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4 Pairs

Started by donik7777, Jul 14, 10:54 PM 2012

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We have 4 pair combinations EC.
for example, take the high and low. This will be HH-LL-HL-LH
We are waiting for the arrival of complete combination and then use a 4 steps progression
- it will be 15 units

3 35  30 28  5 13 25 8
L  H - H  H - L L - H  L now we play against first pair LH
if lost against second pair HH

for 1600 spins never reached the 4 steps.

Please if  you have questions.



.... if we win the first L H we stop and start new ?

....if we loose the first L H then we make a progression on the H H ?!?

....when we are through the LH HH LL HL we use the last 4 outcomes as our new combinations ?

going to try it out these days



whats the progression?
"No Whining, just Winning"


Quote from: Tomla021 on Jul 15, 05:22 PM 2012
what's the progression?
4 steps martingale I guess



Quote from: rayhd63 on Jul 15, 03:52 PM 2012

.... if we win the first L H we stop and start new ?

....if we lose the first L H then we make a progression on the H H ?!?



I tested 3500 spins won 142 never lost risk 15 units


7777,  Let me see if I understand you.

You track until you get all 4 pairs in the last 8 spins or can you take any 4 pairs.
In other words, does it have to be HH LH LL HL or can it be HH HL HH LL?
Let's take HH LH LL HL.  Are you saying that there's an 8 step progression possible if you start betting 1 unit on the very 1st H and then 2 units on the 2nd H and if you lose 4 units on the L then 8 units on the H and then 16 units on the next L etc..?

How did I get to 2191 posts?
Talk about bloviating!
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


I think that the way to play it is to collect 4 outcomes of 2 EC's in a row. HH HL LL LH. Then when H hits bet L. If you lose then  you wait for H to hit again and bet H, if loss after L hits bet H and if loss the final step is to bet against 4th pair after the first outcome in it hits so after L hits you bet L. You bet against repetition 4 patterns of pairs of EC's  using 4 bets. You can use Marty or other progression.  It reminds me of EGO approach when he bets against any 3peat of patterns of 3 EC's always starting with the same EC.  So after HLL HHH HLH  you bet every time when H hits against triplets so here you go  HH LL HL. You retrack after each win.



Robeenhuut is right. It is the same thing in more simplistic terms.
Random Vs Random with a Lightning Conductor is the fancy name Ego calls it, because the bet selection is always changing.
It is the same as playing against a series of 8 (with or without zero mixed in).
The illusion of advantage comes from skipping and reducing bets.
The only thing i would like to had, and i played a lot in the last few years with this, is that you do not need to go all in in order to come ahead. I mean martingale is an agressive option that will balance itself once you place around 1000 bets.
Anyway it is a very fancy bet. =)


Quote from: GLC on Jul 15, 11:33 PM 2012
7777,  Let me see if I understand you.

You track until you get all 4 pairs in the last 8 spins or can you take any 4 pairs.
In other words, does it have to be HH LH LL HL or can it be HH HL HH LL?
Let's take HH LH LL HL.  Are you saying that there's an 8 step progression possible if you start betting 1 unit on the very 1st H and then 2 units on the 2nd H and if you lose 4 units on the L then 8 units on the H and then 16 units on the next L etc..?

How did I get to 2191 posts?
Talk about bloviating!

I track until i get 4 pairs in yhe last 8 spins.
It can be any combination.
I got to the 4th step, only one time (and I would not bet on Step 5)
Thanks GLC!
Can you give suggestions?
Best regards.


Quote from: donik7777 on Jul 16, 07:32 AM 2012

I track until i get 4 pairs in yhe last 8 spins.
It can be any combination.
I got to the 4th step, only one time (and I would not bet on Step 5)
Thanks GLC!
Can you give suggestions?
Best regards.

Is there a reason why you wait until you get 4 pairs when you only intend to bet on 2 pairs?

As far as a progression goes, with systems like this one where you are trying to catch a win within 4 bets, a martingale system is the only real feasible bet progression.  The reason?  It's the only way you can get a win no matter where in the 4 bets you win.

A dynamic martingale might be worth considering as a recovery method.  You could bet 1-2-4-8 and if you lose, you have lost 15 units.  Since you've only gotten to the 4th bet one time in your testing, you could break the 15 units into 8 & 7 and play 8-16-32 and 7-14-28 to recover the 15 units.  If you lose either one of these, you just take the loss. 

You have to balance the risk of losing 15 units on your basic 1-2-4-8 bet and then the possibility of losing 56 more units (8-16-32) for a total loss of 71 units vs only losing 15 and having to recover 1 unit at a time.  With the dynamic martingale recovery method you would have to lose 4 in a row and 3 in a row back to back.  Or lose 4 in a row, win 3 in a row and lose 3 in a row.

Or, if you lose 1-2-4-8 (-15) then win 8-16-32 you will be only -7 and then lose 7-14-28 you will be down -56.

That's a lot of words just to say that you can either recover a 15 unit loss 1 unit at a time or take a chance and try to recover in 2 wins instead of 15, realizing that you are shooting for 2 wins of 3 bets only.

There's always a trade-off between speed of recovery and risk.  Most will opt for recovering 1 unit at a time.  If you have the capital, the end result is probably the same but with less time invested.  And, unless your name is Ivica Boban who's living the life of Reilly on the beaches of the Adriatic sea, time is at a premium for us working blokes.
In my case it doesn't matter.  I'm both!


Almost hard to believe that it never went past 4steps,,,marty would be the only way then
"No Whining, just Winning"


Quote from: Tomla021 on Jul 16, 01:13 PM 2012
Almost hard to believe that it never went past 4steps,,,marty would be the only way then

Yeah Tomla it can go for  a while bringing you the dough. I remember that not long time ago i went crazy betting against some Ec pattern under bit of influence and won i don't remember the exact number but close to 20 straight decisions. S.h.i.t  happens also in a positive way.
Next day i lost it all   ;D


Thanks GLC!
Very nice suggestion 1-2-4-8 (8-16-32).
But i made 4000 spins never lost.
Only one problem need wait sometimes very long (2-5 trigger in 100 spins), but this much better then play consistently and recover deep lost.
Can somebody help for simulating in 1000 000 spins.

Thanks for help.
