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Code this and you're a bloody genius > The Texas Sharpshooter

Started by Skakus, Mar 29, 06:30 AM 2012

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Hi Bayes,
Thanks for your interest.

The samples are coming but it's taking me longer than I thought because even though the system is fairly straight forward and easy to play, it is very difficult to explain succinctly enough for all to grasp.

Hey Gamebreaker,

Thanks for you kind offer to “pony up” and pm to Boatran8, but I think he is probably waiting for some examples before he commits to anything.

A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Well i would first state i don't use methods like this one - but i might use it as camouflage bet - so i look like average player when i collect data - just to blend in among others players.

Now to my question.

What kind of window or frame does this method use regarding frequency of attack?
Lets say you find one bet to qualify and you first attack once and win - then the number might hit more times - so do you continue to bet to certain degree or do you just stop after each win and track for new opportunity.

Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


Hi Skakus, just a bit confused as to yuor description of 1,2,3 arrays, from reading your first post, I thought it was seperate lists of 1 - 0 but after this

QuoteCONTINUE TRACKING WITH TWO ARRAYS NOW > 34,28,) the 1st array would be marked like this, and the 2nd array would have a mark on numbers

12  I
13  I
14  I
15  I
16  I
17  II
18  II
19  II
20  I
21  I
22  II
23  III
24  II
25  II
26  I
27  II    27  I
28  II    28  I
29  II    29  I
30  I
31  I
32  I
33  II    33  I
34  I     34  I
35  I     35  I

It looks like you just have 1 list 1 - 0 and are splitting it, am I correct? like this

12  I
13  I
14  I
15  I
16  I
17  II
18  II
19  II
20  I
21  I
22  II
23  III
24  II
25  II
26  I
-----------------------array 2 below
27  II    27  I
28  II    28  I
29  II    29  I
30  I
31  I
32  I
33  II    33  I
34  I     34  I
35  I     35  I

Am I on the right track?
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Quote from: ego on Apr 02, 03:50 AM 2012
Well i would first state i don't use methods like this one - but i might use it as camouflage bet - so i look like average player when i collect data - just to blend in among others players.

Now to my question.

What kind of window or frame does this method use regarding frequency of attack?
Lets say you find one bet to qualify and you first attack once and win - then the number might hit more times - so do you continue to bet to certain degree or do you just stop after each win and track for new opportunity.

Initially it can take some time to commence betting, as a guide from 30 to 120 spins, these are extremes, but generally to get started you must wait for probably too long to use this as camouflage.

After that, each attack is 3 numbers for 12 spins, stop on a win. There can be up to 6 attacks at the same time.

When there is only 1 attack and it wins inside 12 attempts then betting stops until the next repeater. After the next repeater the arrays are marked, adjustments are noted and betting recommences. When there is only 1 attack and it loses then betting stops until the next opportunity, which could be immediately if other numbers have accumulated marks while betting.

When there is more than 1 attack betting continues until all win, or 12 spins pass. If all win then betting stops until the next repeater. If any lose then betting recommences immediately on any that won. If all lose then betting stops until the next opportunity, which could be immediately if other numbers have accumulated marks while betting.

To put it simply, after the initial priming the bets come thick and fast with very little waiting in between.
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Hi superman.

You were right, there is only 1 array 1-0. The array is repeated vertically.
So you right down the 1st array and mark it until at least 1 number is marked 3 times. At this point you right down the 2nd array. Now you mark both arrays each time a number repeats until at least 1 number in the second array is marked 3 times. At this point you right down the 3rd array. Now you mark all 3 arrays each time a number repeats until at least 1 number in the 3rd array is marked 3 times.
Now there are 3 arrays with at least 1 number marked 3 times. This is the limit and from here you need a new array so the 1st array is dumped. Now there are 2 arrays with at least 1 number marked 3 times and a fresh 3rd array ready for marking, and so it goes on and on. Each time the 3d array presents a betting opportunity the 1st array is dumped.
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Hi Skakus . . .

Clustering of numbers is something I looked at a year ago and developed a Bot called " Cluster Bomb" to test out certain variables.

They are quite similar to yours.  You can instruct the bot when to form clusters, ie. after how many repeats of a number does it wait before betting on a cluster.  You can instruct the bot as to the size of the cluster, ie.you can make any size cluster, 3 numbers, 5 numbers, 7 numbers etc.

It has an RNG mode so you can test out all the variables.  If you think this would be of help to you and your testing, just PM with your email address and I will send you a copy.

Best wishes . . . Nick

Don't give up . . . . .Don't ever give up.

Kimo Li

QuoteThe ONLY reason for choosing the disc to base your betting (with the expectation of gaining a mathematical advantage) on is when you have determined a bias - and a TRUE bias, not just sectors which seem to be trending at the moment. Kimo Li and others have perpetuated this myth that you must bet on the wheel, not the layout, to get an advantage.

It's nonsense.

Nonsense? Myth?

Sectors, biases, clusters, wheel base tracking, layout tracking, matrix, etc. yada, yada, yada.

The only disadvantage a roulette player may have is the inability to have an open mind.  As Bruce Lee once said, "be like water."

What does that mean in terms of roulette? The ability to recognize current trends and executing situational strategy, whether it layout based or wheel based, mathematical, etc.

To limit oneself to one way of thinking, will ultimately be someone's demise. Just because I introduced my strategies, does not mean I do not use other strategies introduced by others. It depends on the situation.

For the record.

Kimo Li


There exist no advantage or edge using any kind of system no matter if you use the wheel layout or the tabel layout.
One good lesson for all pepole is to use the words strike ratio and not advantage with or edge when they speak of roulette systems as it does not exist.
Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


Quote from: Nickmsi on Apr 02, 11:20 AM 2012
Hi Skakus . . .

Clustering of numbers is something I looked at a year ago and developed a Bot called " Cluster Bomb" to test out certain variables.

They are quite similar to yours.  You can instruct the bot when to form clusters, ie. after how many repeats of a number does it wait before betting on a cluster.  You can instruct the bot as to the size of the cluster, ie.you can make any size cluster, 3 numbers, 5 numbers, 7 numbers etc.

It has an RNG mode so you can test out all the variables.  If you think this would be of help to you and your testing, just PM with your email address and I will send you a copy.

Best wishes . . . Nick

Hi Nickmsi.

Thanks for that I will PM you my email.

A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Here is a sample. It does not show every condition, but its a good start.

You will need to track it spin by spin to make any sense of it.

Let me know if it's clear or not.

I will try and find a sample that includes every condition possible then post it, but there's not much point if everyone has already dropped off after thus first sample.

If there is still some interest in getting it coded then I might even do a video of live play because a visual reference is probably the best way to explain this method to coders.

A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Quotebut there's not much point if everyone has already dropped off after thus first sample

Yeah true, if I can't visualy see it in my mind I can't code it, maybe I haven't concentrated hard enough as I am still working on one that's staying well ahead, so far anyway, real money placing real bets @ BV NZ, if it does die I will revisit this method of yours mate.
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Quote from: superman on Apr 04, 05:47 AM 2012

> I am still working on one that's staying well ahead, so far anyway, real money placing real bets @ BV NZ, if it does die I will revisit this method of yours mate.

No problem superman.

Stick to your guns mate. I'm only about 20% done with this anyway, which leaves plenty of time so you focus on your own trials.

Good luck and stay ahead!
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Skakus, You've missed to mark #5 as it had repeted itself.

Repeaters: 34, 21 (both noticed), 5 (missed), 31 (noticed) etc.



I just finished reading whole topic and found some interesting points. Pattern you just described does sound good. We just need to put it to longer test.

PM me when you got some time. I originally spoke to friend of mine who is a programmer for my roulette bot too but related to something totally else (involving dozens and columns), he's well experienced in pretty much all we need, Java, PHP, Python, C++ so this should be piece of cake for him.



Quote from: cofi on Apr 04, 09:19 AM 2012
Skakus, You've missed to mark #5 as it had repeted itself.

Repeaters: 34, 21 (both noticed), 5 (missed), 31 (noticed) etc.


Sorry if I missed a number here or here. The example was done in retrospect so there might be the odd mistake. Hopefully you get the idea though.
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.
