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Started by Johnlegend, May 21, 05:00 PM 2012

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Quote from: Robeenhuut on May 24, 11:17 PM 2012
Hello Iggiv

We try to do some constructive and fair criticism of everything what's posted here. I posted some stuff that did not work due to mostly  not adequate testing and being overzealous. I never personally attacked anybody here. What bugs me about JL attitude is his  "I know the best" line and flat dismissal of other people posts that don't agree with his results by ignoring them or endlessly pushing his hit and run philosophy. Bettor 27 reported strike rate around 110/1 in around 900 games of CODE 4 and there was no reply, Intriseco put out a chart testing CODE 4 and got just average results. But it was not true hit and run testing in JL opinion. To me testing it on Rx playing in some intervals and using verified live spins would constitute true test.
Look what happens now with CODE 4 Reverse Attack testing. It produces just average results but they will be dismissed by JL because the tests were not done in proper fashion. He reported in 7500 games that he saw only 11 loses - game went 9 or more steps without hit.  I just scratch my head when i see his numbers.


please read what he is saying. And by the way i did not mean u by people which get "on the nerves".

Well, i guess there must be some reasons why some people get different results with the same strategy. Something needs to be shaped up probably by the people which don't get good results. i don't know. That's why the discussion is goin on here


and by the way i completely agree with his "hit-n-run" philosophy. No method will work consistently if u just keep and keep playing it pushing your luck. U need a hit-n-run as John says. I know it from my experience too.

Those who reject a hit-n-run and don't pay enough attention at it, will fail no matter what. Maybe that's a case. Many people don't understand how roulette kills consistent patterns on long run.
On another hand skillful using of hit-n-run can make a difference.


Quote from: iggiv on May 24, 11:22 PM 2012
please read what he is saying. And by the way i did not mean u by people which get "on the nerves".

Well, i guess there must be some reasons why some people get different results with the same strategy. Something needs to be shaped up probably. i don't know. That's why the discussion is goin on here

Hello Iggiv

You can get on some people nerves by just trying to voice different opinion. Its normal to get different results from the same strategy. If you got our ragtag bunch of superheroes  ;D to test CODE4  in the same way you probably could get someone that produced even better then JL results but there would be few taking loss as well. Few people already reported just average results but they were dismissed.  I wish JL all the success but his methods are only suitable for few. And mindset or patience are not the main issue here. ;D



Hit and run is the style of play most common amongst "traders" of markets like forex who try to exploit brief periods of non random behavior amongst a mostly random environment.  To find those patterns they do a lot of data-mining.  It's easy to trap them when found because there is very little work involved in monitoring in-between periods...only a lot of patience needed.  In a casino, a player expends almost equal work to monitor in-between periods during a hit and run approach, unless technology affords a way around this.  That's harder in a brick and mortar environment where this method allegedly does better. 

I haven't done enough research to say whether a hit and run approach works in these types of games where you'd think randomness ruled every spin of the wheel.  This is unlike a market like forex where there may be times when psychology of the masses may rule in a predictable way.  But from research done and demonstrated on this forum, i suspect a hit and run approach may have some merits.  If the waiting periods are long, then it's more imperative that the system be able to run on an RNG where a robot can mimic the human signature enough to play for the players, and get away with it.  The waiting periods  while playing in a brick and mortar establishment would be palatable in relation to how sure the system delivered results, and the size of the players BR (basic unit) when the profits did finally arrive. 

I would add that a hit and run approach that did not monitor the in-between states makes no sense to me, unless it also involves a drop down to the basic unit of risk from a higher level (regression).   


If a person told me, "Sam, I sit down and play and suddenly I get this gut feeling that I should leave, and I do.", I could agree with that.  I feel we all have an intuition about things.

While KonFuSed proved the G.U.T would not work, I can make it work.  Or at least I have thus far.  A voice says to me:  Man, things have been goin' great!  It's about time it turns on you.  Might want to log out.

If you guys could get you mind around "Hit and Use Your Gut Feeling About When To Quit", I could board your train.

I sit at a terminal at Riverwind and I watch guys slide their twenties into the machine--they have jumped in.  Soon they have the "thousand yard stare" and are leaving broke.  They've jumped out.  Then they're at the ATM.  Jumping back in again.....

Again, if you say it works for you, who am I to doubt you?  I say win some money and buy the wife a rose!

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


QuoteYou have to implement a playing style that gives it a fighting chance of missing several certain losses.

Yes, but starting to play at random intervals won't give you that fighting chance. Better is something like Marigny's method which advices starting play at -3 Std, then careful MM can get you a few units.
"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


Quote from: Bayes on May 25, 02:16 AM 2012
>> careful MM <<

In my opinion this is the start and finish of any possible hit and run advantage, and that's only because nothing else makes any sense.
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


hit and run theory reminds of old days when my brother younger than me was at his school and there was a guy who use to say slap other boys and runs away as nothing happen everyone knew who that person was but they were too afraid to point him....one day i went to my brother school to see what was that thing and since then that person never ever slap anyone...i hope hit and run does not turn this way....p.s win as much as you can :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


  I say win some money and buy the wife a rose!


I do it every morning after each night session....but in cash,Sam.


Quote from: vile on May 25, 04:28 AM 2012
I do it every morning after each night session

My oh my, your oversexed wife's got it good!
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Quote from: TwoCatSam on May 24, 11:16 PM 2012
Callin' us "ragtag".  Lemme at 'I'm  Lemme at 'I'm.

genuine lol at that  ;D


Quote from: Bayes on May 25, 01:53 AM 2012
Absolutely. And this is why JL's hit & run methods make no sense, because the inbetween states aren't monitored.  You just enter the game at random intervals, HOPING that the random flow at that point won't be the one which generates a loss.

On the other hand, he says that "timing is everything" but gives no clue as to when you should enter the game.

Go figure.  :-\

This isn't just being "negative", it's a reasonable criticism.
Is there any different if the inbetween states are monitored. Will the monitored entry point generates more wins?


Quote from: Bayes on May 25, 02:03 AM 2012
JL's analogy of a train:

The reason why this is a poor analogy is that you don't know where the "station" is, and consequently at what point you will get blown up, so the only safe option is to not get on the train in the first place. Not that I'm saying you should never play roulette, only that you can't find a justification for using the kind of hit & run which JL advocates, because it's completely illogical.

Whatever happened to common sense?  :'(

Hi Bayes, who in this world knows where the "station" and the blown up point are? Every bet placed putting you to the risk of being blown up.


2cat - Are you familar with the movie THE DEER HUNTER ? Robert De Niro & others a few decades old now. A section of the movie covers 1 of the guys who gets obsessed playing Russian Roulette somewhere in Asia/war etc.

1 bullet in revolver spin chamber, bets go down = live or die, 5 chances vs 1 - then he puts gun to
head & pulls trigger. For years he managed to cheat death.

For those that know the movie then you know the final outcome, for those that don't, you'll have to get the movie out.


Quote from: iggiv on May 24, 11:07 PM 2012
It's not about roulette anymore.  U r obsessed with desire to prove that someone (who tries to share and help others) is gonna fail no matter what.

I can't disprove, or even be subjectively-negative about, details which aren't laid out here, nay, which, according to many of the posters, can't be. For example, how does "hit and run" really work?  That's a part of the longer, overall negative-expectancy.  If you had a viable way to beat roulette, you wouldn't resort to "hit and run".  (You'd make a proper session of the "hit and run" stuff, to be back where you started.)

Beyond that, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."  You can't have one side without the other.  If a board fails because of that, or posters are summarily banned in some misguided "pursuit" to guard against said failure, then soooooooo be it!  Not my fault, or worry then.

Quote from: iggiv on May 24, 11:07 PM 2012
... but something happened that made u really negative kind of troll. So if u really don't give anymore any practical info but on the contrary get on nerves of some people, providing here some practical info, i am gonna do something about it. Though i admit for some reasons that i feel kind of personal sympathy to u. U seem like a guy really disappointed about roulette. I can understand that.
Ah, no.  My professional and no-nonsense mindset, particularly in theory and practice to the casino-games has remained quite-constant over the years.

Things couldn't be better with me personally.  But then you would likely "get on my case" for a list of the highlights.  (Nothing brings out the real negativity more among gamblers than that.  Oh, the indignity!  Believe me.)

Quote from: iggiv on May 24, 11:07 PM 2012
... I would have to do do something if some members really keep complaining about u.

Reminds me of ego's suggestion to not care about others' doubts of your wins if you can win.  Actually, what happens is that most simply go away, back to the other activities which they can beat.  It becomes way-to-hard to start to apply those latter strategies here "over the phone" when this problem becomes systemtic, moderated.  When a casino-game becomes a substitute for a universally-recognized (and successful) professional career.

Like Bayes, you're going to have to list specific examples of some personal attacks before you can rightfully label someone an internet troll.  Steve, for an other, can tell you from real experience how bad such attacks can get, what those comprise.

P.S.  Notice the new posters in these heartfelt discussions?
