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Hybrid DC4 + PCWB

Started by marvin, Jul 01, 11:16 AM 2012

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Quote from: marvin on Jul 04, 01:53 PM 2012
night 12 : struggling went as low as -164 but still ended up in a +130 after 24spins

This is the way a system should be presented.  Tell how you play it and then start posting the results of sessions.  Most of us who have done much testing know how much time it can take, especially with a system like this one.  Even if this finally tanks in the end, I want to commend you for demonstrating the proper way to share a system.  I've posted systems in the past kind of willy nilly with minimal testing and a little embarrassed by how quickly some of them tank.  I resolve to immulate your presentation technique in the future.

By the way, are you playing PCWB according to Vile's latest posting on that bet?  And can you tell for sure that the Hybrid DC4 is worth the extra effort given PCWB's strong showing?

In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Quote from: soggett on Jul 04, 02:26 PM 2012
Hey marvin,

If I am correct you are now at +538 units, right?
sounds good, very good
Hi soggett,

i am not sure how many units i am now i am only tracking how many times i reach +100u with a bankroll of 200u. ill probably do the math at the end of night 20.

Did you think maybe using the 1,1,2,4,7,13 preogression?it's the common proggression for 8 splits
these 6 steps cost 224 units which is far less then 504 you mentioned
The winnings are less then, I know that

one of the reason that i am doing the marty is because of the lossing streak isnt that long. but i guess you are right  using that  common 8 splits progression will put us in a safer position. i will give it a try.

Do you think if the wingoal is just 50 units the 224 in this way holds up?
Can you check in your results? If it holds up i think we have a winner here
although i havent tested it using the progression that you mention, i leaning on yes, we can get that target. the more that we will follow JLs 5% target, we will only need to win once.

And do you play the PCWB splits when there's no trigger for the DC4?or do you wait for a trigger and then play?

I am following the DC4's trigger.
but i dont stop on a win, i continue betting until the next trigger.
this is the reason that this  tweak only plays on the average of 20 spins.

there was one time that i am already on +92u after 12spins then a lossing streak happens it went down as much as hmmmm something like -60ish or 80ish something like that.
but because of the marty progression was able to +100. i just cannot recall which night was that.


Quote from: GLC on Jul 04, 04:50 PM 2012

This is the way a system should be presented.  Tell how you play it and then start posting the results of sessions.  Most of us who have done much testing know how much time it can take, especially with a system like this one.  Even if this finally tanks in the end, I want to commend you for demonstrating the proper way to share a system.  I've posted systems in the past kind of willy nilly with minimal testing and a little embarrassed by how quickly some of them tank.  I resolve to immulate your presentation technique in the future.

errrr this is kinda embarrassing coming from a guy who made great contribution to this site.
i feel like i am not worth it of those those kind words but thank you :)

By the way, are you playing PCWB according to Vile's latest posting on that bet?  And can you tell for sure that the Hybrid DC4 is worth the extra effort given PCWB's strong showing?


i just saw it today and i am still checking it out. i hope this will increase the chances.


Quote from: marvin on Jul 05, 02:04 AM 2012
there was one time that i am already on +92u after 12spins then a losing streak happens it went down as much as hmmmm something like -60ish or 80ish something like that.
but because of the marty progression was able to +100. i just cannot recall which night was that.

Thanks marvin, I got it now
regarding the above - if you use a different progression than the marty - wouldn't the drawndown be smaller too then?  in your example above then it would not go to -60/-80 then right?

And I agree with GLC - thank you for your effort, testing and results
To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


marvin could you please take a look at this numbers
if I did it right there are 7 losses in a row and then a win

To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


hi sogett,

i encountered 6 losing streak, won on the 7th

32 = ;
0  = ; i will start tracking after zero and reset tracking if i encounter zero within next 6 spin
24 = ; Sector A
13 = ; Sector B
17 = ; Sector C ; Trigger for PCWB ; bet 1u on Sectors B & C
14 = W ; Sector C ; +6u ; bet 1u on Sectors B & C
20 = W ; Sector C ; +12u ; bet 1u on Sectors B & C
16 = W ; Sector B ; +18u ; bet 1u on sectors B & C
34 = W ; Sector C ; +24u ; Trigger for Hybrid DC4 ; bet against against column c ; bet 1 uon Sectors B & C
7  = L ; Sector A ; +18u ; bet against dozen 2 ; bet 2u on Sectors A & C
21 = L ; Sector A ; +2u ; bet against column a ; bet 4u on Sectors A & C
28 = L ; Sector C ; -30u ; Stop wait for next Hybrid DC4 Trigger
22 = ; Sector B ; -30u ; Trigger for Hybrid DC4 ; bet against column b ; bet 8u on Sectors B & C
6 = W ; Sector C ; +50u ; bet against dozen 2 ; bet 1u on Sectors B & C
0 = L ; Sector 0 ; +42u ; Stop no bet since you cannot determine the last sector won
1 = ; Sector A ; +42u ; Stop wait for next Hybrid DC4 Trigger
2 = ; Sector B ; +42u ; bet against against column c ; bet 2u on Sectors A & B
29 = W ; Sector A ; +62u ; stop no bet since you cannot determin last dozen won
25 = ; Sector C ; +62u ;  Stop wait for next Hybrid DC4 Tri'ger
22 = ; Sector B ; +62u ; Trigger for Hybrid DC4 ; bet against column b ; bet 1u on Sectors B & C
1 = L ; Sector A ;  +54u ; bet against dozen 3 ; bet 2u on Sectors A & B
0 = L ; Sector 0 ; +38u ; Stop no bet since you cannot determine the last sector won
25 = ; Sector C ; +38u ; Stop wait for next Hybrid DC4 Trigger
32 = ; Sector A ; +38u ; Trigger for Hybrid DC4 ; bet against column a ; bet 4u on Sectors A & C
3 = W ; Sector C ; +74u ; bet against dozen 2 ; bet 1u on Sectors A & C
17 = L ; Sector C ; +66u ; bet against column a ; bet 2u on Sectors A & C
34 = L ; Sector C ; +50u ; Stop wait for next Hybrid DC4 Trigger
30 = ; Sector B ; +50u ; Trigger for Hybrid DC4 ; bet against column c ; bet 4u on Sectors B & C
10 = L ; Sector A ; +18u ; bet against dozen 2 ; bet 8u on Sectors A & B
14 = L ; Sector C ; -46u ; bet against column a ; bet 16u on Sectors A & C
27 =`L ; Sector B ; -174u ; Stop wait for next Hybrid DC4 Trigger
13 = ; Sector B ; -174u ; Trigger for Hybrid DC4 ; bet against column a ; bet 32u on Sectors B & C 

assuming we have 200u BR we already busted. but lets pretend we have 2K BR as GLC suggested

19 = L ; Sector B ; -430u ;  stop no bet since you cannot determin last dozen won
33 = ; Sector B ; -430u ; Stop wait for next Hybrid DC4 Trigger
3 = ; Sector C ; -430u ; Trigger for Hybrid DC4 ; bet against column a ; bet 64u on Sectors B & C
20 = W ; Sector C ; +210u ; bet against dozen 2 { bet 1u on Sectors B & C
22 = L ; Sector B ; +202u ; bet against column a ; bet 2u on Sectors B & C
11 = W ; Sector B ; +222u ; Stop wait for next Hybrid DC4 Trigger
32 = ; Sector A ; +222u ; Trigger for Hybrid DC4 ; bet against column a ; bet 1u on Sectors A & B
18 = L ; Sector A ; +214u ; bet against dozen 2 ; bet 2u on Sectors A & B
8 = W ; Sector B ; +234u ; bet against column c ; bet 1u on Sectors A & B
2 = W ; Sector B ; +244u ;  Stop wait for next Hybrid DC4 Trigger
21 = ; Sector A ; +244u ; Trigger for Hybrid DC4 ; bet against column a ; bet 1u on Sectors A & B
33 = W ; Sector B ; +254u ; bet against dozen 3 ; bet 1u on Sectors A & B
8 = W ; Sector B ; +264u ; bet against column c ; bet 1u on Sectors A & B
18 = L ; Sector A ; +256u ; Stop wait for next Hybrid DC4 Trigger
13 = ; Sector B ; +256u ; Trigger for Hybrid DC4 ; bet against column c ; bet 2u on Sectors A & B
17 = L ; Sector C ; +240u ; bet against dozen 1 ; bet 4u on Sectors B & C 
0 = L ; Se#tor 0 ; +208u ; Stop no bet since you cannot determine the last sector won
27 = ; Sector B ; +208u ; Stop wait for next Hybrid DC4 Trigger
3 = ; Sector C ; +208u ; Trigger for Hybrid DC4 ; bet against column b ; bet 8u on sectors B & C
27 = W ; Sector B ; +288u ; bet against dozen 2 ; bet 1u on sectors`B & C
10 = L ; Sector A ; +280u ; bet against column b ; bet 2u on sectors A & B
26 = L ; Sector B ; +264u


night 13: +110 after 22 spins


Thanks marvin, I got it now
I thought you bet only when you have trigger for Hybrid DC4
And i didn't do as you when a zero comes
Still it was a hard session that one - I had ones that went more smoothly
To beat the game you first have to realise you can't beat the game - then comes the hard part


vodka night last night so no session  :xd:
at least i still have a life outside the wheel  :lol:


night 14: busted , off night went only as high as +20 after 14spins


Quote from: marvin on Jul 07, 11:23 AM 2012
night 14: busted , off night went only as high as +20 after 14spins


maybe it was the vodka from the night before....



Quote from: vundarosa on Jul 07, 12:40 PM 2012

maybe it was the vodka from the night before....


hahaha could be  :xd:


night 15 : +118 , its a long session I've reached  40spins due to new progression

one step to the right upon loss, reset on win
if i didn't use this progression id be busted with just +30ish
is this an improvement? ... i think so   :twisted:


night 1 : +100
night 2 : +100
night 3 : +100
night 4 : +100
night 5 : +100
night 6 : +80 then went to sleep
night 7 : busted ; went as high as +40ish  (200-40= -160)

tonight is my 8th night and the result : busted ; went as high as +66 (200-66= -134)

second session for tonight : +100 after 18spins

night 10 : busted ; went as high as +66 ; 3 zeros for tonight (200-66= -134)

second session for the night 10 : +104 after 22spins

night 11a : +116u after 24spins

night 11a : +108u after 16 spins

night 11c : +104 after 20 spins

night 12 : struggling went as low as -164 but still ended up in a +130 after 24spins

night 13: +110 after 22 spins

night 14: busted , off night went only as high as +20 after 14spins (200-20= -180)

night 15 : +118 , its a long session I've reached  40spins due to new progression

+862 give or take a few units for 18 sessions.

Marvin,  fabulous.  I only wish you had the spins represented by the above numbers so we could see if you would have done better or worse playing each system alone using the same numbers.  That would tell us if combining them makes a real difference.

Can you explain the difference in the old bet progression and your new bet progression.


In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


i could only only speculate for the number of spins of those nights that i didn't logged the number of spins, they should be on an average of 20 spins.

up until last night i have tried 3 types of progression.

1,2,3,4,5,6 <<< i cannot recall what are the pros n cons once you pass 4th step because during those nights i haven't pass by 4th step
1,2,4,8,16,32 <<< marty, big profit on win but needs bigger BR
1-1-2-4-4-4-4-5 <<<  up until 4th step you have profit, but beyond that you are still on negative, this is to accommodate my 200u BR
