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who's making money out of roulette at the moment?

Started by Amazin, Feb 23, 08:09 AM 2012

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I think I've established a reasonable definition of "breaking Roulette" since no one can supply a generally accepted definition - mine is the first.  (That should be a red flag to all of you that think you hold the key to breaking Roulette - no one has defined what "breaking Roulette" actually means)

I realize many will need an excuse not to enter the contest and this is as good a one as possible; I've heard dozens of them.

If something has truly "broken Roulette" doubling the bankroll in 100 spins seems to be a mild definition of something that is mathematically impossible and will be awarded the Nobel Prize for Mathematics worth $1 Million.  I'm guessing that folks who think they have "broken Roulette" double their bankroll in 10 spins with no problem; maybe in 2 spins or even 1.

Like I said, it's a start in defining something that in reality isn't happening except in the confused minds of mentally challenged persons anyway.

Just remember, you who say you are "breaking Roulette" are changing the fixed odds that any kid can calculate and have not changed in 200 years and won't change for 200 more years.  For Red the odds are 18 Reds out of 37 or 38 possible choices (48.65% or 47.37%) and you claim you can change those odds - this I've got to see and offering $1,000 is worth the entertainment value to me....

P.S. Just like folks love to watch car crashes and screw up traffic I'm hoping the same thing happens on my website - watching a person bragging about doing something mathematically impossible and failing miserably in the process - hopefully that train-wreck will go viral on the internet...




I'm guessing no-one will take up your challenge, in which case you'll be even more convinced that the seekers are mentally challenged and those who make claims are liars or scammers. The challenge has so many holes in it I don't even know where to start, although others have pointed out most of them.

The fact that you even suggest that someone could consistently double their bankroll in 100 spins, time after time, shows how utterly clueless you are. Your definition of what it means to "break roulette" is pure fantasy. Having done that you then attribute that view to us and dismiss those who decline to accept the challenge as making excuses. All you've done is misrepresent the views of those who claim to win; a classic straw man.

On average, it takes me around 2500 bets (not spins) to double my bank (and I'm playing a "fair" game - no zeros).

By the way, thanks for the link on the electric universe stuff, very interesting.  :)
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


Quote from: Bayes on Apr 25, 07:28 AM 2012

I'm guessing no-one will take up your challenge, in which case you'll be even more convinced that the seekers are mentally challenged and those who make claims are liars or scammers. The challenge has so many holes in it I don't even know where to start, although others have pointed out most of them.

The fact that you even suggest that someone could consistently double their bankroll in 100 spins, time after time, shows how utterly clueless you are. Your definition of what it means to "break roulette" is pure fantasy. Having done that you then attribute that view to us and dismiss those who decline to accept the challenge as making excuses. All you've done is misrepresent the views of those who claim to win; a classic straw man.

On average, it takes me around 2500 bets (not spins) to double my bank (and I'm playing a "fair" game - no zeros).

By the way, thanks for the link on the electric universe stuff, very interesting.  :)

I have no doubt that folks "luck out" and come away from the table with profits - I do it sometimes too.  However, over a long period of time, like 2,500 bets, the odds will be predominant and NOT luck either good luck or bad luck.

I have no doubt that I will have someone who will accept the challenge and I believe that even if luck is with them and they do double their BR in 100 spins the $1,000 will be well spent - others will then think it's easy and I will have a steady supply of challengers, who will eventually follow the odds and lose the challenge and we can all watch train wrecks of Roulette. (I like that title "Train Wrecks of Roulette")

I'm excited to be the first to do this - hopefully it will make folks wake up and realize that folks claiming to "beat roulette" can't change those odds.

But who knows, maybe a space alien likes Roulette and beating Roulette is no big deal on his home planet and he will share it with me.

Live long and prosper.............


Quote from: Bayes on Apr 25, 07:28 AM 2012
By the way, thanks for the link on the electric universe stuff, very interesting.  :)

Yep, bet part of this thread.

Here is an interesting lecture on the zero energy universe.

A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.



Science is so entangled in politics that it barely works anymore.

Everything in science and math must be challenged all the time - if something is legitimate it will easily fend off all challenges; the more challenges deflected the more confidence we can have in the theory.

In Roulette, all the odds can be calculated with simple arithmetic that has withstood the challenges of thousands of years at attacks. 2 + 2 is 4 and 18 reds on a Roulette wheel of 38 slots (American wheel) is 18/38 or 47.37% of the wheel is Red.

You can't change those odds unless you eliminate some of the non Red slots which the casino would frown upon.

This goes the same for ALL odds at a Roulette table -  they never change - ever.

There is NO way to play Roulette so that the odds favor the player - no money management technique can change the underlying odds which favor the casino.

Like I said, if you can change the Roulette odds in your favor you need to send your theories to a scientific paper for credit and you will be awarded the Nobel Prize for Mathematics - worth over $1,000,000 dollars.  That's how monumental beating Roulette is.

Somehow I don't think this is going to happen - the odds favor the casino and you may luck out in the short run but eventually the odds will be predominant the more you play - you will give back all your winnings and more.

Casino Comps, on the other hand, are not subject to the laws of probability - you get free drinks, hotel rooms, buffets, dinners, limos to and from the airport, greens' fees, golf clubs and bags, tokens to gamble with, and lots of other stuff that costs thousands of dollars.

If you want to make money gambling then gamble on the stock market - much better odds...


Quote from: Skakus on Apr 25, 09:21 AM 2012

Yep, bet part of this thread.

Here is an interesting lecture on the zero energy universe.


If you believe in the electric model of the universe then the following is true:

"The net sum of the universe is 0".

I've believed in this since I was in college, either you believe that a supreme being magically created all there is or everything nets out to zero.

Evil oil speculators, which I am one of (I trade oil futures) know that the net sum of all oil future contracts is zero; for every winner there is a loser and hence no "evil oil speculators" since half of them lost as much money as the half that won.  Yet oil speculators exist even though their net contribution is zero.

Many people believe that Roulette is a "50/50" game if you play Red/Black - that you can willy-nilly pick a color and at the end of the night you should be close to breaking even - nothing could be further from the truth.  You have to be disciplined and follow common sense which 95% of Roulette gamblers just don't have.....


Quote from: MauiSunset on Apr 25, 09:57 AM 2012

If you believe in the electric model of the universe then the following is true:

"The net sum of the universe is 0".

I've believed in this since I was in college, either you believe that a supreme being magically created all there is or everything nets out to zero.

Evil oil speculators, which I am one of (I trade oil futures) know that the net sum of all oil future contracts is zero; for every winner there is a loser and hence no "evil oil speculators" since half of them lost as much money as the half that won.  Yet oil speculators exist even though their net contribution is zero.

Many people believe that Roulette is a "50/50" game if you play Red/Black - that you can willy-nilly pick a color and at the end of the night you should be close to breaking even - nothing could be further from the truth.  You have to be disciplined and follow common sense which 95% of Roulette gamblers just don't have.....
You are a very closed minded individual.


Quote from: warrior on Apr 25, 10:23 AM 2012
You are a very closed minded individual.

That's in the eye of the beholder, like beauty.

I marvel how similar typing in "Roulette systems" and the contents of my spam folder. I seldom check the spam folder except when someone says they sent me something and I never got the eMail.  I marvel at how many Roulette systems claim to make my wallet bigger and how many spam eMails claim to make other parts of me bigger too......



Wow, what a surprise. MauiSunset is a zero sum liberal. That explains just about everything.

I'm so pleased. Your only weapon or choice is exclusion. I couldn't wish a worst infliction upon you. Basically it looks like you have this so bad that you are in the worst state of it at all, a fundamentalist.  8)
I am the living proof that Roulette can be beat every time I set out to beat it.


Quote from: Gizmotron on Apr 25, 10:53 AM 2012

Wow, what a surprise. MauiSunset is a zero sum liberal. That explains just about everything.

I'm so pleased. Your only weapon or choice is exclusion. I couldn't wish a worst infliction upon you. Basically it looks like you have this so bad that you are in the worst state of it at all, a fundamentalist.  8)

I'm an ultra conservative Republican too - that ought to make your day........


Quote from: MauiSunset on Apr 25, 10:58 AM 2012

I'm an ultra conservative Republican too - that ought to make your day........

Prove it. Let's hear your 30 second elevator speech.
I am the living proof that Roulette can be beat every time I set out to beat it.


Quote from: Gizmotron on Apr 25, 11:04 AM 2012
Prove it. Let's hear your 30 second elevator speech.

Well I listen to Rush 3 hours a day while pounding out articles for my 30+ websites then 3 hours of Sean followed by 3 hours of Mark.  With the exception of cigarettes I can't think of anything else I disagree with them on.  (Cigarettes should be classified as a carcinogenic controlled substance and I guess could be used in chemical warfare; or we could air drop them onto mainland China and maybe jobs will return to America; personally I favor that idea)

Very little time listening to elevator music....


This is going wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy of topic...   

:question: :question: :question:

Trust the timing of your life!
