 24, 08:22 PM 2012
Why does the contestant have to double their bank and have to bet every spin, with these rules it seems as if you are setting people up to fail so you can just collect $100 from each dummy that enters your competition

That's my definition of "Breaking Roulette".

A person wanting to compete knows very well if they can do this or not.  If they don't then $100 is a small price to pay for being a dimwit.

If there is another definition of "Breaking Roulette" please supply a link and I'll consider it.

I know that if I stood an excellent chance of doubling my money every 100 spins I'd definitely consider it as something that falls into the OMG category.

Also, taking everyone of those 100 spins is important - some clown will want me to wait until 37 or 38 spins go by and then place a bet and then wait another 37/38 spins for the next bet.  Additionally there are no "triggers" like waiting for Red to show up 23 times in a row before betting starts.

But if anyone has a better idea or definition of "Breaking Roulette" I'm all ears.....

Big EZ

I think if you make it more realistic you might have more participation. What I mean by this is, let's say you have more flexible rules. Bet at least 60% of the spins or something like that and be able to produce 50% profits of the startup bank.

Think about it logically, if someone out there could do this consistently why would they need to show you. they would be making more then $1000 per day from the casino.

Your going to have to offer more money for a prize or change the rules to get people to take you up on this offer.

Just my 2 cents
Quitting while your ahead is not the same as quitting


A person could easily win your contest with 1 lucky session and you will have to pay $1000 for a losing system.  ;D

I hope it happens. :thumbsup:
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Maui could go bankrupt like this. Those things happen frequently. Just put all your bankroll on red and if it wins, u also win 1000 bucks. Your bankroll could be 5 bucks, 50 units of 10 c in playtech or
smartlive casino.


As an engineer I know that the 80/20 rules the universe.  I believe I've set up a contest that get's 80% of the way towards a realistic contest with the remaining 20% consuming just as much resources as the 80%.

I'll let the lawyer send me 10 pages of warnings and make adjustments and I'm off to my first contest at the end of May, 2012.  June may have an entirely different contest - who knows....


Quote from: MauiSunset on Apr 24, 11:33 PM 2012
As an engineer I know that the 80/20 rules the universe.  I believe I've set up a contest that get's 80% of the way towards a realistic contest with the remaining 20% consuming just as much resources as the 80%.

Is this a zero energy universe we're talking about?
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Quote from: Skakus on Apr 24, 11:36 PM 2012

Is this a zero energy universe we're talking about?

Well I do believe in the electric model of the universe versus the insane gravity model that requires dark matter, black holes, expanding universes, dark energy and zillions of subatomic particles. 

Plasma makes the universe work and not gravity.  But that's just my belief that the simpler something is the better it works and that's how nature works.... link:://:.electricuniverse.info/Introduction


Yes, all slightly more fascinating than roulette.
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


QuoteThat's my definition of "Breaking Roulette".

And you are an authority on the subject?

I agree with the others, your rules are too tight your intention is really to see if it is possible to win and you are prepared to pay $1000 for it, have you had any mugs sign up yet?

I have a method in a bot that doubled my bank in 3 days, it died the next day  :twisted:  but I only run 40 euro playing banks so am still ahead, to state someone must double within a set amount of spins is near impossible, good luck with the mug hunt.

QuoteI'm all ears.....

Nah, with all due respect, you're something else.....
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


i agree, Maui is going in a wrong direction. If he wants to troll and bother quite a few people with his stubborness on the subject then he is doing allright though. But if his goal is to learn how to defeat roulette on a long run he is just doing very much the opposite.

1000 bucks is not much for a person who knows how to defeat roulette and does not want publicity about it.

on the other hand such a person could help for free someone who is nice, modest and really willing to learn. But who wants to help someone who thinks he knows better than others and brags about his degrees and knowledge?


Quote from: iggiv on Apr 24, 10:40 PM 2012
Just put all your bankroll on red and if it wins, u also win 1000 bucks.
Well, yes, if you're allowed to bet from 1 to 100 units: bet 100, then something like 50, then 1 on the remainder of bets once up 250, which will come in at 1/3 rd of the time, rather than 1/6 th of the time.

P.S. Don't send any money until a winner is determined... like he/she won't send it to you unless you win.
