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BV Fun Mode

Started by amk, Jul 08, 07:07 PM 2012

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hi twister nice to see you arround..........yes i know that feeling by hart..i play bvnz// not fun money//  for 3 years and even i am up 4000 euro still think that is something going on...as soon as you up chips and gets tricky...that is mi thought anyway :thumbsup:
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


So let me ol' noggin get a couple things straight.............

You could get sixty pure numbers.  Why not keep track and quit just before sixty and play a different system?


Is it your opinion that BV takes the time to decipher your system to beat you in play money?  That's a bit far-fetched, isn't it?

Why would they do that?  They should want you to win going away in fun and then switch to real and lose.  If your system loses in play, why would you ever go to real?

People at Riverwind (Roulette Evolution RNG) swear it's rigged, but I played "Green on the Screen" with my wife and we both won.  It was just like in 2007 at Vegas Red online.  We usually win or break even.

I am keeping an eye on my system, playing it at BV and RW to see if there is a great variance.  Testing RNG live vs RNG online.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


sam if you wanna test something test it in real mode real money..there is not point test it in fun means nothing :thumbsup:
Law of the sixth...<when you play roulette there will always be a moron tells you that you will lose to the house edge>


Quote from: TwoCatSam on Jul 21, 01:59 PM 2012
So let me ol' noggin get a couple things straight.............

You could get sixty pure numbers.  Why not keep track and quit just before sixty and play a different system?

That is most likely the best way to play at BVNZ mate


Is it your opinion that BV takes the time to decipher your system to beat you in play money?  That's a bit far-fetched, isn't it?

No, I never said that. I said the results in play mode will be the same as in real, otherwise it would smell of fish
It works out ure System everytime you play it. Then works out ure remaining BR and then sends you a string of numbers that break you. Again, my opinion.

Why would they do that?  They should want you to win going away in fun and then switch to real and lose.  If your system loses in play, why would you ever go to real?

Thats it. Why would you ever !? True dat.

People at Riverwind (Roulette Evolution RNG) swear it's rigged, but I played "Green on the Screen" with my wife and we both won.  It was just like in 2007 at Vegas Red online.  We usually win or break even.

I am keeping an eye on my system, playing it at BV and RW to see if there is a great variance.  Testing RNG live vs RNG online.

Its Set In Stone =)


Quote from: Twisteruk on Jul 21, 01:14 PM 2012

You know your right, don't you ?

All the times uve played with 1c and won and then up it to 5c and 10c and the odd 50c and then it goes Pear


You are right. In our Hearts we know it, like you say.

There will be those who say we are sore losers or the like but if the truth be told I don't mind losing on a Real Wheel because I know it was REAL !

Anyway, whoever is right it can't be proved. Period.

Spot on Twister!  I've won and lost plenty on Dublinbet and others but never had the feeling somethings not right.



Quote from: maestro on Jul 21, 02:09 PM 2012
sam if you wanna test something test it in real mode real money..there is not point test it in fun means nothing :thumbsup:

I say, Ol' Bean.......I play for real every day.  Just won 3 Euro playing Back-a-rat.

If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where dogs go.  ...Will Rogers


Quote from: amk on Jul 08, 07:07 PM 2012
I just wanted to test a new method I had on BV Fun Mode. I waited for my first trigger after several spins and placed my bet on the selected street #5 which includes numbers 13, 14, 15. It hit directly on street 5 number 13. I thought that is interesting. Then I removed my chips from the table. Then number 13 hit again. Interesting. Next spin number 13 again.

This is ofcourse randomly possible. The chances that it happens on the second time I test a method on BV is huge. Can I be so lucky? Second time I ever step to the BV Fun Mode table and 13 lands 3 times?

I just played the next spin. Number 10, connects to number 13 in street 4.

What are your opinions. Logic would say that this was just completely random. I had to be very lucky to have that happen or is BV encouraging me, which is also what logic says :)

The most that a single number repeats in 1 million spins is 4 times. Hitting number 10, a number connecting to number 13 in the next spin is the closest you can get to a number landing 4 times without actually hitting hit. There are actually two more numbers but they are just as close.

Is BV playtech?


QuoteIs BV playtech?

Nope, they roll their own
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Quote from: superman on Jul 21, 04:46 PM 2012

Nope, they roll their own

I wonder why. Many onlines use the Playtech tag as a way of "putting your mind at rest" so to speak.

Having said that....I exorcised 2 demons that haunted me.

I played playteck software rng for 2 hours by clicking numbers, but entering them into RX and bet selecting in RX. jesus....you would reall believe that they knew what bets I had made.

Things like betting on 22 for ages...then giving up on it. Next number out?...you guessed it, 22.

Now had I been playing real I would have been convinced the casino did it on purpose.

2nd demon....Blackjack. Me and my son sat in the garden on a sunny day with 2 decks and played BJ for 2 hours. some of the dirty dealing tricks the dealer made...like I had 20, my son (dealer) had 4. He deals 2,3,5,7. 21??
Now in a casino....I think thats bent.

It happened like that all day.


QuoteThings like betting on 22 for ages...then giving up on it. Next number out?...you guessed it, 22.

You would be alarmed by doing the same thing on RX (although, if there's no money at stake you WILL play differently) I have done many many many bot runs on Playtech (play mode & real money mode), BV ER (play mode & real money mode), BV NZ (play mode & real money mode) and internal random functions form major languages, C++, PHP, Basic and the good old windows clock, the same happenings happen on ALL of them, however, this may just be a mental imprint but, on some platforms things happen slowely, by that I think I mean, the AGAINST runs don't happen for a while then you get relaxed and sucked in, but other platforms can produce kill off against runs in rapid procession and then smooth out, and it happens in real money mode too.

As over time we have tried to spot the difference between RNG and human fed live wheels, NOBODY got enough correct 'guesses' for it to convince anyone there actually is a difference

Quote2nd demon....Blackjack. Me and my son sat in the garden on a sunny day with 2 decks and played BJ for 2 hours. some of the dirty dealing tricks the dealer made...like I had 20, my son (dealer) had 4. He deals 2,3,5,7. 21??
Now in a casino....I think that's bent.

Which proves you thought wrong, purely because you thought it could happen, but NOT while you were playing, things like that must have loooong odds of occuring but as 'luck' would have it, or not in your case, it happened AGAINST you, I too did a few tests with other family members with playing cards, 1 deck, no jokers, red card OR black card turned over from the shuffled deck would be the EC colours, we tried various bet methods FL, OL, play 1 colour until bust, etc etc, using marty at first, marty went sky high so we tried many other progressions flat bet +1 on a win if behind, labbys of various lengths, same length loosing runs as we are accustomed to in roulette, be it rng of real wheel, play or real money. We decided to use cards as coin flipping 'felt' a true 50/50 (there's only 2 possible sides to choose from) but a deck of cards is 26/26 has 26 cards FOR you where the coin only has 1, hope that makes sense LOL you start thinking the coins must be unbalanced but then see the bad runs come from both sides.

Other members have done similar things and noticed the same results.

Here's something to try on BV using the auto spin function, when you open the game its already set to 1000, place a 0.01c bet on any number hit auto and walk away, if that number doesnt hit within the 1000 spins you will lose 10 Euros we know that has never happened, 600ish is the figure we have seen, from my tests that gathered the 10300 real money spins I posted on the forum, I noticed the max any number hit within those 1000 spins was 44 which would mean you make 584 units flat betting, the l west I had was 12 hits, the numbers are not what I would call the same, I mean lets say 28 hit 42 times in the 1st 1000 spins, it may be amongst the big hitters during the next 1000 but then again may not, the same for the low hitters, it changes all the time, there's no pattern, so if a number hits only 12 times you would lose half of you staring 10 Euros, so then you would think, ok, I'll put 2 cents on the same number for the next 1000, until ahead, hoping that because it slept the last chunk it 'should' wake up soon, sometimes it does but again can't be relied upon, and by keeping notes of WLLWW (1 letter denotes 1000 spin chunks) it looks just like everything else in random, some WLWLWLLWWWWLWWLWWWLL then some that look like doz/col betting methods/systems random just produces layers and layers of the same $hit at different intervals.

As always these are my views/findings/opinions etc or just plane mumbo jumbo, YMMV be carefull out there.
There's only one way forward, follow random, don't fight with it!

Ignore a thread/topic that mentions 'stop loss', 'virtual loss' and also when a list is provided of a progression, mechanical does NOT work!


Superman...thanks...I appreciate your concise reply which i found a good read.

My worry is this. Where do we stop getting paranoid.
paranoid is mabe the wrong word, however, we do get like this.

If i play random gen Playteck Roulette on quick play (theres no point watching a generated rotating wheel) so I can pop numbers out quick and when get a bad feeling about how I am doing, I will blame Playteck if I loose.
i set out to play a game I have studied well and lost. lost due to some external force, not my lack of understanding of the game. Rubbish

im an expert on this psychology. I played studied and died a manic brain death over Chess for 30 years.
There is no bigger down feeling than being beat by a foe you were convinced you could beat.

So I go to play real wheel play online. What do I do when that beats my ideas?

"Its bent...there are magnets in the wheel drawing the ball away from my numbers."

I really believe that if we really understood what random numbers do and act like...we would actually laugh and applaude when they beat us. A bit like the following.......

Im thinking of the moment in Jurasic park when the guy who loves and admires velocoraptors from his life long study of them gets out witted by them. His last words are "you clever girl"



Just posting this because it is interesting.

I started this thread due to a number repeating 3 times the second time I test a method on BV Fun Mode within a few spins.

Now during the third session, I was just testing a method for 30 spins and number 1 repeats 3 times. My bet selection gave me the trigger to bet around this number.

Am I this lucky?


A number repeating three times a dealer see every day. Its common, and its not
1/37 * 1/37 * 1/37 likehood, its much less.  1/37 * 1/37 * 1/37 is the probability it comes
a specific number the three next spins. The next number is always certain to come, and its a fact when the ball lands, you know 100% its a number and which number, next spin its a likehood it will be a double always 1/37. If we see the two numbers back to back, the triple has the same likehood as any number. It is only useful to count the likehood before it happens, after it is 100%.

In my play yesterday I got 4  of number 3 in a row. I could benefit from that, only because I was hunting repeaters and bet on repeaters, otherwise it should not means a lot.

1 2 3, 4 4 4, 34 12 11 13 are likely rare, every triplet has the same likehood. I have never heard anybody say a game is rigged because  four prime show back to back.
The best way to fail, is not to try!


Hey Ralph,

I agree, just struck me as interesting. I have only spun a total of +-40 spins on BV Fun Mode and had two triple repeats.


Quote from: Twisteruk on Jul 21, 09:46 AM 2012
Nothing can be proven, ever. Its just a matter of perspective

I know I ALWAYS win at the start of a System BVNZ does not know. ALWAYS.

Then over time it learns, in my opinion, your Triggers and then sends you strings of numbers to break you

I can't prove it but it happens every time just like that. So I'm convinced

Also why limit the string of numbers by default to 10 ? And why limit the Max String of numbers to 60 and say not 6000 ??

in my opinion its because of their Checksum. They know as soon as those predetermined numbers are sent to you they can not change them due to the said Checksum. So it doesn't want to get into a long fight with you as it won't be able to adapt and beat you.

Like I say just my opinion.

As for getting the same results in play compared to Real, of course you will. Why wouldn't you ??
If it were so noticably different then the Cat would deffo be out the Bag !
It has to be the same, so the reaction is, "ah but fun play is the same"

I agree totally. 'was playing different methods with same conclusion....

