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Started by Johnlegend, May 21, 05:00 PM 2012

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Quote from: Bayes on May 22, 02:18 AM 2012
Hey guys,

All those (and ONLY those) who signed up to test JL's new method, namely:

1. Bayes
2. Vundarosa
3. Robeenhut
4. Alberto Jonas
5. TwoCat
6. Sniper
7. Superman
8. Atlantis
9. Skakus
10. Rolletti

Please post your results HERE, otherwise it's going to be nightmare for me to keep track of the results.
Thanks for your cooperation.  8)
So heres where we stand after only one day. Superman is gone. Bayes is going through the motions but can't really be arsed. others are trying to tweak the method already. And a few haven't even entered the game. I get the feeling this was a bad idea. I should know better. The mindset is either there or it isnt. No matter what I bring to this forum. Only a very few have what it takes I must and do accept this.


Quote from: Johnlegend on May 22, 01:16 PM 2012
That goes against the rules I have outlined Robeenhuut. And there will be times you get in play dual qualifiers. What will you do then? I realize you are nearly all wrestling with your inherent lack off patience Robeenhuut. If you must. Use the first dozen and second dozen for testing as in example below. But understand. I cannot vouch for its success rate longterm. And if it goes pear shaped you have only yourself to blame.

I understand your point but basically no matter which column you use you always bet for the outcomes at the same interval. So it should not matter actually which column you use? 
If you start from 3rd column for example you just start tracking 2 spins later?



I think it's better to stick to John's rules, otherwise we're not testing his system but some variation of it. I'm still willing to do the test, but there is some confusion about the zeros. I doubt whether all 10 of us will see it though, but I will and I think Skakus will too.

By the way, it IS possible to code the system exactly as john describes it, including the random entry elements, but he is prejudiced against simulations. Shame really because I could get a print out of all results and it would all be there in black and white for everyone to see.

"The trouble isn't what we don't know, it's what we think we know that just ain't so!" - Mark Twain


Quote from: Johnlegend on May 22, 01:21 PM 2012
So heres where we stand after only one day. Superman is gone. Bayes is going through the motions but can't really be arsed. others are trying to tweak the method already. And a few haven't even entered the game. I get the feeling this was a bad idea. I should know better. The mindset is either there or it isnt. No matter what I bring to this forum. Only a very few have what it takes I must and do accept this.

JL, this is definitely "NOT" a bad idea.  For me personally, its a great idea, so please keep sharing with us!  If it wasn't for the willingness of you and a few others on here to continue with the threads in a positive manner, I would not be where I am at in the game today.  I have taken these methods (Code 4, D&C, PB and now Reverse Code 4-playing and testing) and applied rock solid discipline to it each method, each time I walk into a casino in my area.  Most days I win all 20 games (4 sessions of 5 games) and there a few times I don't, but they are far and few between.  Based on my observation about the way you challenge randomness, hit and run combined with randomness is a solid winner.  It simply chases itself around until it's dizzy and it finally gives in to a win.  I use to get all worked up when I encountered a few losses.  Today, I simply say "that was a pretty good round Mr. Randomness, now let me see you do that again."  It took me forever to have the discipline to wait as I always wanted to play continuously and thought that was the only way to build my BR.  I would encourage anybody to give it a chance and the one thing I do look at in the long run is the building of my BR, Confidence, Discipline and the open mindedness and power of observation in finding the sweet little things that make each method even more powerful.  I will try and get my results posted on the Code 4 thread for others to see.  Look forward to sharing more ideas with you.             



I stated that I would give it every chance.  If you're asking more than that, then I, too, should drop out.

To whomever said that about JL faking his live, recorded play..............

If he'll go to Dublin, I'll go with him and make my own recording.

I seriously doubt the man would photo shop a movie.

Let's all play by the rules and give it a chance.

Or bail if you wish......

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Quote from: Chauncy47 on May 22, 01:54 PM 2012
JL, this is definitely "NOT" a bad idea.  For me personally, its a great idea, so please keep sharing with us!  If it wasn't for the willingness of you and a few others on here to continue with the threads in a positive manner, I would not be where I am at in the game today.  I have taken these methods (Code 4, D&C, PB and now Reverse Code 4-playing and testing) and applied rock solid discipline to it each method, each time I walk into a casino in my area.  Most days I win all 20 games (4 sessions of 5 games) and there a few times I don't, but they are far and few between.  Based on my observation about the way you challenge randomness, hit and run combined with randomness is a solid winner.  It simply chases itself around until it's dizzy and it finally gives in to a win.  I use to get all worked up when I encountered a few losses.  Today, I simply say "that was a pretty good round Mr. Randomness, now let me see you do that again."  It took me forever to have the discipline to wait as I always wanted to play continuously and thought that was the only way to build my BR.  I would encourage anybody to give it a chance and the one thing I do look at in the long run is the building of my BR, Confidence, Discipline and the open mindedness and power of observation in finding the sweet little things that make each method even more powerful.  I will try and get my results posted on the Code 4 thread for others to see.  Look forward to sharing more ideas with you.             
Well done Chauncy47 if only we could clone your mindset and transplant it into the minds of many on here. Then we would be getting somewhere. Look at how I present my results and simply follow suite if you like. Keep up the good work. Its good to know I've helped a few people at least.


Many thanks for your help JL. Lots of people appreciate it. Always good to hear about your success and insights gained.

What is important to remember is that roulette should be fun to play and I think that is what hit and run methods deliver. Even playing CODE 1 should get you good results//sorry JohLegend for getting of topic :)


Quote from: Robeenhuut on May 22, 01:40 PM 2012
I understand your point but basically no matter which column you use you always bet for the outcomes at the same interval. So it should not matter actually which column you use? 
If you start from 3rd column for example you just start tracking 2 spins later?

Then go for it Robeenhuut. You are right that it should work equally well on both columns. For confusion sake I didnt want to complicate the method. For the purpose of speeding up analysis it is the best option.


Quote from: amk on May 22, 03:53 PM 2012
Many thanks for your help JL. Lots of people appreciate it. Always good to hear about your success and insights gained.

What is important to remember is that roulette should be fun to play and I think that is what hit and run methods deliver. Even playing CODE 1 should get you good results//sorry JohLegend for getting of topic :)
Never appologize to me for talking sense AMK. CODE 1 you have me curious. With CODE 4 (which by the way I still rate the best system ever) You get a very solid strikerate. But you must place 80 units on the line in order to play it faithfully. With CODE 4 reverse attack. The strikerate cant compete with CODE 4. But the risk is easier to swallow for alot more people.
I get a bit peeved off AMK because no matter what you bring. If you are giving it to the wrong people its going nowhere anyhow. I am extremely disappointed with the lack of interest for both D&C and Pattern breaker. They are relatively cheap methods to run and will make profit. You cant fathom what some people want. But WANT is all many will ever do. So we push on regardless.


Hi JL,
So far I've test-played 5 games = 12pts profit. One game I had to wait 44 spins (11 lines) before opportunity to bet arose (double trigger) so I can perfectly understand Robeenhuut wishing to speed up the qualifiers... However, I stick with the original rules for now.

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"



its not a matter of transplanting what you want to hear into the heads of those who don't seem to be agreeing with you really. That a little off the path. Some people (like me) don't just follow a messiah who tells me to follow because it just works. I really need to see the inside of the theory. I may need to modify the idea to suit my gambling style etc.

I really admire people in this forum who openly admit and confess about their compulsive obession. You are one Johnlegend, I am another. It takes committment to show in full view what you are working on. The biggest beauty of this open confession is to see what negative things people say about it. Self medication doesn't work.

I remember writing a song on the keyboards and proudly playing it to a friend, when I was 16. After 5 mins he said " that's Wonderous Stories, by YES"

I was offended....but he was right.

You have to listen to criticism.....all the ar*e kissing in the world won't do anyone anygood.


And thats my last comment on this silly topic...Im out!


Just look at the positive vibes here JL, thats what I do. If I focused on the negative I would not be here but positive vibes can help the negative.

I know we have enough methods to be successful with but thinking about roulette is fun to me so I keep wondering. Have some thoughts I am going to post in the testing zone for CODE 1, its not what it seems to be.........


One more quick note, JohnLegends results speak for themselves. Anyone who has been following those will see that you can have a very good year indeed.


Wonderous Stories by "YES" a superb song !! just like this forum we all must be 100% positive about ALL the systems like the words in the song.
I am with you J L all the way .


Quote from: amk on May 22, 04:11 PM 2012
Just look at the positive vibes here JL, that's what I do. If I focused on the negative I would not be here but positive vibes can help the negative.

I know we have enough methods to be successful with but thinking about roulette is fun to me so I keep wondering. Have some thoughts I am going to post in the testing zone for CODE 1, its not what it seems to be.........
I like your words of wisdom AMK. Ever pushing forward thats great.
