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Progression bets are nothing more than different size bets on different spins. You could get lucky and win big, or unlucky and lose even more.

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Some inside bets

Started by Kattila, May 14, 02:18 PM 2012

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European roulette wheel

      NR  Neighbors  0  26,0,32  1  33,1,20  2  21,2,25  3  35,3,26  4  19,4,21  5  10,5,24  6  34,6,27  7  29,7,28  8  30,8,23  9  31,9,22  10  23,10,5  11  36,11,30  12  28,12,35  13  27,13,36  14  20,14,31  15  32,15,19  16  24,16,33  17  25,17,34  18  22,18,29  19  15,19,4  20  1,20,14  21  4,21,2  22  9,22,18  23  8,23,10  24  5,24,16  25  2,25,17  26  3,26,0  27  6,27,13  28  7,28,12  29  18,29,7  30  11,30,8  31  14,31,9  32  0,32,15  33  16,33,1  34  17,34,6  35  12,35,3  36  13,36,11   
Wait 5 different numbers ,
but also must not hit the neighbors (on wheel) from the previuos numbers.


29   virtual play
4    L1 not hit  the last number and the two neighbors
14  L2 not hit the last numbers and their neighbors
30  L3 not hit the last numbers and their neighbors
13  L4 not hit the last numbers and their neighbors
         this 4 Ls are the trigger , now bet on that last 5 numbers and
         their two neighbors, so 15 numbers.

If lose ... keep update/bet  the last/recent 5 numbers and their
neighbors. So drop the *older* number+ his neighbors  and take the new +two neighbors.


1.    0,10 x 15          -1,5          +2,1
2.    0,20 x 15          -4,5          +2,7
3.    0,30 x 15          -9            +1,8
4.    0,50 x 15          -16,5        +1,5
5.       1  x 15          -31,5        +4,5
6.       2  x 15          -61,5        +10,5  take the lose or...
7.       4  x 15          -121,5      +22,5
8.       7  x 15          -226,5      +25,5   end

Can wait(optional) for another 4 or 5 virtual Ls betting that way ( last 5 + neighbors) and start to bet the progression from above.


Another one based on inside bets .
Consider any of this 3 numbers = one group

European roulette wheel

        groups  0  26,0,32  1  33,1,20  2  21,2,25  3  35,3,26  4  19,4,21  5  10,5,24  6  34,6,27  7  29,7,28  8  30,8,23  9  31,9,22  10  23,10,5  11  36,11,30  12  28,12,35  13  27,13,36  14  20,14,31  15  32,15,19  16  24,16,33  17  25,17,34  18  22,18,29  19  15,19,4  20  1,20,14  21  4,21,2  22  9,22,18  23  8,23,10  24  5,24,16  25  2,25,17  26  3,26,0  27  6,27,13  28  7,28,12  29  18,29,7  30  11,30,8  31  14,31,9  32  0,32,15  33  16,33,1  34  17,34,6  35  12,35,3  36  13,36,11   
Now wait until hit two numbers from any group, but must be the two from exterior,
example hit 0 and 15 (group 32....0,32,15), still wait for another
two numbers from other group example 9,18 ( group 22....9,22,18), meanwhile
better if not hit the numbers 32 and 22. Still wait for anothers two numbers from
other group ,example 2,17 (group 25....2,25,17) .

Now is time to bet on that 3 numbers ....32,22,25 using this progression (for online)
see word file. Bet this 3 numbers until step 24, and if lose start to bet other 3 new
numbers(conditions from above) until step 48.

Version B2.

Wait until hit two close numbers like 30,8
and still wait for another group of two like 29,7, meanwhile better if not hit 30,8
now bet on this 4 numbers (neighbors of that 2 groups)....11,23,18,28
using this progression( see excel file). Bet that 4 numbers using  the first 18 steps,
if lose bet for the next 18 spins the next 18 steps but ...bet new 4 numbers
(conditions from above).


Wait around 40 spins , will bet on 6 numbers :
- two (any)hot numbers ( hit at least 2 times and max, 4 times)
- two(any) active numbers (hit once)
- two sleepers on the first 30 spins, but hit at least once and max. twice
   in the next 10 spins
Bet on that 6 numbers using this progression for 6 numbers ( online).
see word file.


Bet the last 5 numbers, if lose bet the last 5 + two hot numbers , so 7 numbers,
If lose bet on that 7 + two sleepers (this ones must sleep at least 24 spins and
then hit once (wake up), so total 9 numbers  now.
Important: keep bet/update the last 5 !
If don t want to wait the sleepers ,replace them with any 2 numbers that hit once.

1.     0,20 x 5                      -1                      +6,2
2.     0,30 x 7                      -3,1                   +7,7
3.     0,30 x 9                      -5,8                   +5
4.     0,40 x 9                      -9,4                   +5
5.     0,50 x 9                      -13,9                 +4,1
6.     0,70 x 9                      -20,2                 +5
7.        1   x 9                      -29,2                 +6,8
8.     1,20 x 9                      -40                    +3,2
9.     1,70 x 9                      -55,3                 +5,9    stop lose or..........
10.    2,30 x 9                     -76                    +6,8
11.        3  x 9                     -103                  +5       stop lose or.....
12.        4  x 9                     -139                  +5
13.        6  x 9                     -193                  +23  end

good luck


sorry but on a long run all this patterns will be destroyed


I agree iggiv. Look at all well known "winning methods" based on sleepers or sectors play. Diodoro, John Solitude Raindrops or CPR by Chuck Sutton...
There are always people that try them based on amount of hype that they generate.
For a while they work and then comes a reality check. They claim over 95% winning rate but 5% of your loses will eventually wipe you out. You can have limited success employing some additional triggers, virtual spins and shortening your progression.



Quote from: Robeenhuut on May 14, 10:51 PM 2012
I agree iggiv. Look at all well known "winning methods" based on sleepers or sectors play. Diodoro, John Solitude Raindrops or CPR by Chuck Sutton...
There are always people that try them based on amount of hype that they generate.
For a while they work and then comes a reality check. They claim over 95% winning rate but 5% of your loses will eventually wipe you out. You can have limited success employing some additional triggers, virtual spins and shortening your progression.



i just don't get how 5% can wipe out 95% of winnings...isn't the fault in MM rather than in the system itself?! if you shoot for 20% of your section br as wnning target, 5% will surely not wipe you out.




Quote from: iggiv on May 14, 10:21 PM 2012
sorry but on a long run all this patterns will be destroyed

Hey Iggiv my friend, not necessary repeat that over and over...(maybe for newbies).
We all know this Iggiv....on long run ANY pattern/system will be destroyed,
and this is **Roulette System Players forum ** so any member is free to post
systems and all members are free to read /choose /test / play /or just ignore .......
No system will survive to 1.000.000 spins not even to 100 000 spins ,maybe only
a few can survive to 100 000 but just sometime, example... if test once and survive
the second time you test with other set of numbers the result will be very different........
so what it s the point to test like that....i belive if one system survive sometimes
(flat bet) to 15 000 or even 25 000 spins is good enough to be playable...( and i have
such a systems).
My advice was and it is... to play if posibble flat bet or use middle progressions (with stop
lose) and of course we all need patience, good methods (also switch), good MM, experiece and....lady luck is welcome...he,he,he......



Quote from: vundarosa on May 15, 01:05 AM 2012


i just don't get how 5% can wipe out 95% of winnings...isn't the fault in MM rather than in the system itself?! if you shoot for 20% of your section br as wnning target, 5% will surely not wipe you out.



Hello Vundarosa

Its simple. If you play long progression for example and your total risk is 400u and your average win is 15u then in a long run you lose if you have 95% success rate. You can try to adjust your progression but if you shorten it to improve your win to total risk rate then our strike rate will drop as well. And sooner or later you will get a streak that it will wipe you out.



Quote from: Robeenhuut on May 15, 04:08 AM 2012
Hello Vundarosa

Its simple. If you play long progression for example and your total risk is 400u and your average win is 15u then in a long run you lose if you have 95% success rate. You can try to adjust your progression but if you shorten it to improve your win to total risk rate then our strike rate will drop as well. And sooner or later you will get a streak that it will wipe you out.



so that is the  point i was trying to make; the system with 95% sucess rate is not at fault. MM or better, low win target, is the real problem. If the system has a 95% sucess rate why you're playing for 15u and risking 400u?! One should be aiming for at least 80u or 20% of the risk and you could be ahead most of the time....that 5% loss rate would be but a minor setback from time to time.



Quote from: vundarosa on May 15, 08:51 AM 2012


so that is the  point i was trying to make; the system with 95% sucess rate is not at fault. MM or better, low win target, is the real problem. If the system has a 95% sucess rate why you're playing for 15u and risking 400u?! One should be aiming for at least 80u or 20% of the risk and you could be ahead most of the time....that 5% loss rate would be but a minor setback from time to time.



You did not get my point.  It was just an example. You can not build your progression if your strike rate does not give you a long run profit. Sorry but if your strike rate is not good enough  at any particular level then there is not much you can do. Do the simple math and you will know. If you lose 1 out of 20 games but you win less than 1u compared to your total risk of 20u then you lose money.  Your win goal or stop loss wont affect the outcome.
Otherwise we all would be millionaires playing roulette.




Quote from: Robeenhuut on May 15, 10:21 AM 2012

You did not get my point.  It was just an example. You can not build your progression if your strike rate does not give you a long run profit. Sorry but if your strike rate is not good enough  at any particular level then there is not much you can do. Do the simple math and you will know. If you lose 1 out of 20 games but you win less than 1u compared to your total risk of 20u then you lose money.  Your win goal or stop-loss won't affect the outcome.
Otherwise we all would be millionaires playing roulette.




I beg to differ. If you have a loss in every four games 1/4 you'd have a win ratio of 75%. In that case you should have 50% of total risk win target and will be ahead.

I don't like long progressions as they are more expensive and to reach 50% of risk win target one has to play for much much longer.

However if the method has 95% win rate, c'mon, one should adjust the win target and could be on the way to becoming a millionaire indeed-->in a game where one cannot avoid the losses, don't cut short the wins!



Quote from: Robeenhuut on May 15, 10:21 AM 2012

You did not get my point.  It was just an example. You can not build your progression if your strike rate does not give you a long run profit. Sorry but if your strike rate is not good enough  at any particular level then there is not much you can do. Do the simple math and you will know. If you lose 1 out of 20 games but you win less than 1u compared to your total risk of 20u then you lose money.  Your win goal or stop-loss won't affect the outcome.
Otherwise we all would be millionaires playing roulette.




ok, what i was trying to say is, don't toss the system because it lost 1 in 20 games but rather aim to win more than 1u per game-->don't cut short your wins.




"However if the method has 95% win rate"

Are you saying it does or does the "if" trump reality?

What, in roulette, has a 95% win rate?  Playing a progression does not increase your win rate.  You do not have more wins, just more money on a particular win--as is the case with the Martingale.  And then you either run out of money, guts or the table limit kills you.  Or you absolutely have to pee and your number comes while your shakin' it!

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Quote from: TwoCatSam on May 18, 12:15 AM 2012

Or you absolutely have to pee and your number comes while your shakin' it!


