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Hybrid DC4 + PCWB

Started by marvin, Jul 01, 11:16 AM 2012

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This is a continuation to the testing that i have in link:://rouletteforum.cc/main-roulette-board/4/hybrid-dc4/9398/msg83809#msg83809
I promised that thread that i will be testing this tweak for 20 times/sessions/nights and lets see the result.
Testing is made via smart live

Bankroll : 200u
Target : profit 100u (i know this is too big, but for the sake of testing i will target 100u, i will also post the max win for the night incase  of a bust)

to sum up my result so far

night 1 : +100
night 2 : +100
night 3 : +100
night 4 : +100
night 5 : +100
night 6 : +80 then went to sleep
night 7 : busted ; went as high as +40ish

tonight is my 8th night and the result : busted ; went as high as +66

i am planning to have 2 sessions  tonight since i wasn't able to have one last night; i will do it later probably an hour or two from now.


Here's an idea you might consider.  Why not play until you lose 200 units from your high point.  So you said on one night you were up 40+ so when you lost 200 units from that point, that's your stop loss.  Same with when you were +66.  That would mean that instead of losing 400 units you would only be down 294 units for those 2 sessions.  You would still be up 286 units for your 8 sessions.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


second session for tonight : +100 after 18spins

its 102u to be exact the previous night something like 101-110 i just wanted to reach 100u for the sake of testing.


Quote from: GLC on Jul 01, 01:02 PM 2012
Here's an idea you might consider.  Why not play until you lose 200 units from your high point.  So you said on one night you were up 40+ so when you lost 200 units from that point, that's your stop-loss.  Same with when you were +66.  That would mean that instead of losing 400 units you would only be down 294 units for those 2 sessions.  You would still be up 286 units for your 8 sessions.


hmmmm sounds good. ill do that starting next session until the 20th

at the time that i started testing this i just wanted to know how many times i won +100u  and the if ever its a bust i will get the average and probably it the target profit from there instead of +100u


night 10 : busted ; went as high as +66 ; 3 zeros for tonight


second session for the night 10 : +104 after 22spins


Quote from: marvin on Jul 02, 04:00 PM 2012
second session for the night 10 : +104 after 22spins

Marvin my friend.  Here's my personal opinion.  And it follows brother Winkel's ideas about having a  really large bankroll.

What if you kept your current 100 units win target but you had a  bank of 2,000 units.  Now, each attack is to win 100 units, but you have an army of 2,000 units. 

This may seem like a huge amount of money, but if you play on Betvoyager like TCS was doing on the videos he posted, at ten cent units, that's only a $200 bankroll.  The puzzle to solve is will you ever lose 2,000 units and if so how many 100 unit wins will you have between losses.

That would be +$10 won on each attack, and I don't see any reason not to have multiple attacks each day.  You're already doing 2 some nights.  Stay with 2 and if you don't lose for 10 days, you will have doubled your bank to $400.  Do it for another 10 days and you will have $600 which means you can lose 2,000 units 3 times before you're wiped out.

I mention this scenario because when we're dealing with random, even with a small advantage you have to have plenty of ammunition on hand to overcome the worst of luck.  Believe me, if you took $200 dollars to the table to win $100, you will go broke unless you're very lucky.  But if you take $200 to the table to win $10 times 2 attacks.  You will have a very good chance of staying in the game for quite a while.  And if you have 3 banks of $200, you can stay in the game for ????????????

You just have to have the guts to place some big bets when necessary to recover quickly after falling into the hole.  If you don't, you will be forever trying to recover big bets with little bets.  Better to boldly go for the gold than to timidly scratch for the bronze.

And remember my rule of thumb; "Don't play with money that if you lost it and had to go home and tell the misses, she would say 'No big deal'.  It's the cost of a little entertainment."  It's not even as much as a couple of decent seats at a football game.  And what do you have to show for watching a football game.  A few hours of enjoyment?  Sounds like the same thing as playing a few hours at the roulette table, only armed with the knowledge you've gained from this forum, you have a decent chance to come out on top.

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


i just had a testing session a while a go since i don't have work today.
and ill probably have another 2 sessions later.
ill consider this as 11th night

night 11a : +116u after 24spins

hi GLC,

ill reply to your post later, ill just have a quick lunch. :)


Quote from: GLC on Jul 02, 05:34 PM 2012
Marvin my friend.  Here's my personal opinion.  And it follows brother Winkel's ideas about having a  really large bankroll.

What if you kept your current 100 units win target but you had a  bank of 2,000 units.  Now, each attack is to win 100 units, but you have an army of 2,000 units. 

This may seem like a huge amount of money, but if you play on Betvoyager like TCS was doing on the videos he posted, at ten cent units, that's only a $200 bankroll.  The puzzle to solve is will you ever lose 2,000 units and if so how many 100 unit wins will you have between losses.

That would be +$10 won on each attack, and I don't see any reason not to have multiple attacks each day.  You're already doing 2 some nights.  Stay with 2 and if you don't lose for 10 days, you will have doubled your bank to $400.  Do it for another 10 days and you will have $600 which means you can lose 2,000 units 3 times before you're wiped out.

I mention this scenario because when we're dealing with random, even with a small advantage you have to have plenty of ammunition on hand to overcome the worst of luck.  Believe me, if you took $200 dollars to the table to win $100, you will go broke unless you're very lucky.  But if you take $200 to the table to win $10 times 2 attacks.  You will have a very good chance of staying in the game for quite a while.  And if you have 3 banks of $200, you can stay in the game for ????????????

i guess this is much more doable, if we put on some math on this 100u is 5% of 2000u which is the same as JL's target per session.

So far i have observe with a 200u bankroll, you only need to win one spin to achieve the 5% profit.

You just have to have the guts to place some big bets when necessary to recover quickly after falling into the hole.  If you don't, you will be forever trying to recover big bets with little bets.  Better to boldly go for the gold than to timidly scratch for the bronze.

i agree on this one, the last session that i have i went up to 16u per splits which really eats up a lot when i already in +88u but was able to win it (luck? probably)

by the way i went to that 16u per splits because i was doing a marty on a lose 1,2,4,8,16
and with it i was able to quickly recover the previous losses plus profit, yeah very dangerous , but if we throw in the large bankroll that PCWB requires(was it 1K?) i guess no need to worry?

so far in my experience, the longest losing streak that i have is 4 and won on 5th.

And remember my rule of thumb; "Don't play with money that if you lost it and had to go home and tell the misses, she would say 'No big deal'.  It's the cost of a little entertainment."  It's not even as much as a couple of decent seats at a football game.  And what do you have to show for watching a football game.  A few hours of enjoyment?  Sounds like the same thing as playing a few hours at the roulette table, only armed with the knowledge you've gained from this forum, you have a decent chance to come out on top.


thank you very much for the reminder GLC  ^-^


i notice that target profit is inversely proportional to players experience  :twisted:


this is my second session for the day
another positive result, went down around -60ish but ended up in positive.

night 11a : +108u after 16 spins

last one session for the day later.


Quote from: marvin on Jul 03, 07:21 AM 2012
this is my second session for the day
another positive result, went down around -60ish but ended up in positive.

night 11a : +108u after 16 spins

last one session for the day later.

correction, this should be...
night 11b :  +108u after 16 spins

just finished another session with positive result

night 11c : +104 after 20 spins


i have made a special testing not sure if i am going to include this in my usual testing, i have already made pass +100u mark but i wanted to know what will be the longest losing streak. I played for 3 hours and i only encountered up to 5 losing streak or 16u per split. when i reached 32u per split it already won. which means i risked as high as -504u scary.... well this is random


night 12 : struggling went as low as -164 but still ended up in a +130 after 24spins


Hey marvin,

If I am correct you are now at +538 units, right?
sounds good, very good
Did you think maybe using the 1,1,2,4,7,13 preogression?it's the common proggression for 8 splits
these 6 steps cost 224 units which is far less then 504 you mentioned
The winnings are less then, I know that
Do you think if the wingoal is just 50 units the 224 in this way holds up?
Can you check in your results? If it holds up i think we have a winner here
And do you play the PCWB splits when there's no trigger for the DC4?or do you wait for a trigger and then play?
To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part
