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The only way to beat roulette is by increasing accuracy of predictions (changing the odds). This is possible on many real wheels.

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Linear ball deceleration problems with roulette computers

Started by Steve, May 03, 11:50 PM 2012

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You may have heard a roulette computer that gets predictions anytime in the spin by assuming the ball deceleration is linear is a great thing. After all, someone sells such a device so they publish nonsense to sell their product. You may have also seen videos of a computer for sale that gives the same prediction on each click as the ball slows down, and it may look impressive.

The facts about this approach, and its associated problems, are explained at link:://:.roulettecomputers.com/getting-early-predictions/

Also see a video demonstration at :.roulettesystemanalysis.com/m/linear.wmv

My computers have never assumed deceleration is linear, simply because it would be a simplistic and lazy shortcut with critical flaws. To be specific, assumption of linear deceleration would be acceptable if I only wanted to know approximately when the last ball revolution would occur on a wheel where the ball's deceleration was quite smooth. There would still be errors, but they would be managable on enough wheels. But if you intended to give a prediction based on something like which diamond will be hit, such a simplistic approach gives random accuracy.

Not many people will understand why, but essentially on a tilted wheel, you can have timings inaccurate to even 500ms (0.5s) and still get much the same prediction as another computer that is accurate to 0.000000000000001ms. But if you ask the computer to know which diamond will be hit, the smallest errors count, and you can't afford to take cheap shortcuts with the algorithm.

Anyway, anyone who has the tested device (FFA unlimited) can test for themselves. Anyone who has my devices can do similar testing. Then people can decide for themselves.

This is just one of many, many critical points that highlight the differences between computers. More is explained at :.roulettecomputers.com/comparison.htm

Unfortunately telling the truth does have drawbacks.. like people that truth offends call you nasty names and lie about you, and some people are silly enough to believe it. Darn.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


Just a quick note, forester still claims that his device can predict correctly anytime in the spin, but that for his acrobat, it is only relevant to know the difference in timing between revolutions. Here's what's wrong with this:

1. He contradicted himself. Clearly the accuracy doesn't exist with predictions anytime in the spin unless you only need sloppy accuracy for tilted wheel, no diamond targeting. So he says prediction anytime isnt required, but regardless it is still accurate with predictions anytime. Umm, that's not what the video testing shows, and its not what any of his customers will find if they repeat the testing. He blames me for pointing out his mistakes.

2. Sure there is reasonable accuracy from a timing perspective if you look only at the difference between revolutions. But another problem is the ball deceleration rate is always changing, and his computers assume everything remains constant.

Contrary to what miro claims, I'm not trying to discredit his product. Without his deception, it has no basis to compete and I couldnt give a rats arse about it. I'm just explaining to people how he lies his arse off claiming his computers are nasa-developed, and mine are all scams, when very simple testing and common sense makes it clear he's lying his butt off. So he keeps saying "oh stefano doesn't have a degree".. hmm, a great point considering technology comparison?

A test for anyone with acrobat:

1. Get predictions at varying time in the spin (different ball speeds). You need it for 2+ diamonds, or accuracy is more based on full revolutions which means sloppy timings are ok (not a realistic test).
2. Do NOT click right to the end, or you flaw the test
3. Check the diamond prediction accuracy
4. Tell miro what you found, random, right?

Simple, simple truth. Even just check iqe6 with predictions at varying times ffs, random. It is a glimpse of acrobat accuracy with predictions anytime.

Anyone that understands the details can see right through miro trying to hide the truth. My point of doing this is not competition. Again I don't give hog poopy about it. I'm helping people he's deceived understand what he is, so you can question what else he's lied about... it will continue while he continues to deceive people about me.

Many of his purchasers start off believing him about me, then through their own investigations come to see how dishonest and manipulative he actually is. You just have to see it for yourself to understand it absolutely is legitimate sickness.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose


bebediktus, keep digging.. do the testing for yourself. Do not rely on anyone's word - just simple testing and common sense. You wouldnt be the only customer of miro's to eventually find out what he really is. Most of his customers that do find out dont tell him because they're scared of being banned like he did to other customers.
"The only way to beat roulette is by increasing the accuracy of predictions"
Roulettephysics.com ← Professional roulette tips
Roulette-computers.com ← Hidden electronics that predicts the winning number
Roulettephysics.com/roulette-strategy ← Why most systems lose
