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system9 'my personal h.g.'

Started by flukey luke, Jun 21, 04:36 PM 2012

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flukey luke

It may be that you are required to bet one street. For example.. The 8 street. Now the current street out is the 5 and has just repeated. Let's say they have been a few repeats and a few 12 streets appearing lately as well. A cover bet can be 1/5th of the bet you placed on street 8 just to recoup your stake on this bet should the repeat street (5) or the 12 street come in.

Suppose you are down to 3 streets left on the 1-12 line and you need to place a bet of 5 streets. A cover bet to just recoup your stake on this bet should the repeat street or 12 street come in. How? 5 streets bet at £5.00. Play for the repeat street and street 12 at 50p each. It makes sense to ride out the repeat streets like this and get some of your stake money back.

A repeat street or the 12 street appearing is a 5/1 chance. It can't go on indefinately. There are times when the streets alternate 15, 20, 25 spins +.

The bottom line is no system is going to run smoothly 100% of the time.  The good news is it does not have too if you are watchful and can take some countermeasures when things are not going excactly as you would like.

I better shut up or Sam will be accusing me of bloviating. I love that word.



You are not bloviating.  Bloviating is where you make grandiose claims and then ridicule people who ask for a shred of proof.

Cool Hand Luke once said he could eat fifty eggs.  They thought he was bloviating until he ate fifty eggs.

Carry on.......


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


The current street which just came in was the 2.

So here is the 2 series from the chart. I am now looking for a combination of the 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 and 11 on any line for there to be a bet.

2-1 = (1,10,11) *no*
2-2 = (2) *no*
2-3 = (1,2,3) *no*
2-4 = (2,4) *yes! A bet needs to be placed on street 4 (10,11,12) on the next spin*
2-5 = (3,5,6) *no*
2-6 = (4,6,8) *no*
2-7 = (5,7,9) *yes! Place a bet on street 7 (19,20,21)*
2-8 = (6,7,8) *no*
2-9 = (5,7,9) *yes! place a bet on street 9 (25,26,27)*
2-10 = (3,8,10) *no*
2-11 = (1,9,11) *no*
2-12 = (10,11) *no*

Why we are not betting street number 12? ....we got combo of 10,11.
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flukey luke

ophis, this explains it............

I have went back and tidied up some of the threads.

After some thought, I have decided to leave the 12 street in the charts even though you never actually cross out the 12 on your 1-12 line.


Because it then gets confusing when you are working out the bet.

With this chart, you use it for not only marking the 1-12 line but also for working out the bets.

Now I never place a bet as a rule on a repeat street or the 12 street. (These 2 streets can be incorporated as a cover bet which I will explain in my next example)

But what happens when I take the 12 out of the chart is that you could then be mistaken for thinking you have to place a bet on the repeat street when in fact you don't.


You are looking for a combination of the 3, 8 and 11 and you are working from the 3 series on the chart.

Here it is...

3-1 = (1,8,10)
3-2 = (2,10,11)
3-3 = (3,12) *****so you would not bet this because of the 12**
3-4 = (1,2,4)
3-5 = (2,4,5)
3-6 = (3,6)
3-7 = (4,7)
3-8 = (5,8)
3-9 = (3,6,9)
3-10 = (1,7,10)
3-11 = (8,11)
3-12 = (9,12)

Now if I take the 12's out of the chart, you will wrongly assume that you need to bet on the 3 street because it would look like the following.

3-1 = (1,8,10)
3-2 = (2,10,11)
3-3 = (3)  *****This is wrong because you would now mistakenly bet the 3 street**
3-4 = (1,2,4)
3-5 = (2,4,5)
3-6 = (3,6)
3-7 = (4,7)
3-8 = (5,8)
3-9 = (3,6,9)
3-10 = (1,7,10)
3-11 = (8,11)
3-12 = (9)

The 12's need to be left in to make sure you don't make mistakes in working out what bets you should place.

I hope that makes sense and I am sorry for the confusion.

(It is easier just to leave the 12's in the chart and know that you never cross out a 12 on the 1-12 line rather than remove them from the chart and then have to remember that you would not normally bet for a repeat street or the 12 street.)............

M_O_P suggested I take out the 12 from the chart because you never cross out a 12 in the 1-12 line. This seemed like a good idea. But I did not realise at the time that that would mess things up when you are looking for the bets. You just proved the point. You would not bet for a repeat street or the 12 street. However taking the 12's out of the chart makes you think otherwise. I inserted back all the 12's.


...then have to remember that you would not normally bet for a repeat street or the 12 street.

didint notice that.
Multi Systems Tracker
➨ [url="//rmst.forumer.com"]RMST.forumer.com[/url]


Multi Systems Tracker
➨ [url="//rmst.forumer.com"]RMST.forumer.com[/url]


Quote from: flukey luke on Jun 21, 05:56 PM 2012
Hello malcop.

I really only play this flat betting.

There are two different ways I approach it. When you understand the mechanics of the method, you will then understand the two different approaches.

1st approach.  I can use a 40-50 unit bankroll for this approach. I look to catch the wins before the 1-12 gets down to 5 streets left. This can work great and you will get runs where you make a 100% return very quickly.

2nd approach. I use a 100 unit bankroll and look for any win up to the point where there are only 2 streets left to appear on the 1-12 marked on your card. When you get down to this stage, you are usually betting 6 streets. I had a winning streak of 13 bets last week playing it like this.

I would really love some of the progression guys to study this. I think they could tweak it to suit themself and make it practically 'bomb proof'
Fluke what are the basics of this method? Its a streets method. You say you use a chart to determine what to bet on. Can you not post up the method on this forum with the rules for all to see. If its half as good as a street method I have used. I will take a serious look at it.

flukey luke

Hello JL.

I have posted up the method on a few web pages at system9.weebly.com

Feel free to take a look. I have added up a few more examples today.

A tracker/bot is on it's way shortly for the community here.

I should add that anybody can look at the pages I mentioned above. There is no memberships or login involved.



Quote from: flukey luke on Jun 22, 06:18 PM 2012
Hello JL.

I have posted up the method on a few web pages at system9.weebly.com

Feel free to take a look. I have added up a few more examples today.

A tracker/bot is on it's way shortly for the community here.

I should add that anybody can look at the pages I mentioned above. There is no memberships or login involved.

Okay FL, I will take a look. I like lines and streets. I have a very good street method in my bag called STREET 7. But it requires quite a big progression. With streets you need to chart them for sure. If you lose your place its easy to miss winning oppurtunities. Well done with your success.over the last 9 or so months. It just shows that staying power with a good method. Will indeed yield positive results.

flukey luke

Thank you JL and well done with Pattern 7. I look forward to reading about it.

flukey luke

Hello guys,

Just a quick update on the Tracker/Bot.

Things are moving forward. Ophis and myself were running through some of the details today.

Just to whet the appetite.

This was around 100 spins.



If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers

flukey luke

Those were a particularly nice set of spins but I couldn't help myself posting the graph, lol.

One thing that I should clarify just in case is when do you end a game?

Let's say you have the following left.

5 12 (2) '2 streets left'

You now play until the very next loss and then end the game.

Don't stop when you get down to the last 2 streets left.

That's important because most of the long winning runs come when you are playing and there are only 2 streets left in your 1-12 line.

I had a run of 11 today. There was a run of 8 in the graph above.

Last week I hit my record and had a run of 13.

I don't mind running through a few games with anybody if you are getting stuck.

Just drop me a PM.



FL, still looking very good.  I haven't had time to wrap my hear around this one yet so no input re: progression.  Looks a little compicated because you seem to bet different numbers of spots.  In other words 2 streets, then 4 streets, then 3 streets, etc...  It doesn't mean a progression designed for a set number of locations won't work, it just makes to difficult to determine.

From the looks of posted results, the progression you're playing with works just fine.  The real way to analyze progressions is to replay a session using different progressions and see which one consistently gives the best results.

Without a doubt the ones that give the most units won will also require the larger bankroll to play and involve making larger bets and a progression that yields fewer units.

The progression's not so important in a winning system.  Pick one that suits your psychological makeup and bankroll.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!

flukey luke

Quote from: GLC on Jun 23, 04:18 PM 2012
FL, still looking very good.  I haven't had time to wrap my hear around this one yet so no input re: progression.  Looks a little compicated because you seem to bet different numbers of spots.  In other words 2 streets, then 4 streets, then 3 streets, etc...  It doesn't mean a progression designed for a set number of locations won't work, it just makes to difficult to determine.

From the looks of posted results, the progression you're playing with works just fine.  The real way to analyze progressions is to replay a session using different progressions and see which one consistently gives the best results.

Without a doubt the ones that give the most units won will also require the larger bankroll to play and involve making larger bets and a progression that yields fewer units.

The progression's not so important in a winning system.  Pick one that suits your psychological makeup and bankroll.

Thank you George.

The graph above was just flat betting. I have only played it flat betting myself so far. However I am drawn to the idea of a progression particularly towards the backend of system9 when some really strong winning runs can come. Ophis did say he would incorporate some progressions into the Tracker. So I am looking forward to that. It should also help everyone get a clearer picture of how the system is played.
