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The three Musketeers

Started by Amazin, Feb 29, 07:40 AM 2012

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I was going to keep this to myself but why not share it now?

This is a proposed system which means I haven't played this for long enough or tested for long enough to know if its a long term winner or not. However, I'm having trouble to see how it can lose considering the positive add in your favour. I would like to hear some feedback from the more experienced players on here so please feel free to voice your opinions. 

The system:

The Three Musketeers is a pattern based system inspired by code 4 based on even chances. Why is it called "The Three Muscketeers"? Have a look at this:

             "Athos"                                        "Porthos"                                    "Aramis"

RRRR      BBBB         HLHL              LHLH         OOOO      EEEE
RRRB      BBBR         HLLL              LHHH                OOOE      EEEO
RRBB      BBRR         HLLH              LHHL         OOEE      EEOO
RRBR      BBRB         HLHH      LHLL         OOEO      EEOE
RBBB      BRRR         HHLL              LLHH         OEEE              EOOO
RBRB      BRBR         HHLH      LLHL         OEOE      EOEO
RBRR      BRBB         HHHL      LLLH         OEOO      EOEE
RBBR      BRRB         HHHH      LLLL         OEEO      EOOE

The rules:

you will RANDOMLY pick a pattern to bet against. Using the classic martingale progression. If you lose all four spins, stop and pick a different pattern and use level 2 recovery plan. e.g. 2-4-8-16 for few game then go back to level one again.

Each time you win, you will pick a different Musketeer to fight for you and select a pattern from that Musketeer. e.g. you won bet against BBRR, now pick something like EOEO as your next pattern and HLLL the next then go back to BR again.

Personly, I just stop if I lose all 3 spins and pick a different pattern. So that way I only need to recover 3 times instead of more.


This could be the ultimate random versus random method and because you RANDOMLY pick one from the chart, you don't have to worry about "on track" so no need for hit and run.


I think you only lose if string of 000 come up or you're so unlucky that the next 3 pattern you pick came up. What are the adds of that?

Let me know what all of you are thinking and I'm looking for ways to improve it. Huge potential here. 


Hello Amazin,

I like the method and thank you for sharing it with us. I really hope that this method does well but there are a few things we have to keep account of. I have looked into these kind of approaches. It seems to us that randomly picking groups such as your Musketeer method will give us an advantage but we are still playing with the same odds each time regardless of how we pick our groups. If you can incorporate XXVV or say Gizmotrons style of play within this method then you could get the upper hand.

We have 16 to 1 odds each time. At random.org you can test this really fast (I can pm you instructions) We have a total of 16 patterns. So we make two columns, each column randomly generates numbers 1 through 16. Each time numbers match in the same columns it is a lose.

  4  7
12 14
8 15
2  2  = lose

This happens like clock work. I think it might be best to play a PATTERN BREAKER approach but then with a 4 wide pattern. JohnLegend has shown us that hit and run works well for this even after four years of playing. A thought I had was to only play at precise times each day. For example HLH shows at exactly 1 o'clock. Next day I come back and play against that same pattern occurring again at 1 o'clock. This is just the basis and will start a thread about it. Sorry to go off on a tangent on your thread fellow Musketeer :)


Here's an idea for you.

Since you have 48 different patterns, use a random number generator (RANDOM.ORG for example) to select a pattern to bet against. (you would use 1=minimum & 48=max in the window)

Here's also a modified Martingale I like to call "Reese's stair"

1,2,3 (if no hit, goto next leg)
2,3,4 (if no hit, goto next leg)
3,4,5 (if no hit, goto next leg...

If at anytime it hits, less one unit on the next bet and continue on that leg.


*Random bet selection:
There's a thread "The pure luck system" with the same principle with 2 excel files one for betting doz/cols and the other for betting ECs. The doz/col has 4 steps and the EC one has 7 steps.  Have a look at it, maybe that's what you're looking for...



Hi amk,

I also think the same,the process and the concept is good first of all. But usually this kind of concepts always doesn't bring luck,but also there is some chances of failure  O0


Quote from: nayan007 on Mar 01, 05:37 AM 2012
Hi amk,

I also think the same,the process and the concept is good first of all. But usually this kind of concepts always doesn't bring luck,but also there is some chances of failure  O0

48:1 is still not good enough? Every system will lose sometimes but if you win most of the time then its a winning system. I only play over 100 games so far and I only had to go level 2 twice. They were played continously.

We have 16 to 1 odds each time.

surely its more than that!! Even if each Musketeer's pattern repeat itself it will still be more than 16:1. Each Musketeer is at different pace compare to each other and by switching each time, its almost like hit and run.

QuoteHere's also a modified Martingale I like to call "Reese's stair"

1,2,3 (if no hit, goto next leg)
2,3,4 (if no hit, goto next leg)
3,4,5 (if no hit, goto next leg...

If at anytime it hits, less one unit on the next bet and continue on that leg.

I don't understand, please explain.


Do you think you could win with an 8 step CODE4 progression playing against the same pattern forming horizontally and diagonally at the sametime, a total of four times in one moment?



"I don't understand, please explain."--Amazin

"Reese's stair" modified Martingale

1,2,3 (if no hit, goto next leg)
2,3,4 (if no hit, goto next leg)
3,4,5 (if no hit, goto next leg...

Start with one unit betting even chance--if it misses, go to two units--if it misses again, go to three units.  If that bet misses you go to the next stage of progression which would be two units according to the rules above.

The point is to slightly increase your bets in case you have a losing streak of five or more.


Imagine a betting system on even chances with a success rate of 97%!
Is this a typing error?
No, by using this system you’ll indeed succeed in 97% of your attacks on the
roulette, on the baccarat or on the craps table.
Wait! Now you’ll be probably thinking “I know systems that are 99% right and
will still lose badly during the 1%”.
This 1% loss will then be more than enough to eat all your profits made during
the 99% winnings.
And â€" very sadly - that’s true.
So, is this also such a system?
You won’t give back your profits when losing 3 times out of 100.
Why is that?
Because you’ll win on average 1 point on each game in the long run, LOSSES
One game doesn’t take long: it will be around 10 minutes only.
Winning 10 units a day should be your goal and you shouldn’t go over that.
Your average profit/attack will be 3 units: only 4 to 5 games lasting only 10
minutes will cover your daily goal of 10 units!
Bankroll needed is 100 units.

The name of the game is “Antiphase”.
This name describes accurately the working principle of this system.
Let me explain with an analogy: soundwaves.
When you have a soundwave and you create a second soundwave that is
exactly opposite in phase with the first one, you’ll cancel it and there will be
nothing left to hear of that wave.
That is the principle that is now being used to cut unwanted noises.
What has this got to do with a casino game?
Antiphase is based on exactly the same principle, but this time we will “kill” the
randomness of even chances by “injecting” an EXACT COPY OF THE LAST
FIVE EVEN CHANCES that came out.
This injection is however done in ANTIPHASE, that is: exactly opposite the
order of these five spins.
An example will make this totally clear.
Suppose the following spins: R R B R B
We will now simply invert them as follows: B B R B R
After the appearence of the last of the five initial spins (B), we’ll start
immediately betting on the first one of our own inverted copy (B).
If we don’t win on our first bet, we go on with our own series, independently of
what comes out.
So we’ll strictly bet BBRBR until we win somewhere during these five bets.
Maybe we win when we arrive at the second B, maybe at the first R or …
About 3 times out of 100, the five bets will be lost.
All other games will be EASILY won.
In order for this system to work, we have to use a special progression that is
sharp BUT limited.
Your total risk will be 57 units.
If this looks like a lot, please consider this small calculation: out of 100 games
you’ll lose 3 times 57 units = 171 units.
You’ll win however 93 times an average of 3 units = 279 units.
Profit 279 units â€" loss 171 units = 108 units NET PROFIT.
Therefore this system will generate a NET PROFIT of about 1 unit / game
(losses included).
Adding them all up this represents a total of 57 units “at risk”.
Now the best part of this progression: if ONE of these bets wins, you’ll win.
Don’t care which one will win ( first, second, …).
What will you win on each stage of this progression?
If you win the first bet, you’ll win 1 unit.
If you win the second bet, you’ll win 2 units
If you win the third bet, you’ll win 3 units
If you win the fourth bet, you’ll win 4 units
If you win the fifth bet, you’ll win 5 units
As you can see, the reward is going UP if you need several bets before you
DON’T use any other progression, as you need this one to compensate for
the very rare losers.
Spielbank Hamburg
Tisch 0001
12 R
4 B
27 R
4 B
28 B
34 B -1 -1
31 R -3 -4
23 B -7 -11
19 R +15 +4
22 B
23 R
22 B
21 R
36 R
36 R +1 +1
36 R
21 R
4 B
23 R
2 B
35 B +1 +1
3 R
20 B
30 R
17 B
22 B
32 B -1 -1
34 R +3 +2
2 B
3 R
36 R
15 B
22 B
5 R +1
18 R
4 B
4 B
16 R
27 R
17 B +1
If we add up all above units, then we get 10 units profit after only six very
short games!
This is EXACTLY as planned with this system.
This is a recent day of the Hamburg casino, that everyone can check on the
It was not specially chosen to prove things.
The superiority of Antiphase becomes clear.
This example is a roulette game.
You can of course use the same principle on Baccarat (player, banker) or
If a zero appears, you can get half of your bet back (at least in Europe) and
that’s exactly what you do.
This appearance is however considered to be a loss and you REPEAT your
last bet: if it was RED, you bet again on RED and if it was BLACK, you bet
again on BLACK.
One thing to keep in mind: if you repeat your last bet, it will be with the next
higher unit number.
You’ve just bet 3 on RED and ZERO comes out.
Now you REPEAT your bet on RED, but this time with 7 units.
If you find the progression too steep, here is a variation that is also very
profitable and requires less units to bet:
- start by selecting 5 spins (as in antiphase), f.e. the last five ones that just
came out
- start betting on the reverse figure (as in antiphase)
- HOWEVER: the progression is totally different: you start betting 1 unit, if you
lose you bet 2 units on the next part of the reverse figure, if you lose again
you bet 3 units on the next part of the figure, aso...UNTIL you make your first
- when you've made your first win, you consider the newly formed figure of 5
and continue betting on the first part of that one
- you go on like this until you end up with +1 unit of profit
- then you start a new session, again with a new figure of 5.
- IMPORTANT: the progression used is as follows: each loss > add 1 unit,
after a win STAY on the number of units that you just have bet OR bet just
enough to come out with a profit of +1 (whichever is needed to get your final
result of +1)

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Bet flat 1 unit for 10 spin on ECs more coming in previous 10 spins. If on the end of 10 spins in minus bet the next 10 spins on the winner side but 2 units a bet and if on the end of 10 spins again in minus bet the next 10 spins 4 units on the winner side. Then bet the 4 unit until total in PLUS.
If one EC is dominant you will be fast back on track.


Lost twice in 17 attempts, including very first try - not quite 3 in 100.

Not for me I dont think.




Alf those three losses can come anywhere in the 100 we all know the odds dont always work perfectly.. since you only had two losses how do u know its not 3-100 until u properly test it then u dont know  but 17 games... come on..


I failed to state that the system I posted was not one I thought of.  It was one that was sold at one time.  I thought it would show that others have tried similar ideas.  I have tested the system and can't sat that in it's present form it's special.  No worse than most though.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


One musketeer missing? Dartanan? (I forget how to write the French name for the lower of Constance).



Which do you think is safer?  To sit down at a roulette table and for the next 10 hours bet that Red won't hit 7 times in a row.  Or for the next 365 days sit down at a roulette table and bet that 7 Reds won't hit in a row in the next 7 spins.  Play a 7 step martingale; 1-2-4-8-16-32-64.  As soon as you win or lose, take your +1 unit or -127 unit loss and leave.

You can tweak this however you want.  You could wait until after 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 Reds have already hit in a row then start your 7 step marty.

You could say that I'm going to skip every other bet meaning that in order to lose I would have to get XRXRXRXRXRXRXR to lose.  Or skip 2 spins between bets XXRXXRXXRXXRXXRXXRXXR etc...

I feel like continuous play is more dangerous.  It's based on the idea that 7 in a row is more likely to hit some time than at an exact time.

Just food for thought.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!
