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Code this and you're a bloody genius > The Texas Sharpshooter

Started by Skakus, Mar 29, 06:30 AM 2012

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Quote from: Extreme on Apr 05, 08:24 AM 2012
I just finished reading whole topic and found some interesting points. Pattern you just described does sound good. We just need to put it to longer test.

PM me when you got some time. I originally spoke to friend of mine who is a programmer for my roulette bot too but related to something totally else (involving dozens and columns), he's well experienced in pretty much all we need, Java, PHP, Python, C++ so this should be piece of cake for him.


Hello Extreme.

I am putting this to a very long test of which I am about 25% through.

So far I have tested 15300 spins with 15226 bets placed on 3 numbers for 1300 winners!

That is hitting about 5% above expectation and the current z-score = 2.

Profit is + 2.45%

The results are actually a bit better than that because the test is in blocks of 300 spins and often there have been bets that were incomplete.

As you know any bet is for 12 spins - stop on a win, but many times near the end of a 300 spin session bets were placed that only ran from 1 or 2 spins up to 11 spins. A few have won, but I would estimate at least 45 incomplete bet sequences of various lengths that slightly reduce the overall hit rate and profit.

I probably should have stopped the sessions wherever they were less than 12 spins from 300, but that's not how I started so I didn't want to change course mid-stream.

Well actually I was going to correct it all later, but lost the bulk of the test data in another computer crash! Lucky I saved hard copies of all the basic results.

Anyway, this sharpshooter method continues to hit above the expected rate, so does seem to increase accuracy of predictions somewhat. Whether it’s enough to make a practical profit or not is yet to be determined, but this is only the basic version of about 8 variations.

By the time anyone can code this I will probably have done a statistically significant test by manual means… pity, because that’s a lot of lost time I could have been improving my chess game or guitar playing or something.

Maybe if it ever gets coded it would help with testing some of the variations.

A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


I’ve been trying this variant of the Texas Sharpshooter with some impressive results.

Exact same  selection process & betting method, but..

When betting on 3 numbers place 7 units on each number for 12 spins, stop on a win.

When betting on 6 numbers place 4 units on each number for 12 spins, stop on a win.

When betting on 9 numbers place 2 units on each number for 12 spins, stop on a win.

When betting on 12 numbers place 1 unit on each number for 12 spins, stop on a win.

When betting on 15 numbers place 1 unit on each number for 12 spins, stop on a win.

When betting on 18 numbers place 1 unit on each number for 12 spins, stop on a win.

Bets are upgraded as you go, so if you start off with a 9 number bet with 2 units on each number you will put 4 units on each number as soon as you are only betting on 6 numbers, and you will put 7 units on each number as soon as you are only betting on 3 numbers, etc.

Attached is a not too shabby 300 spin session bankroll balance.  :thumbsup:
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Texas Sharpshooter update.

18,300 spins played.

17,912 bets placed on 3 numbers.

Actual wins = 1523

Expected wins = 1453

z-score = 1.975

A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Well it would be nice with some practical rules and not just testing non stop.
We all know all system tank or fail if we run them non stop or for 1M.

I think if you track 300 trails sessions it would be good.
The idea is to win 2 out of 3 sessions or even more - that would be practical.

If you reach 2.5 or 3.0 STD you sure know how to capture random fluctuation.
Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


Quote from: ego on May 16, 01:49 AM 2012
Well it would be nice with some practical rules and not just testing non stop.
We all know all system tank or fail if we run them non stop or for 1M.

I think if you track 300 trails sessions it would be good.
The idea is to win 2 out of 3 sessions or even more - that would be practical.

If you reach 2.5 or 3.0 STD you sure know how to capture random fluctuation.

Hi ego.

That's exactly what I'm doing.

So far played through 61 different 300 spin trials. Total = 18300 spins.

Won 36 games.

Lost 25 games.

I sure hope to reach the 2.5 STD mark at least!
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.



Sounds like a good breakeven system to have fun with. Please let us know more the rules and details.

Thank you.



I have read through this many times and cannot figure it out.  I suspect others are in the same boat.  Let's take this for example:

"After a number repeats rule off the tracked numbers and start a fresh track from that point forward. Continue to track and rule off every time a number repeats"......from your first post in the thread.

What exactly does "rule off" mean?  Could you show an example with something "ruled off"?

I'd like to learn this and try it.


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on Dec 23, 09:23 AM 2012

I have read through this many times and cannot figure it out.  I suspect others are in the same boat.  Let's take this for example:

"After a number repeats rule off the tracked numbers and start a fresh track from that point forward. Continue to track and rule off every time a number repeats"......from your first post in the thread.

What exactly does "rule off" mean?  Could you show an example with something "ruled off"?

I'd like to learn this and try it.


Hi Sam.

The sharpshooter is an investigation into the possible existence of some kind of gravitational force within the flow of random numbers. Gravitational force or forces of attraction are probably the wrong terms to use but I can’t think of anything else to call this type of phenomenon.

As Turner pointed out in his touching numbers thread, it seems that numbers can be dragged along by other numbers in close proximity.

I took this idea and added a hot number layer to the equation. So the sharpshooter looks for the first repeater then notes it and one number either side.

E.g. 22 repeats, note 21.22.23.

The next step is to wait for the NEXT first number to repeat. For this the sharpshooter does not take into account any of the numbers that have hit before the 22 repeated. They are done with. The tracking is “ruled off” behind the 22 and a new tracking commences for the next repeater.

22 repeats, note 21.22.23.
“rule off”
20 repeats, note 19.20.21.
“rule off”
9 repeats, note 8.9.10.
“rule off”
22 repeats, note 21.22.23.

This method of tracking continues throughout the session. A bet occurs when any number has been noted at least 3 times. In the example above number 21 has been noted 3 times even though it has not repeated. The attack would now start on numbers 20.21.22 and last for 12 spins stopping on a win. The rest of the rules are posted at thread start.

It does seem to work very well, but the tracking and the betting is a bit cumbersome. I am more comfortable playing systems that require minimum paperwork, as these types of systems lend themselves better to B&M casinos, which is where I play.

So the Sharpshooter is more of a study of the behavior of random, specifically number drag or gravity, than it is a playable system.

If you could bot it for online play then good luck to you, but for me I initially posted it because I wanted someone to code it so the study could move forward at a respectable pace.

I offered to pay for this privilege but no one stepped up so I just continue the research manually.

Actually I’ve put it on the backburner as I’ve been too busy playing other promising methods.

If the Texas Sharpshooter is a holy grail, then I don’t know about it yet.

A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.



Let me give you a silly example and you tell me if I'm right.  "22 repeats, note 21.22.23."

Say you had this:

17 l
18 l
19 l
20 l
21 l
22 ll
23 l
24 l

Are you saying to erase all the marks on everything except the 21 22 23 as if they never happened and start tracking anew?


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Hi Sam.

After Christmas I'll dig out one of my played charts and post it with some explanation.

A picture is worth a thousand words, they say.

A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


@skakus....why is important that number has to have 3 or more notes...thank you
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Quote from: Skakus on Mar 29, 06:30 AM 2012

The Texas Sharpshooter.

I have several versions of play for this system, here is the first.

List the number array from 1 to 0, or 0 to 36 (your preference).

Track spins.

When any number repeats, put a mark on that number and 1 number either side of it. So if 17 repeats you mark 16.17.18. If 0 repeats you mark 1.0.36. If 4 repeats you mark 3.4.5, etc.

After a number repeats rule off the tracked numbers and start a fresh track from that point forward. Continue to track and rule off every time a number repeats (this is the Texas Sharpshooter element).

Continue to track and rule off until at least one number in the first array has been marked at least 3 times. Betting can now commence.

While continuing to track the spins, flat bet any number that has 3 or more marks against it, as well as one number either side, for a possible 12 spins, stopping on a win (a win being when any 1 of the 3 numbers bet in any group hits). If all bet combinations win within 12 spins stop betting and continue to track until the next repeat before updating the arrays and betting again. After the next repeat start betting again on any number with 3 or more marks along with 1 number either side. If any bet combinations lose after 12 spins immediately commence betting again on any qualifying combinations.

Any combination that loses is crossed off from the betting for the remainder of the session while that array is used. It can be reinstated as a bet if it regains 3 marks or more in the next array.

A maximum of 2 arrays are used at any one time. An array becomes useable once any number has 3 or more marks against it. A new array is set up each time the previous array reaches the desired 3 marks on any number. You continue to mark numbers in the first array until the third array reaches the 3 marks on any number then it is abandoned.

In any qualified array a number with 4 marks against it eliminates the betting on any numbers with 3 marks against it. A number with 5 marks against it eliminates the betting on any numbers with 4 or 3 marks against it, etc.

A maximum of 18 units can bet outlayed at any 1 time (6x3 number combinations). Any more than that and you don’t bet. Continue tracking until the next betting opportunity with 18 or less units outlay.

Betting combinations from the most recent array are included into the betting before considering the previous array.

Some numbers can have more than 1 unit bet on them. Example, numbers 4 and 5 both have 3 marks. The bet will be 1 unit on 3.4.5, and 1 unit on 4.5.6. A total of 6 units bet, 1 unit on 3 & 6, and 2 units on 4 & 5. Another example, number 4.5.6 each have 3 marks. The bet will be 1 unit on 3.4.5 and 1 unit on 4.5.6 and 1 unit on 5.6.7. A total of 9 units bet, 1 unit on 3 & 7, and 2 units on 4 & 6, and 3 units on 5.

This variant is set up to play continuously for ever and ever if you want. I have other variants that play a more enclosed style with a hit and run approach, but for the purposes of a mega-long rx or bot test this variant is a good start.

There you go boatran8, if you can rx code this I will pay you an agreed amount.
Give it a go, ask any questions, and when you get it right let me know and I will send you some spins for testing. If using those spins both our results match I will pay you and then you can post the .dgt file for everyone to explore in creative ways.

No need for confidentiality ‘cause I just posted the system anyway. Oh, and if you can code this then you’re a bloody genius.

Offer is for superman to make a bot too.

I’m good for the cash if you guys can do it.

Some stupid comments have i read about that there is no difference betting the layout on table or the wheel layout.
With this method you play random against random if you use the table layout as the numbers are not connected.
The main idea is that number are clustering in the same area having a slight bias, then you have to use the wheel layout.

I like this type of game, because it aim for what has happen, aim for what had a show.
Then does numbers will be part of does future numbers.
Some of the hitting numbers will fall into sleep and some will repeat and hit again more frequent.

Then we don't chasing for does numbers that sleep from the very beginning.
Some numbers sleep from the very beginning during 2,5 cycle's.
We talk about 10 987654321 numbers.
That is why i like concept that take advantage out of present numbers that alredy had a show.
Denial of gamblers fallacy is usually seen in people who has Roulette as last option for a way to wealth, debt covering and a independent lifestyle.  Next step is pretty ugly-
AP - It's not that it can't be done, but rather people don't really have a clue as to the level of fanaticism and outright obsession that it takes to be successful, let alone get to the level where you can take money out of the casinos on a regular basis. Out of 1,000 people that earnestly try, maybe only one will make it.


I would like to attempt coding this. However I would appreciate if someone can provide examples with spins.
If providing examples is not possible, can 1 of you be a contact and test this to see if I am on the right track.

If I am successful, it will have both the wheel and table layout stats.

I will be starting this on Friday.
Hopefully, someone will provide examples.
With right tools and good money management, any gambling activity can produce a steady income.
