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Started by Johnlegend, May 21, 05:00 PM 2012

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Quote from: amk on May 22, 04:14 PM 2012
One more quick note, JohnLegends results speak for themselves. Anyone who has been following those will see that you can have a very good year indeed.
Hey its not all me we have Chauncy 47 now and he has done even better than me. And there are two others who PMed me. I wish these guys were more outgoing. Because its numbers that change minds. If they all posted as religiously as me then people would see theres something here. That their own lack of commitment and enthusiasm will never show.

You know AMK CODE 4 is the best method I've ever seen its sitting on this forum. If it were embraced by the right numbers it would cause shock waves in the roulette world. It shall remain a sleeping giant aside from the ones in the know.


Quote from: dino246 on May 22, 04:16 PM 2012
Wonderous Stories by "YES" a superb song !! just like this forum we all must be 100% positive about ALL the systems like the words in the song.
I am with you J L all the way .
Well not all the way youre not getting in my bed. Lol!!!!! Just stay with it for a serious sample Dino thats all I ask. Dont even risk a real penny. Contrary to what people like Bayes think I ask no-one to play with real money until they are as sure as can be that they have a consistent profit maker on their hands. What I do ask is you put the hours in on testing the right way. LIVE SPIINS. Then you wont need me to tell you anything. The people who have done this now have a regular profit maker for as long as they want. They didnt just take my word for it they proved it to themselves. Thats all I can ask for....


Today's results from the local casino:
Game 1: W +5  Step 6
Game 2: W +5  Step 2
Game 3: W +5  Step 2
Game 4: W +10 Step 1
Plus +25 units for this method.  Remember that this method requires patience(put that time to use and observe).  7 total games played, 7 wins.  Will keep tracking...


Quote from: Chauncy47 on May 22, 04:52 PM 2012
Today's results from the local casino:
Game 1: W +5  Step 6
Game 2: W +5  Step 2
Game 3: W +5  Step 2
Game 4: W +10 Step 1
Plus +25 units for this method.  Remember that this method requires patience(put that time to use and observe).  7 total games played, 7 wins.  Will keep tracking...
Nice work...


I have questions.

If 4 people walked up to the same wheel 1 spin each apart then started tracking to play C4RA, the 1st player would be betting column 1, the 2nd player would be betting player 1’s column 2, the 3rd player would be betting player 1’s column 3, and the 4the player would be betting player 1’s column 4, yet all 4 would be playing their 1st column.

Who is the rightful 1st column player?

As long as each player only played 1 game then quit have the system rules been breached?
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.


Quote from: Johnlegend on May 22, 01:21 PM 2012
So heres where we stand after only one day. Superman is gone. Bayes is going through the motions but can't really be arsed. others are trying to tweak the method already. And a few haven't even entered the game. I get the feeling this was a bad idea. I should know better. The mindset is either there or it isnt. No matter what I bring to this forum. Only a very few have what it takes I must and do accept this.


I’m testing it. Just don't want to be too hasty and make biased comments.



Quote from: Skakus on May 22, 08:00 PM 2012
I have a question.

If 4 people walked up to the same wheel 1 spin each apart then started tracking to play C4RA, the 1st player would be betting column 1, the 2nd player would be betting player 1’s column 2, the 3rd player would be betting player 1’s column 3, and the 4the player would be betting player 1’s column 4, yet all 4 would be playing their 1st column.

Who is the rightful 1st column player?


Skakus, each is betting their own 1st column....



Quote from: vundarosa on May 22, 08:03 PM 2012


Skakus, each is betting their own 1st column....


Yes I know so who is breaking the rules?

If none of them are breaking the rules then why can't 1 player play all 4 columns for 1 game?
A ship moored in the harbour is safe, but that's not what ships are made for.



I've been asking that question for years.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers

flukey luke

Excuse me for interrupting the flow of the thread but maybe a twist could be to track all 4 and back for repeats on the specific winning spins of each column.


column 1 had a win on the 3rd step in the progression. Bet for that to happen again on the third result of column 1 provided the first 2 steps did not produce a winner. Do this across all 4 columns.

It's just a suggestion. Then you are mostly flat betting and looking to take advantage of streaks.

I can understand why JL would be against any alterations to his method if he is enjoying so much success with it.


Quote from: Chauncy47 on May 22, 04:52 PM 2012
Today's results from the local casino:
Game 1: W +5  Step 6
Game 2: W +5  Step 2
Game 3: W +5  Step 2
Game 4: W +10 Step 1
Plus +25 units for this method.  Remember that this method requires patience(put that time to use and observe).  7 total games played, 7 wins.  Will keep tracking...

:question: :question: :question:
I don't understand your win amounts.  I get:
Bet 1 and win = +2      Lose = -1
Bet 2 and win = +4-1= +3    Lose = -3
Bet 3 and win = +6-3 = +3    Lose = -6
Bet 5 and win = +10-6 = +4    Lose = -11
Bet 7 and win = +14-11 =+3   Lose = -18
Bet 10 and win = +20-18 = +2  Lose  = -28
Am I misunderstanding something?

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: Chauncy47 on May 22, 04:52 PM 2012
Today's results from the local casino:
Game 1: W +5  Step 6
Game 2: W +5  Step 2
Game 3: W +5  Step 2
Game 4: W +10 Step 1
Plus +25 units for this method.  Remember that this method requires patience(put that time to use and observe).  7 total games played, 7 wins.  Will keep tracking...

What progression do you use 2 win 10u on 1st step and 5u on 6th step?


John take it easy please. if they wanna tweak let's them tweak, why not? Just let them remember u  warned them.
When they see they are wrong they may be back to your rules. Hopefully there will be no end of the world tomorrow. So don't get so upset.


As long as everyone is using thier own results from different sources this thread will never be resolved. You need to use results from one place. Pick a date and run your tests consecutivly for 30 days. Use the rules and test to those rules. Simple if it goes 10 times your starting bank in the 30 days like JL claims then it is deemed a success. If it fails then back to the drawing board. Nothing ventured nothing gained. By making the tests transparent everyone can make their own decision on its effectiveness. Just my humble observation.    GJ


Quote from: deepred on May 22, 11:54 PM 2012
As long as everyone is using their own results from different sources this thread will never be resolved. You need to use results from one place. Pick a date and run your tests consecutivly for 30 days. Use the rules and test to those rules. Simple if it goes 10 times your starting bank in the 30 days like JL claims then it is deemed a success. If it fails then back to the drawing board. Nothing ventured nothing gained. By making the tests transparent everyone can make their own decision on its effectiveness. Just my humble observation.    GJ

Best if like Bayes suggested that somebody coded it for Rx and we run it at certain intervals simulating hit n run approach. There is plenty live spins data in text files that could be uploaded.
