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Started by Proofreaders2000, May 05, 07:59 AM 2012

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For 200 years folks have been "Beating Roulette"?

That's why the casinos have the Roulette tables - to hand money to the gamblers.


Come on folks, Roulette is an excellent way to move a lot of money around and get comps worth thousands of dollars..................


I play 37# and the dealer hands me 19 dollars for every spin.i dont need comps just money, :-X  but i will never tell.


Quote from: MauiSunset on May 05, 07:49 PM 2012

Advantage players may have existed 200 years ago when Roulette wheels were out of balance, and the dealer could share in your winnings under the table.  Today there is NO Advantage-play at all - zip, zilch, nada.

Everything I know about Roulette is in the 9 YouTube videos I produced - basically you play the odds and don't do silly things like negative progressions and using your money on anything but EC bets and using any winnings on higher risk bets.

There is no secret system - just a simple way of using your chips to keep track of your current position since I always play 2 different strategies at the same time; both are just betting on the odds.

I think that anyone who goes through the 9 videos has all they need to equal the odds of Roulette - basically the house get's 5% of your money over the long haul.

Your job is get more comps than the 5% you lose.

That's how you win at Roulette - with comps.

Beyond that folks are lying, fooling themselves, or extremely lucky at doing better at Roulette.

That's all I'm saying to folks - if I can keep you from doing silly things at the table and understand that you make your money with comps then I've helped someone in their Roulette experience.....

Comps? Your entire existance on this board is over comps?
Watch us big doggs, the MEN, play at a REAL casino, on a REAL table. All we ask is that you stay out of our way. The rest? Bots, airball, RNG...that's more for the Kitty Kat Klub. Its the big doggs and the kittens!! Winning is not an event, it's a process and it takes YEARS and YEARS to master > link:://:.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014127/rs_560x415-140227131132-1024.bulldog-kittens3.jpg... To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood.


I am the living proof that Roulette can be beat every time I set out to beat it. Yes,
Mathematics proves that Roulette can't be beat. That was Eintiens' mistake. He
used mathematics. I don't. I never will. Anyone that sets out to beat Roulette
with mathematics will fail also. There are no individuals on this forum smarter
than Einstein. So they will all fail if they attempt to use mathematics.
I am the living proof that Roulette can be beat every time I set out to beat it.


Hello Ken,

I have a friend who behaves like that. Whenever he want to learn something desperately from you he will not ask. Perhaps due to his ego or he wants to show he is superior. He will use the same tactic which I call "reverse psychology." He will purposely set up illogical arguments with you and going all    out to prove you wrong.
The motive is for you to beg him in order for you to teach him what he desperately want to learn. He will gain if we play his game. The best solution is to tell him ,"I agree with you, no system work," and continue making more and be happy.



Hello Gizmo,

I strongly believe your approach to roulette works. I have learned from your post and picked up some of your concept over the years. I have tested it and use it in B&M casino and it's profitable.

Thanks & Regards


Quote from: sniper on May 05, 10:32 PM 2012
Hello Gizmo,

I strongly believe your approach to roulette works. I have learned from your post and picked up some of your concept over the years. I have tested it and use it in B&M casino and it's profitable.

Thanks & Regards

Thanks. The most profitable weakness in Roulette is the elegant pattern. I wish many
of these on everyone here.
I am the living proof that Roulette can be beat every time I set out to beat it.


Quote from: MauiSunset on May 05, 10:37 PM 2012
You guys are delusional - anyone listening to you locos deserves the loss that awaits them.

Prove that mathematics  is the only way to lose.
I am the living proof that Roulette can be beat every time I set out to beat it.


Quote from: Gizmotron on May 05, 10:43 PM 2012
Prove that mathematics  is the only way to lose.


You want me to prove that 2 + 2 does not equal 4?

Good grief you are loony.....


Hello Gizmo,

A person stayed in the same house for 20 years and knows every corner. He can even move around in the darkest night without having to switch on the light. One day there was fire burning in the house and thick smoke soon filled up the whole place. He panicked and can't even find the main door out, despite having stayed there for so long .He was shocked and filled with fear, he gave up and desperately hoped someone will save him.

The situation was chaotic. The "trained" firemen arrived, they saw the fire and thick smoke. Their confident grew, the picked up their gears, planned the moves and got into the burning house to save the poor guy. In any chaotic or random situation, there is a clear direction or trend. Trained person will see what the majority can't see. The trained firemen can see the way into a burning building where the rest panic and shouting and running in chaos.



Quote from: MauiSunset on May 05, 10:46 PM 2012


You want me to prove that 2 + 2 does not equal 4?

Good grief you are loony.....

I see. You can't prove anything. I tried to tell you that you are a fundamentalist. Ken
has done a perfect job of illustrating that. Thanks Ken. BTW - I am the proof you have
demanded. Lucky you. You were lucky enough to have met me. You know, 200 years
and all that. I would advise you to stop fooling yourself. We all know you are lying
about getting comps that are higher than your wacky beliefs. You live in a glass
house. We all see it.
I am the living proof that Roulette can be beat every time I set out to beat it.


Quote from: MauiSunset on May 05, 11:04 PM 2012
Folks, math is math and Gizmo and others that claim to be smarter than Einstein have a problem with reality and have take up residence here - if you listen to them you deserve to lose every penny that will surely be lost to the casino.

Not one person here can prove that the 200+ year old posted Roulette odds can be changed - only in their tormented mind does that happen.....

It's your demented argument that I have changed the odds or that I'm smarter than Einstein.
You are a fundamentalist. You are incapable of seeing the issues that most people relate to
effortlessly. Its not a big deal. Many people are fundamentalist.
I am the living proof that Roulette can be beat every time I set out to beat it.


MauiSunset - chant this mantra : Roulette can't be beaten with mathematics. The odds
never change. Not in 200 years.
I am the living proof that Roulette can be beat every time I set out to beat it.


Quote from: MauiSunset on May 05, 11:31 PM 2012
Folks, I want you to pay attention to all those that claim they have "Broken Roulette" - they must use insane ideas and theories, or super secret concepts, in order for them to break Roulette.

No simple math, no simple ideas, just wacko ideas and claims since what they claim is insane.

In their book it takes insanity to explain their brilliance.............total whack jobs all of them.......

What a feeble attempt to garner a cult of personality. Take notice that mauiSunset does
not see his blind side. A defence mechanism from a fundamentalist is one of the most
pathetic displays of immature behavior known to mankind. That's why he depends on
his basic misunderstanding of things as some kind of religious belief. Now he sees
himself as some kind of forum savior.
I am the living proof that Roulette can be beat every time I set out to beat it.
