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Awakening Streets

Started by atlantis, Jun 30, 06:05 AM 2012

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Awakening Streets

Track 12 real numbers and convert into "streets".
Only bet the streets which hit TWICE EXACTLY in the last 12 spins for 1 unit. Always play ONLY for 1 unit on the qualifiers.

Always update the list of 12 each spin and play only the qualifiers, if any, every spin! (those which are showing in the list TWICE EXACTLY) So we have a kind of a rolling list of 12 street numbers which is updated after each spin... So the first on the list will drop off the list when the first new street number is added etc. etc. you get the idea.
Anyway it means and is vital that you always have an updated list of the last 12 streets to appear in the order they came out... Got that?

It is simply flat betting all the way with 1 unit on the TWICE HIT streets only.

You have to check the list after each spin. Very Important.

The highest number of streets I had to bet was 5 but those occasions are minimal. Usually 1, 2 or 3; sometimes 4 or 5. Occasionally you will miss betting completely for a spin(s) when there are NO qualifiers.

But always keep the street list current. It is key.

Sometime a street will go out of qualification but then re-qualify after the next spin. It happens.

Just bet only the streets hit TWICE EXACTLY in the current 12 only.

Zero doesn't count in the tracking. It's a loss during betting of course.

Just bet 1 unit on the qualifiers, however many there are and whatever they are after you have refreshed the rolling street list of 12 after each spin... This means you will often be betting different streets each spin... or some same, some different - all depends what the TWICE HITTER's are in the current last 12.
Just bet the ones that hit TWICE EXACTLY in your current 12 only.


Here you bet: streets 1 and 6 only (they have hit twice exactly)

Street 8 hits. lost. update list...


Here you bet street 6 only (has hit twice exactly)

Street 6 hits. win. update list...


Here you bet street 5 only. (has hit twice exactly)

Oh Yeah. It's continuous betting all the way. LEVEL STAKES, remember!
No more than 1 unit on any street at any time. Stop when happy with profit.

The bets are only placed on the streets which hit TWICE EXACTLY - but only on those streets that qualify in the THE LAST 12 SPINS. The last 12 will change on every spin.

So you only EVER look at the LAST 12 spun streets on your list to find your DUAL HITTERS... This list of 12 is updated after each spin/bet. But you only look at the current last 12 you have recorded.

See these streets in the order they hit:


You are only interested in these latest 12 streets that hit


So on this spin you bet streets 3, 4 and 5 (have hit twice exactly) for 1u.

After the next result the 12 will drop off the list and the latest is added to the end e.g.:

#20 hits. Update list...


Bet streets 3,4 and 5 again (have hit twice exactly) for 1u.

It is just we are always betting on the "warm" streets or you might say awakening streets (those that hit twice only) within a cycle of 12. But at least we have set a trap for them should they re-occur... Of course not all will do so and, in any case, we all know it is not an exact science...

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Hello Atlantis,

Thanks for your system. I tested on the spins downloaded from Wiesbaden and it's holding well.

Right now I am still in the process of testing.

Tomorrow I will test it out in B & M casino.



Hi Sniper,
Good to hear, Sniper... (Might be small mistake in example so I will replay and repost it.)
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Hello atlantis

Did u compose the post or did u found it and copy/paste it....I am not accusing u of copy/pasting !
Its just that the man that composed this , he was all the time saying the same and the same all over again  ;D

by the way I have tested this system loooong time ago....its like the rest.The only good thing is that its safer than others couse its flat.

"""Stop when happy with profit."""

Yes.This is the correct phrase when You have a winning system and not "stop when You have won X chips"
Never agrue with silly people.They will drag you down to their own level and then beat you with experience.***Mark Twain***


this is litlllle program i found on my old computer it will help tracking streets...i do not know where i got it but must be written by some genius... :thumbsup:
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


Quote from: Master_of_pockets on Jun 30, 07:47 AM 2012
Did u compose the post or did u found it and copy/paste it....I am not accusing u of copy/pasting !
Its just that the man that composed this , he was all the time saying the same and the same all over again  ;D
by the way I have tested this system loooong time ago....its like the rest.The only good thing is that its safer than others couse its flat.
Yes I composed it and yes I copied/pasted it from my posts in other forum - some time ago (vlsroulette)

Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Quote from: maestro on Jun 30, 08:11 AM 2012
this is litlllle program i found on my old computer it will help tracking streets...i do not know where i got it but must be written by some genius... :thumbsup:

Hi maestro,
Thanks. It might help. Not so easy tracking and identifying qualifiers with this - especially if not much time between spins...
By the way, Wiesbaden 29/6/2012 Table#2   +44 in 55 spins.
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


why just set up hits at 2 and then whithin12 and they come in less than second
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


Its variation of Mr J street system - betting on missing number from a street after 2 other numbers hit within 12-15 spins. U flat bet a missing number 4 12 spins.  This works but I'm not sure about yr version. Why?  Because in Mr J method u bet just 1u on each number n a strike rate is good enough. U win on average 30u n lose 12u. In 100+ spins its not unusual 2 make 200+ units. N u won't get better strike rate betting on whole streets.  If You can choose between inside betting n outside always go inside.  Just stick with d original method  ;D   Its good enough.


Hello Robeenhuut
My friend I don't think that the method that Atlantis posted is a variation of the other method u mentioned(and it wasn t even MR.J method...it was mattijohno method a lot years back). They are 2 def methods....the one u mentioned is based only on sleepers ,while Atlantis is based on both sleepers and repeaters.  :)

I am not saying that one of them is better or worst...as always all methods are the same...all winning in good fluctuation  and losing on the bad.(all end up in our usual -2,7)

maybe in this method we can add a kind of progression that will be based up on the HOW MANY streets we are betting...just an idea...

Also guys you can track the method very easily with the RX.... just configure the last 12 spins and open the streets graph...only problem is when a zero comes it can t be out of the calculation of the last 12
Never agrue with silly people.They will drag you down to their own level and then beat you with experience.***Mark Twain***


Quote from: Robeenhuut on Jun 30, 08:41 AM 2012
Its variation of Mr J street system - betting on missing number from a street after 2 other numbers hit within 12-15 spins. U flat bet a missing number 4 12 spins.  This works but I'm not sure about yr version. Why?  Because in Mr J method u bet just 1u on each number n a strike rate is good enough. U win on average 30u n lose 12u. In 100+ spins its not unusual 2 make 200+ units. N u won't get better strike rate betting on whole streets.  If You can choose between inside betting n outside always go inside.  Just stick with d original method  ;D   Its good enough.

You are free to ignore it and play anything else as you wish, Robeenhuut. No - it's not the same thing.
If you are not sure about it - then why not do a few tests?? Don't just come on and dismiss it out of hand like that without doing at least *some* kind of test(s). You are welcome to comment and even to criticise constructively. My opinion: It IS easier to hit a street than a number - so in that respect it is more akin to recent System9, if anything else.

But I WILL delete if too many negative off-topic posts here in this testing thread. It is a testing thread. I did not post it as a fully-fledged finished system. There could be changes or improvements.
The idea for this came to me when testing a street method by BuffaloWizard some time ago and we corresponded by PM about it at that time - no doubt he will confirm this happened - and it was unrelated to the other systems that have been mentioned. And the name "Awakening Streets" - I just made/created that name today. It didn't have a name before. thanks.
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


Quote from: Master_of_pockets on Jun 30, 08:54 AM 2012
Hello Robeenhuut
My friend I don't think that the method that Atlantis posted is a variation of the other method u mentioned(and it wasn t even MR.J method...it was mattijohno method a lot years back). They are 2 def methods....the one u mentioned is based only on sleepers ,while Atlantis is based on both sleepers and repeaters.  :)

I am not saying that one of them is better or worst...as always all methods are the same...all winning in good fluctuation  and losing on the bad.(all end up in our usual -2,7)

maybe in this method we can add a kind of progression that will be based up on the HOW MANY streets we are betting...just an idea...

Also guys you can track the method very easily with the RX.... just configure the last 12 spins and open the streets graph...only problem is when a zero comes it can t be out of the calculation of the last 12

Hola Atlantis

I did not say that yr method is not good.  I just see similarities with other method i play n i tested and played it a lot.  See below....
I see lots of similarities between these 2 methods n d method i mentioned does not need a progression. I tested n played more than 1200 games n I'm still ahead quite big. If u patient enough (i sound like JL hehe) it will deliver.  I asked intriseco 2 code it but its 2 much work apparently. He coded just one set of numbers n it was still ahead after 10k spins.  But its irrelevant because it has 2 be played with win goal n stop-loss.


Hi RobeenHuut,
OK. I see.

If u patient enough (i sound like JL hehe) it will deliver.

Patience is a virtue.  :)
Thru the darkness of Future Past the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds:
"Fire -- Walk with me!"


""it was still ahead after 10k spins""

Intresting for flatbetting to still be UP after 10K spins.

This system u mentioned it s called "a full treet must hit" and Matijohno posted it before 4-5 years in VLS forum....the only def is that he was betting on cycles of 37 spins
Never agrue with silly people.They will drag you down to their own level and then beat you with experience.***Mark Twain***


Quote from: Master_of_pockets on Jun 30, 09:23 AM 2012
""it was still ahead after 10k spins""

Intresting for flatbetting to still be UP after 10K spins.

This system u mentioned it s called "a full treet must hit" and Matijohno posted it before 4-5 years in VLS forum....the only def is that he was betting on cycles of 37 spins

I don't know about Mattjohno (sorry f i misspelled his name) but i toyed with this method long time ago n dropped it 4 some reason.  D logic behind it is sort of questionable but it just delivers 4 some reasons.  Not everytime but frequent enough.  Its meant 2 be played just 4 a one hit but f u continue sometimes u get  3 or 4 within 10 spins.  And payoff is 36/1.   ;D
