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MauiSunset's Table

Started by MauiSunset, May 16, 10:50 AM 2012

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I just got back from 4 days in Vegas, I've never had such a string of good luck in all my years of gambling.  So to share my good fortune with the folks here I've included a table from my xxxxxxx that you might find useful.

This is the chart that I've used for years and am releasing it to the public for the first time (I use the $100 chart).  Every number there is backed up with heavy duty statistics, which I won't disclose - use it or lose it as it stands.  I've never seen a version of the table anywhere, as far as I know it is unique.

Flat betting only with positive progression of any winnings if you want.

Hope this helps some folks with their Roulette - best of luck.



Give ex .on how you would start a session with even money,the chart tells you how to start with br and spin ect.but what stratagie do you use?


First 5...??????

--Warr.try to solve it bankroll/winnings chart,as
he mentioned he wouldn't be disclosing it.
But why did he post this...it beats me.


Quote from: vile on May 16, 12:00 PM 2012
First 5... ??? ???

--Warr.try to solve it bankroll/winnings chart,as
he mentioned he wouldn't be disclosing it.
But why did he post this...it beats me.
first 5 of what?



I have a sneaky suspicion that this was posted to gain visitors to Maui's personal website, which he linked to in his post.  This table appears to be the only substance at all on the page yet, and I'm not even sure what the substance is.  In one area, he has sections for the systems that work, systems that are horrible, and systems that are a complete disaster (90 of 100 by his reconning).  I like Maui, and have had some interesting discussions with him in the past regarding some of the systems I have posted, which are admittedly few.  To even see what systems he is talking about, he has to grant you the priviledge of being a full member.  Total visits to his site yesterday: 37 people.  Most ever online: 9 people.  I think Maui is trying to piggyback on the success of this site and gain some traffic for his own benefit.  Maui has never been willing to take claims on the face, but he asks us to do exactly the same with this table. 


What don't you get about the table? Its so easy to understand. Flat bet 5 units each spin for atleast 100 spins and if you're up 60 then quit. Not hard really


Quote from: Juiced91 on May 16, 12:21 PM 2012
What don't you get about the table? Its so easy to understand. Flat bet 5 units each spin for atleast 100 spins and if you're up 60 then quit. Not hard really

Wow, someone with an IQ in the normal range!


Let me explain the chart for those who are horribly confused.

The "secret" to "winning at Roulette" is playing the right number of spins.

Play too little and statistics doesn't have enough time to work, play too long and you will lose any winnings you have and just fester at the loss you have at that point.

Flat bet - use any way you want to pick a number - it makes no difference (for EC pick Black for all 100 if you want).

If you have any winnings you can add that to your flat bet if you want - or put it in your pocket.

Beyond that there is nothing more to do but stay and play......


Quote from: MauiSunset on May 16, 12:28 PM 2012
Let me explain the chart for those who are horribly confused.

The "secret" to "winning at Roulette" is playing the right number of spins.

Play too little and statistics doesn't have enough time to work, play too long and you will lose any winnings you have and just fester at the loss you have at that point.

Flat bet - use any way you want to pick a number - it makes no difference (for EC pick Black for all 100 if you want).

If you have any winnings you can add that to your flat bet if you want - or put it in your pocket.

Beyond that there is nothing more to do but stay and play......

Finally we know the secret of beating roulette.  Always bet 100 times any EC for a start  ;D


I have never been a cynical person ,but he is right about the game.


While in Vegas I played Roulette almost 20 hours a day - I had a good luck streak that would not stop.

While at the table I watched probably 200+ gamblers come and go and lose everything they brought to the table.  I saw maybe 5 guys walk away with a small winning.

Out of the 200+ gamblers ALL left way way too early - statistics could not catch up to their losses.  Most picked individual numbers and nobody stayed the 1,850 spins that are needed for statistics to allow you to get close to breaking even.

That's what my gift is to those who want to listen - you are not spending enough time at the Roulette table and that's why you are getting your clock cleaned............


Quote from: MauiSunset on May 16, 12:43 PM 2012
While in Vegas I played Roulette almost 20 hours a day - I had a good luck streak that would not stop.

While at the table I watched probably 200+ gamblers come and go and lose everything they brought to the table.  I saw maybe 5 guys walk away with a small winning.

Out of the 200+ gamblers ALL left way way too early - statistics could not catch up to their losses.  Most picked individual numbers and nobody stayed the 1,850 spins that are needed for statistics to allow you to get close to breaking even.

That's what my gift is to those who want to listen - you are not spending enough time at the Roulette table and that's why you are getting your clock cleaned............

Im confused because at 101 roulette classes they just teach an opposite approach.
Spend as little time as possible at a table... :o


Quote from: Robeenhuut on May 16, 12:47 PM 2012
I'm confused because at 101 roulette classes they just teach an opposite approach.
Spend as little time as possible at a table... :o

They have NO statistics to back that up!  I't just common sense, you hear about the clowns that bet their entire retirement fund >$100k on Red or Black - this is insanity.

If you pick a single number, no matter what crazy scheme you use to get that number, you have to play 1,850 spins for statistics to have an impact on your bankroll - less than that and it's all just random luck or bad-luck.



I share MauiSunset's opinion about roulette,winning systems,bet selection and so on.
I completely agree with him.

But there is a small contraddiction in his statement:
Playing a number of spins  as few  as possible protects players from the house edge,but playing 100 spins(EC) ,otherwise statistics doesn't work for the player,expose him too much  to the house edge.
It means that in 100 spins( 5 $ per spin),a player lose 13,5$ due to the house edge(american roulette)
Are 13,5 $ offset by the "work" of statistics?

What's the truth?
