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Started by amk, Jun 24, 06:33 PM 2012

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A method inspired by Gizmotron.

We watch 40 spins of H/L.


In the next 40 spins we observe where the two time lines match up on a double and bet that it does not continue in our current timeline for 1 spin/bet more. We do this six times and our bets could span 3 or 4 timelines. If we only have three double matches in timeline 2 we continue on in timeline 3

LHHL.. match/bet against L forming                                          2

continuation example

LHHLH...   win, H landed and did not continue into a triple match up

If there had been a loss we would wait for the next double match up. We would not bet that it would become a 4 wide match up (the next double HLL..

continuation example

LHHLLLLHL...  double match/bet against H landing

Hopefully some thoughts out there.



Let me use a shorter example:

HHH......We bet HHH will not form under....as

If we get
HHH.........we lost.  Do we then wait for

HHHL.......and bet for HHHH.......as
HHHH......where the last H is a winner?

That is "four wide".  Am I correct?

Then what?  Five wide?


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


imagine yourself something. Instead of betting High, Low or Red, even, whatever, u try to
imagine that u play 18 numbers instead. Each time u play one combinaton of 18 numbers u chose from. How many combinations u have guys? right, only 6. And zero not included! How smart it is?
All the time playing 6 kinds of 18 number combinations, limiting yourself like that. Not left, not right, just 18, then another 18, then another 18...

How good are you chances that u will win with those limited combinations? OK, add here dozens and columns, fine...u have 6 more combinations of 12 numbers. That's your outside betting, gents.
6 combinations of 12 numbers, 6 combinations of 18. 12 combinations total. And all the time like this.
6x12, 6x18.

and how many combinations can u play in roulette with inside bets???

just stop and think about it....U limit yourself in your game. voluntarily.


No TwoCat,

If you see two match up, you bet it won't become three of the same. If it becomes three of the same you wait for the next double match up trigger.

As a side note, do you have any insights into the advantage of the American Wheel compared to the European Wheel, regarding columns??

Thank you Iggiv,

Honor to have you post on the thread. I will look more at your suggestions.


I hear you, we are always advising tweaks, but this is only to help as well as being fun. You never know....


Quote from: iggiv on Jun 25, 12:03 AM 2012
imagine yourself something. Instead of betting High, Low or Red, even, whatever, u try to
imagine that u play 18 numbers instead. Each time u play one combinaton of 18 numbers u chose from. How many combinations You have guys? right, only 6. And zero not included! How smart it is?
All the time playing 6 kinds of 18 number combinations, limiting yourself like that. Not left, not right, just 18, then another 18, then another 18...

How good are you chances that u will win with those limited combinations? OK, add here dozens and columns, fine...You have 6 more combinations of 12 numbers. That's your outside betting, gents.
6 combinations of 12 numbers, 6 combinations of 18. 12 combinations total. And all the time like this.
6x12, 6x18.

and how many combinations can you play in roulette with inside bets???

just stop and think about it....U limit yourself in your game. voluntarily.

Iggiv,  Your point's well taken but it has barriers.  The airball machine I play on, I'm not fast enough to place 18 bets and at different unit amounts each spin in the time allotted.  Plus, you have to bet a minimum of 18 units, I only have to bet 1.  Another thought, if I can win on an even chance bet, I have a lot of other games with even chance bets I can play and most have better odds.  At least here in the US where we have double zero wheels.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


about minimum bets. If u manage to win more than losing then it does not matter for u. If u take chances and it bounces here and there -- then yes, You have to bet minimum. Or better not to play roulette with real money till u r good and can afford betting more. For example i am not ashamed to tell that i bet 10 c units only online.

About airball -- yes, that's a problem. But there is a solution. If u manage to win with 18 numbers betting each time different combination of them then with airball You can bet let's say 9 numbers then
press REBET and bet 9 more numbers.

what really happens here --- is that u r pushed by someone to play this game the way THEY want it. Not the way u would probably really prefer to play. For example if u had lots of time to place the bets comfortably and minimum bet to be like 5 cents u would probably play with 18 numbers catching different trends not like EC with just a few combinations of them. Also u would avoid ZERO impact, right? but someone pushes u to play the way THEY want it. That's why You have nice
table layout where it is so convenient just to place a bet outside. That's why You have so little time to place a few bets -- they want u to play outside, this way u gonna lose (and THEY gonna WIN!)  much easier.

So You have  choice --
either to dance with someone's music and face the music or You can try to find ways and solutions  to play it the way U want.

now another food for thought. if u played streets instead of usual EC, then u could play 6 streets each time. And u could also include zero in your game by 3 or 4 number bet with zero az well.
U already would  have many more combinations to catch trends, and that would be 6 chips instead of 1. Not 18.



******As a side note, do you have any insights into the advantage of the American Wheel compared to the European Wheel, regarding columns??*******8

The second column of numbers are closely grouped on the wheel in a large sector with a few strays.

That's it, far as I know.

I understand your method.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


in my opinion this is not an advantage, it is to lure u into the idea of the "advantage". Pushing u phsicologically to play with columns -- and it is a sure way to lose for the absolutely most.



Are you saying to forget the outside bets and play inside numbers in a similar fashion to outside bets due to the lower amount of total units being placed, while achieving the same results?

There are definitely great methods there.


forget outside betting? Yes!

playing just similar to EC methods? No. find your own style, which can be based on many things. Try to catch trends! Yes, that's tricky stuff. But it is much easier than catching trends with EC in my opinion. You have only 2 trends in EC, You have many trend possibilities in inside bet playing.  And roulette kills the same patterns, that's nature of roulette. But if u try to catch trends with inside bets, then the patterns are not the same anymore. Each time there gonna be different trend. And no need for progressions. If u learn to catch trends more than lose them then You have flat betting You can use.

Progressions (especially long)  are used mostly with losing methods. They are a sign your are not accurate enough in your predictions, so u try to compensate by increasing your bets. But that's a way to nowhere.

avoid the same patterns! betting last 6 streets each time won't help! it should be much more tricky than that. U have to develop your tactics. they say it is comes with gut feeling little by little.

For example Lee Tutor has a good book on it, he has 45 styles to play trends.


But he himself says it is no guarantee to win. U gotta work out your own ways.


iggiv i agree with the most u are saying.
I have a question....
U sound like you have found a winning method...have u?

No need to tell us the method if u have one...just tell us if u have found one...
If yes , then thanks for giving us directions and motivation too...
Never agrue with silly people.They will drag you down to their own level and then beat you with experience.***Mark Twain***


i am still trying to beat roulette. But i hope  i've come closer. It can not happen overnight.
But after long time or research and looking i came to conclusion that any stiff patterns are a wrong way. U need to catch trends and they must be DIFFERENT. Progressions won't help as well. Only flat betting. And hit-n-run as most professionals recommend.

that's my opinion. But as i said i still play only 10 c units online so the answer is NO.


Never agrue with silly people.They will drag you down to their own level and then beat you with experience.***Mark Twain***


by the way, i really like this L. Tutor's book. and the guy which recommended it to me wins with LT way consistently. But my guess is he does not visit casinos too frequently.


***********Progressions (especially long)  are used mostly with losing methods. They are a sign your are not accurate enough in your predictions, so u try to compensate by increasing your bets. But that's a way to nowhere.*******


Are you aware Johnlegend uses a progression?  1 3 9 27 on double dozens. 

Perhaps you should study the word "congruent".  Roughly it means staying consistent in thought and action.  A while ago when you were bloviating about how John was winning, you didn't mention a progression.  But there was one; had to be as there were a lot more Ls than ws.

Am I wrong there, too, iggiv?  And am I trolling because I point out your inconsistency?


If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers
